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Adam The God

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Everything posted by Adam The God

  1. It reminded me of Adem Yze actually. Used to do that all the time in his heyday.
  2. Wellman. Garland used to be able to position himself a lot better. Now he panics and I don't entirely blame him, given the lack of support and the ease with which the ball comes in to his opponents.
  3. No, thanks. His teams have always faltered at the last hurdle. We need successful people.
  4. Personally, I don't think it's as simple as throwing in a Judd or Ablett, although they'd certainly help. It's about structures. We have absolutely none.
  5. Moloney, spell it correctly, was a down hill skier who was not a leader. Neeld was trying to teach him some semblance of discipline. Moloney wouldn't cop it. Off he goes. It's the way Neeld has treated the rest of the players and generally the place, rubbishing it in the media etc. that has left a lot to be desired. I agree that it will be tough to retain Watts and Frawley if Neeld remains at the helm come season's end.
  6. We might actually be able to do that, now that Patton has done his knee. One less tall target for GWS. I think we could play McDonald and Sellar as key backs, with Garland as the third tall. Give Chip a week on the sidelines.
  7. Perhaps, but as soon as Grimes handballed that off, he should have been looking to shepard. He had time and space too, but he didn't. Despite a number of skill errors and poor decisions, Grimes was good today, but he put Toumpas, a man playing practically his first game, under pressure.
  8. If this is true, Jamar would not offer enough around the ground to play second string. We can't sit him in the forwardline and expect him to kick goals. ND and DB tried that. It didn't work. He's done, yet we have to pay out his contract despite probably serving the last year or so at Casey.
  9. Davey's been good, but cannot hold his tackles anymore. I'd keep playing him, but only out of a lack of options. Davey will always be a superb kick too.
  10. Totally agree. Absolutely liability. The midfield is where it's won and lost. If we can't get first possession on the footy, it's all futile.
  11. They are responsible for the recruiting and development of those players.
  12. I'd say so. He doesn't wanna be there.
  13. I was impressed with Evans. Maybe it's just the number and the way he moves, but he reminds me a lot of Embley. He has the ability to find his own ball, is generally a nice kick and makes good decisions. Keep playing him off half back or the wing.
  14. I thought Sellar did his job down back, while Pederson tried hard, but was generally ineffectual.
  15. I agree, but who would you lay the blame with here? Has to be Neeld and Royal or merely Neeld. In other words, Neeld can't coach.
  16. Really? My god. Terlich looks lost out there and makes some horrible decisions. He was only playing his second game, but not great signs. Jones got a bit of the ball, but I still cannot wipe that image of him walking, unaccountable on the wing, while Jack Viney desperately chased two Eagles. Tapscott got a bit of the ball, but what the heck is with his overhead marking? For a bloke that has shoulders the size of tree trunks, it's all about confidence, technique and ability. I really want Tappy to succeed, but he has to offer more. Today was probably his best game in MFC colours and that's saying something.
  17. Admittedly some of his taps happened to go to MFC mids today, but I think our expectations are so low of Jamar these days that today's performance would still be deemed hopeless by every other AFL club.
  18. The argument to that would be: he's brought in players in the offseason and turned over our list (Moloney, Gysberts and Morton certainly needed to go), but none of them have proved they can play four quarters either. In fact, Rodan and Gilles were both dropped, while Byrnes and Pederson (albeit the latter had a slightly better game) are struggling too.
  19. No. It's not as simple as that. These young players will be ruined if sound structures are not put into place immediately. Our midfield set ups are deplorable. Our defensive zones are non-existent. It's everything to do with the coach if an entire team is going backwards or stagnating. It's not just one or two players. It's not even the case of a learning curve for some of these guys. Neeld is incapable of motivating his players and delivering the right messages. Surely the fact we didn't turn up in the first two rounds is some proof of this.
  20. We've actually gone backwards dramatically though. Yes, it was going to take some time to turn it around, but Essendon managed to do it in one pre season. He's gone altogether the opposite of Bailey and killed their attacking flair. Bailey was no good, but Neeld has played his hand horribly. The arrogance with which Neeld came into the club, blaming it all on Bailey (a guy that a lot of the players seemed to like) was not smart. What is so bewildering is that this guy was a teacher. An educator. How is it that he's completely incapable of communicating? It defies logic.
  21. Craig will be instated as interim coach if we lose by more than 5 goals to GWS. I believe he should go if we lose at all, but I think the club will play it conservatively. That's the MFC way. I'll certainly be rallying for his sacking at that point. I probably already am. If we weren't three games in, I think you'd have found him sacked after last week's effort. We leak goals at an alarmingly level. I think it's goodbye Neeld.
  22. Third in agreeanace. Very surprising. Consistency is his problem though. MUST continue it.
  23. I think we're suffering. Neeld himself is inexperienced. Our last four coaches have been untried senior coaches. No wonder we struggle.
  24. I agree to an extent T_U. I remember one stoppage in particular, where we had our entire midfield on the one side of the pack. We had no cover goal side. Shuey's thirteen for West Coast isn't he? Anyway, 13 waltzed into the space left free, receiving a handball from an Eagles midfielder. He then kicked it down the throat of an Eagles forward. Not one player was goalside. Not one. That's an indictment for me on Royal and Neeld. How can something so basically not be drilled into the midfield group?
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