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damon the demon

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Everything posted by damon the demon

  1. Last year all the Geelong players made a pact to quit booze for the entire season... My folks went to a 21st party and Andrew Mackie was dating the birthday girl.. He drank orange juice all night. The entire team quit booze and they won the flag by a record margin. Screw the 1am curfew - if our blokes were serious they'd quit all booze until the GF party!
  2. yep i was there too. those two kids got us in the grand final.. ah memories.. when you look back at that team there isn't exactly a glut of stars.. something just worked. Farmer - Neitz - Powell - White - McDonald -Green - Woewodin were our best players.. I can't remember who else.. Schwarz? The big OX was more of a bulldozer than a footballer at that stage.. I can't remember WHO played in our backline..
  3. I dunno who from the MFC reads this blog. But if Bailey et al want to try something.. Imagine having these 2 in your forward line next week!
  4. What is the point of this 'leadership group' anyway? Why not one captain and a leadership group of 21 players every week?? This is kinda stupid and potentially damaging to the bloke dumped out of the team.. Why stop at 6 guys? Why not have seven and keep Green in the leadership group? he was our best stand-in captain when neita was injured last year - did anyone else see him take the team over in front of the cheersquad at 3 quarter time in an attempt to fire them up?? I can't remember who against now.. On the other hand, obviously DB has put Frosty and Yze in there to get more out of them on the field.. and if it works then great.. clever tactic really when you think about it. And if it doesn't work then what have we lost?
  5. I have always felt the answer to the whole struggling club merger / relocation problem is the introduction of new teams to the league. If we had a competition of 18 (or I think 20 is better) teams then Melbourne won't feel so much like we have too many clubs here and the league will also be more balanced. Also if the league is split in two it will increase the chances to play in finals and thus create more revenue for teams. Also we will get alot more games to watch and even watching other teams is better than nothing.. (like in summer - I am so bored without footy!!) So I say bring it on - 1 more in Sydney, Gold Coast, Tasmania and maybe one more in Perth??
  6. Totally agree with that statement. The 3 worst things about going to the footy are mid-strength beer, bad umpires and watching Brad Miller whenever he gets near the ball.
  7. umm.. he was clearly our best forward this year - what is with this robbo bashing??
  8. hahaha! kinda indisputable evidence that innit?
  9. fair enough we'll have to disagree on this one... IMO he is a quality player who has composure, safe hands and runs straight at the ball.. he used to be REALLY skinny so now he looks a but tougher ie i think the same size as chopper?...
  10. He was down on form and injured.. maybe he needs a better motivator than the last coach.. true his year has been bad, but don't you remember last year?? against so many teams, he WAS the difference - he is such an imposing presence on the field that he deserves leeway for being undiciplined or whatever... up and down is better than not having him at all!
  11. I don't post often but i do remember going on about how we should stick with Ferguson.. And he showed something tonight.. Now that he's put on some muscle he's gonna be a good player.. i reckon keep him on the list. What do u guys think?
  12. Byron Pickett scared the hell outta the dogs tonight... i reckon we need him in 08! there was a replay of the hawks in the 80s on fox tonight and byron reminds me of dipper.. so physically aggressive!
  13. NO way should we trade Moloney!!! but yes def get rid of miller.
  14. neitz is stressed because of the bad year we've had.. he did lots of good team things tonight, going downfield to set up chances... he'll be back when we start playing better football.... but i agree holland is much better as a forward. go coach!
  15. bruce would have killed it tonight.. he's a great player
  16. Sorry had to say it... we look a million bucks without these 3 in the team.. I really hope we trade these guys at season's end.....
  17. any word on davey's ankle? i read in the age he rolled it last night...
  18. miller at CHF for sure.. he played well in the finals.. dunn seemed a bit slow last year IMO
  19. Miller = Frosty Ward = The Express
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