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Everything posted by Yokozuna

  1. There was one instance near our behind post when he did it to JB. They have shown it on the replay and he clearly stood right next to JB and then the other player played on, the umpire did not call play on until after he had shepherded his teammate. Other than that he was always half a metre behind. I think it is pretty stupid that there is a 5m protected area everywhere except for where a player cant see, right behind himself. I know they can pay a free if there is excessive force, but if Obrien just stands there he gets away with the block. I am not one for more rule changes, as the umpires struggle enough as it is, but I am waiting for the time when a player shepherds the mark as someone plays on from an angle when going for goal. I dont think that is fair, but it is within the rules so we should use it.
  2. It is definitely the rest of the game, as Brad Green was stretchered off in Round 1 but came back on. I am pretty sure it is 20 min. However, on the topic of staging for frees, it happens all the time, on the topic of time wasting, it happens all the time, and on the topic of using a stretcher to waste time or slow down momentum, it has happened before. Both Thomas and Healy and HIrd all said it has been used before. If we are gong to fine people, so be it, but it wont stop it. There is no reason to stop it, as it has happened once now and we are talking about it, but has never been brought up. We dont need the AFL to overreact again and change rules all because of one incident. Knowing the AFL they will change the rule and bring in something stupid like the interchange rule they brought in last year because of 1 or 2 mistakes.
  3. Frwaley smashed Medhurst. He beat and then literally smashed him in a couple of tackles. I am really liking his attack on the ball. The beauty about Frawley is that they are setting him to be our main defender, by the amount of size he is putting on and the jobs he gets. I think in the long run he will play on the #1 forwards. Also like how he attacks the game, trying to run the lines and carry the ball out of defense. I know he made some handling errors last week, but they will improve with more confidence and experience from him and the team. That being said, I think our version of Presty, Warnock will be the one to eventually miss out, just my opinion though. He is just a good, honest defender who pretty much gives us nothing in an attacking sense. We all know Garland can play tall or small and so can MacDonald. I am not sure of the animosity towards him from some people, but I rate him. He shows experience and calmness back there, which we need amongst the young players. I would ratherhim down there than Bruce to be hnest as he is more reliable, is a better defender and I am not sure about Bruce's disposal/decision making. In terms of small defenders I hope we can develop people like Cheney, Bennell, Bail, Strauss to be flexible enought to play all over the ground and on specific match ups, such as the weekend gone.
  4. Nostradeemus, I understand your opinion, and you obviously want him dropped to teach him, but why are you getting so annoyed, if not angry when people are not agreeing with you? And Rhino, I was not saying that simply having pace is courage. I was saying that running, chasing, tackling etc. is all courage, especially when done when you are fatigued. Courage is not only going back with the flight. But we can argue all day about peoples different definitions of courage.
  5. Met Max's parents at the game. They were quietly sitting there, listening to my rubbishing of Collingwood and there supporters around me, and we started chatting. They were both very nice, not that tall but extremely happy with the club and all the players. Said how players all texted Max when he was drafted and how some came to visit him when he was drafted and how many of the young players visit each other and eat together and get along really well. Said he was back doing rehab and will be playing be in full training in 6-8 weeks. Said he could train more now but they are being precautionary.
  6. So I guess most people say he shirked the issue, and I tend to agree, but to say he needs to be punished and if he does not get punished it will set a bad example so lets drop him. Who is to say he has not been berated at 3/4 time! Who is to say he will not be shown the video and be told about! Who is to say his teammates gave him a bake on the ground! Who is to say they dont show it in a club video review! We dont know what will happen, but so many people jump on him and want retribution. I am certain something will be made of it, but if he is dropped (which I think would be a bad move) I would be very surprised. There are plenty of players who are a little scared, but courage is not always putting your head over the ball to be smashed or running back with the flight (although I wish all players did it all the time), courage is also seeing JB chasing players the full length of the ground in the final quarter, it is seeing JB try and chase and harrass 2 opponents in the final quarter. We are not all made to be Jonathon Browns! (and just wondering how many people play/have played football and have never "shirked" an issue, sadly I know I have!)
  7. I had to advocate rule changes, cos I know the umpires have enough on their plates which they already routinely get wrong, however this rule needs to be cleared up or changed. If you can stand behind someone, why not get someone to do that when you are having a shot from a sharp angle, and just block the man as soon as you play on! When that happens the umpries are at pains to tell players to get back 5 metres when having a set shot! I think it is unfair if you can do it around the ground, but not near the goals. Just make it simple and say 5 metres around the mark is a no go zone.
  8. Just wondering how many people have watched the replay of the game? People are saying Dunn did well and Bate was average. After seeing the replay they wereboth contributors, neither outstanding, but both did their bit. They both need to improve though. Either way, Bate is much better than Dunn, as he has shwon over their careers. He will lose a little weight and gain fitness over the next couple of rounds and then be back at his best to make a difference again. Dunn, I am not sold on , but if he can hold a position until Watts and Jurrah are ready, well I hope he does, and I hope he stays forward until then too.
  9. I dont think dropping him is the simple answer. People say droppng him will teach him. It may make him less confident, who knows. If we dropped people for their mistakes, poor decisions etc. we would have had nobody playing yesterday! What would be great is if there is a contest next week and he puts his head over it or goes back with courage. You just need one incident and it will all turn around. I do recall Cale Morton doing it in his first year, and then learning from it, and he learnt in the big league, not back in the VFL. I like how he played (for most of the game) yesterday. That being said I would also like to see Maric in too, but we cant play them all.
  10. For people calling for Frawley to be dropped, or getting into the defenders, just ask yourself this: What is a defenders #1 job? Attcking play from the backline is the second thing you do once you have beaten your man. Just ask Heath Shaw what his coach, the supporters and media think of his game yesterday?
  11. I know we have all mentioned Bennell shirked an issue, but as I stated on another post, he also took the mark in the squard diving back and almost taking out the goal post. Yes his other effort was poor, but lets hope he learns, he is only a skinny inexperienced player. Give him another 25 games and lets see. In terms of Bate, he is still unfit, but not as bad as you said Clint. I watched the replay after being at the game and he did a bit more than I thought. Give him to round 4/5 and he will be back to his best. And back on Bennell, it is funny how people bag him but find excuses for other players if they drop chest marks.
  12. It just shows that when people are allowed to voice their opinion, which we are all entitled too, well there are just some less than intelligent people on here. Yes Bennell shirked an issue, yes he chased hard, he tackled hard, he kicked a goal and set up another, he dove head first to mark the ball and almost hit the goal post, but lets focus on the one negative. He will be a good player, and if he turns out to be a poor mans McLeod, I would be bloody happy with that!
  13. Wasn't he part of our team yesterday? I could have sworn he was cos he kept giving it to us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. 6. Petterd 5. Jamar 4. Davey 3. Grimes 2. McKenzie 1. Bail
  15. I am not sure how many people did what I did, but I am a glutton for punishment, cos I went to the game and then came home and watched the replay on IQ. Having watched it, I find some comments ridiculous and some great, but we are all open to our opinions. Frawley will not be dropped. Killed Medhurst and ran out the ball well, made 1 bad mistake, but was very good and will continue to improve. Can play on talls and smalls, very valuable. At the ground I thought Bate was less than average, but having watched the replay he did more than I thought, he was not great, but did more than I thought. He needs more game time to get fit, and whoever asked how long we can use that excuse, well it takes 4-5 games to get match fitness, so I would say by round 5 he will be back to his best. IN regards to Bruce, I thought he gave away 3 goals through stupid decisions, ones which a first year player would get away with, but not him. Bennell shirked on issue, but also dove head first at the goal post to mark the ball. I am sure he will earn and I think he will be very good for us in the future, just give him time. SO IN: Sylvia, Rivers OUT: Bartram (unlucky), Newton It is great to think we have the choice of bringing others in but cant find space. Means you need to play well to keep your place.
  16. I loved it. They think Jolly will win them a flag, and that soft???? Fraser, he is one of the worst players going around. Jamar used and abused them, shoved them around like they were little kids. I only wish he kicked that goal when he danced around 2 players, I was right behind it, celebrating the great goal, and then he kicked it! Keep up the great work.
  17. Both teams should and could be upset with the umpriing. They were and always be inconsistent, it is all we ask. If they decide to pay crap like the Srauss one, well there would be 30 holding the balls a game. In terms of the crowd, I had a robust argument with some Collingwood supporters who were getting annoyed with my yelling. I tried to convince them that the crowd helps them get free kicks and also our lack of crowd does not help us (100% guarantee Shaw would have got a free if it was Green running away in the last 2 minutes). They did not understand my argument, but I guess it is hard trying to explain the basics to a bunch of morons. And how can Harry OBrien stand on the mark every time, they were given a distinct new rule change becuase of Collingwood, but they dont pay it. Maybe next time when someone is having a shot from an angle, we get someone to stand on the mark and shepherd them. Oh hang on you cant, the umpired will direct you to move 5 meters away. SO why the hell did they get away with it all game???????????????
  18. I dont think they were unfairly treated, but I do think the umpired have it tough when they have to follow the stupid rules they are told to follow. If they dont pay them, they are the ones who are dropped. There 3/4 holding the balls paid yesterday that I dont understand. Strauss for one, he had the ball for a couple of seconds, nobody touching him. He got tackled for 0.01 of a second, then he handpassed but was still given holding the ball, the commentators were also perplexed. Then other players get spun 360 and get away with it. Some players are allowed to do anything while others cant touch a player, unfortunately that is the way it goes. ALso, how did bloody Heath Shaw get away with his holding/dropping the ball against Green with 2 minutes to go, and Bennels holding the man when he was 40 out with 3 mins to go. Both blatant frees but the umpirse put the whistle away when the game is on the line.
  19. If we are looking at Dean Bailey's performance there are some things to note, on his coaching: *Some people think it was his fault the players were not fired up last week, may or may not be true, but this week they were. *His tactics of run and carry, handball to advantage etc. worked very well. There were some skill errors, and bad judgement on occassions, but generally it worked well. *The players kicked shorter to targets in the middle, not long bombs to contests. Many players did this, even some of our less intelligent players who love to bomb the ball. *He played 2 quick, defensive type forwards in Bail (who I was super impressed with depsite couple of skill errors) and Bennell (who I was impressed with despite one very dodgy effort) who pressured their defenders all day. *We attempted to play through Maxwell and Shaws men, making them accountable, and we know they are average defenders, but good 3rd man in players. *Our defensive matchups worked very well, Frawley smashed Medhurst, Grimes beat Didak, Bartram/Strauss did pretty well on Davis, Anthony was lucky for a couple of goals and Cloke was beaten by MacDonald (which may shut up the non believers for a while), although I dont rate Cloke. *His decision to not play Spencer was rewarded, and Jamar smashed them. *Our midfielders beat theirs in general play and clearances (dont have the stats to back me up) Overall his coaching was very impressive. We had the chance to win, just a few small errors or bad luck or non decisions by umpires, and it should have been ours, but in the case of his COACHING, Bailey was very impressive yesterday. Just hope we can win next week and then we are off. We wont have a break out year of 10 wins, but we need some wins and confidence.
  20. He started our run, and got plenty of clearances. What was a great improvement, bar 1 kick, was his use of the ball. He hit targets, and lowered his eyes instead ofjust pumping the ball long. In terms of his spot on the list, given that we have 3 elevated rookies now, it is up the club who they put back on the rookie list if the other player comes back to play. If all 3 listed players return, then all 3 rookie players need to go back to the rookie list. But I am sure there will be another injury or two (but I hope not) to assist with keeping Jordie on the list.
  21. He is very astute, but it really is nothing new. Many people on this website have said the same things. At least he did back his up with some facts/figures, unlike other so-called journalists who simply state the obvious and give nothing to substantiate their claims/opinions. In terms of him coaching, he could be a good coach, but he does no seem to want to, and you need to have the passion to want to do it. If he changes his mind, and coaches us in the future and is great, I would be more than happy. Right now, I would love it if he would go down and help the players with his football smarts (not sure if he does already).
  22. I also dont know why people keep bringing up our recruiting, and by using other clubs rookies/draft picks. Barlow played well, Moles did some things in pre season, the Hawks players were up against us. It has been 1 round. Seriously, if that is all it takes to questions our recruiting after 1 game, well I dont really know how to answer the issue. If those guys become very good players over the next couple of years, then you can argue the point, but to argue about it now is futile. On the fact we need to have more fight, I agree. And size does not matter (so bringing in Cheney for Bennell, well I am not sure), just look at Whelan when he played. That being said, we need players like Moloney, Jones, Frawley, Bate (the bigger built players) to throw their weight around. They dont need to throw punches or start brawls, but if someone is there to smash, well bloody smash them. We need all the smaller guys (which we have many) to simply put their heads over the ball and go hard at the ball and man, on every occassion. As I have stated in previous threads, it is quite sad that all we ask for as supporters is for the players to have a dip, put their body in and try. I would have thought that would be a given, but I am not an "elite AFL player" who needs to be reminded of the most simple things!!!!!!!!! Imagine you are in the club rooms pre game: *All right guys, noow I want you to try your hardest, for 4 quarters, *When it is your turn, make sure you go for it, *Help your teammates with voice and body protection, *If you make a mistake, try again and dont put your head down. NOW, the question is, Was that a pre game speech from Dean Bailey or the Under 10's team at the local footy club?
  23. Rivers injured his ribs last week. They said he was out with another type of injury, not sure why? Maybe to hide the injury from opposition teams when he returns. And in terms of no goal posts, it is a hassle, but really not the end of the world. We will not be at the Junction soon, and then who cares, and I am not sure how much goal kicking practice we will need for this week. Maybe we need the goal posts to practice how to defend from close to them and how to kick out.
  24. Yokozuna


    In terms of the Junction Oval, I dont think it was ever ours, it has always been shared with cricket clubs, so I am not sure if we would ever have been allowed to do anything there. I would hope they looked into it anyway. And Natanui over Kruezer I dont think so. Natanui can jump and goes hard at the ball but his skills are average at best. Kruezer on the other hand is an oversized midfielder, it is as if they have 5 mids when he is rucking. Just look at the play last night where he had 3 touches and ran the field to eventually get a free in the FP. How many ruckman have ever been ableto do that?
  25. "Champion" is an overused word in the AFL, especially by commentators and the media. I actually had a robust discussions at work as to whether Riewoldt is a champion or not? It was a split decision, 4-4. Just really depends on your description of a champion. We have not had many champion players of late, Neitz, Lyon ????? I hope and pray that the 2 of them will become champions, along with some other youngsters on our list, because 2 wont make us a great team. That being said, it obvious they both have what it takes, we just need more players around them to make it possible.
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