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Adam The God

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Everything posted by Adam The God

  1. @Fifty-5 has shown that many teams have had multiple list changes and that 8 is actually closer to the average. West Coast is merely an example of many list changes failing to prevent success. What are you looking for? Are you simply looking to criticise the FD? The stats cited provide enough evidence to suggest 11 list changes are not destabilising. That's no excuse for not showing improvement next year, unless you're looking for an excuse, @Sadler?
  2. Eh?
  3. Each to their own, mate. It's just my opinion. Hope you enjoy season 2019 either way. : )
  4. Fortunately, we won't get to see TMac butcher the ball at CHB, because there's absolutely no way TMac will play back again. And Hogan will go. Nothing surer. So your team with TMac replacing Hogan and Frost/OMac playing CHB is getting better.
  5. Sounds like (yes, on the surface) Strauss...
  6. Yeah, but the two aren't mutually exclusive. In my view, the club is driving this because Hogan has refused to extend past next year. I wouldn't be surprised if we'd all initially put off contract talks until the year of the season. Once we lost to WC over in Perth, our list management team sat down with Hogan and his reps, and asked him whether he'd extend. When he refused, we encouraged him to explore his options.
  7. Yep. Clear to me too we're driving this. I expect Freo are posturing RE: Neale being worth more than a first rounder to placate their supporters when they have to give up two first rounders up for Hogan. Still, bizarre tactics from Freo given they in turn undermine their own negotiations over Jesse's worth. Unless, of course, a deal has already been struck between us and then it becomes merely an attempt to save face with their restless supporter base.
  8. Hahaha, the guy is a deadset muppet. How stupid can you be?
  9. Nah, I just thought he was a turnover merchant. I was completely wrong. What a move by the FD and Goody. I'll back them in again here.
  10. I love those leaps you make, Wolfy. Who said it was a surefire to success?
  11. He's been waiting for this moment for how many years? Wouldn't want to be washing his pants tonight.
  12. I've never said it's that simple. But I have said games are won in the midfield more often than not.
  13. Because West Coast's midfield is a lot more consistent than ours...
  14. That's West Coast, who did not lead the competition for inside 50s and clearances.
  15. Who can remember who West Coast's key forwards were in their 2006 premiership year? It's still won in the midfield. Who won the North Smith medal this year? Kennedy or Shuey?
  16. I'd argue outside pace is one area you could get us. That's why I'd go hard with that remaining pick and our own future first rounder for a gun mid with toe.
  17. I'd forgotten he was their list manager. That might explain why GCS don't rate KK...
  18. That'll go down well with Tom...
  19. Yeah, see, I don't think North are a destination club just because they're paying way above the market value to attract players. That's not how I'd define 'destination club'.
  20. Because as I say, having lots of money to throw around usually means you don't have the stars, otherwise you're paying those stars. North and Carlton are both outside the 8 and are purely attracting players with cash. The problem/danger of this is that you put your list structure/payment structures out of whack and it hurts you big time down the line.
  21. I'm pretty sure PD wasn't insinuating we'd hold onto the future first rounder in that situation. More that this would give us another asset to bring in a ready-made player now.
  22. Interesting. I wonder if they've agreed to re-rookie him or whether we've identified another player to fill this role.
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