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Adam The God

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Everything posted by Adam The God

  1. We're in a great position, because if we do go to the draft with the picks, I have faith in this recruiting regime to get it right. While the new FD will provide an environment that will nurture and develop new recruits.
  2. That's because people don't think. They just let their emotions lead their decision making. If you do that in business, you're [censored].
  3. Surely a 4th rounder would do for Frost? He came off the rookie list and although we want him, his price shouldn't be too high.
  4. Not sure if anyone's seen it, but the show that inspired me to become a filmmaker is returning in 2016, Twin Peaks. So excited. Not a film, but a DVD boxset.
  5. I think by the end of Roos' final trade period, our team will just about be totally unrecognisable from the team he inherited. I expect us to gain 4 or so ready-to-go types this off season and the same again next off season. That will mean he'll have added almost a full 18 to play for him in his final season in charge. Given Roos' record with trading and drafting, I'm quietly hopeful of an exciting 2016. I'm hopeful we'll win 8 or so next season, but that may depend on whether or not we can land a big fish this trade period.
  6. Hope you're right, mate. I think there'll always be those blokes who are followers rather than leaders. They key, I guess, is having more of the latter types. I agree with you RE: Watts. But if it clicks for him, I think he's a confident enough kid that that'll enable him to take on some leadership responsibility.
  7. Agreed. PJ's "priority pick" application.
  8. Yeah, could very easily be a smokescreen for someone else.
  9. Go on, M...? How so? Not having a go, just interested in your line of thinking here.
  10. I'm hoping for a raid on GWS and/or GCS.
  11. I think it's pretty clear Watts is one of those who is scarred.
  12. I mentioned last year we should have floated him for a trade. Who knows, maybe we did? I think it's possible he has less trade value now, but I'd be looking for a player trade here. I don't want a young recruit in exchange for a bloke we've put 78 games into. It doesn't really help us at this stage, particularly for what we'd get for him.
  13. Let's hope he doesn't have to make that decision, DD.
  14. It also makes Trenners' commitment to us last contract more significant. He wasn't entering free agency, but he could easily have walked and instead he stayed with the club. That's why I continue to support him and hope he'll come good again.
  15. I understand the hysteria surrounding the potential of Jones leaving, but the club is bigger than any one individual. If Jones were to sign with Collingwood today, the MFC would still be here tomorrow. I will support blokes who want to play for our club, for my club. I couldn't give a toss about those who don't.
  16. I wouldn't call that bizarre, mate, I'd call it logical.
  17. I think all supporters tend to overrate their players, no matter their team. Some Demonlanders may well have based these opinions on hope too.
  18. I'm no expert/recruiter, but I've watched enough footy over my 27 years to suggest that he was simply a poor pick. Not once did he hint that there might be something there to work with. In fact, his one supposed weapon looked mediocre at league level.
  19. I can see where you're coming from jezhug, but why, if he was in pretty good form in the last half of the year, did he not get a game? I don't think there's much chance we'll offer him a rookie spot, given we didn't even offer him games, when he was on the senior list and apparently playing well at Casey. I just don't see it.
  20. I was intrigued to see him as well, ADC. Even Blease got a run, but it obviously says Roos doesn't rate him/he didn't/couldn't improve his defensive game enough.
  21. To be honest, I've seen worse proposed trades. Not sure Jones is worth any better than a third rounder, but if you throw in the other two, it's getting pretty close.
  22. I would have thought we might have looked at rookieing him, but given he couldn't get a place at all in 2014, I think that signals Roos' intentions pretty clearly.
  23. One of the weakest one on one defenders I can recall at Melbourne. Some of his kicking was alright, but certainly never looked elite. A bad pick by BP, so what's new?
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