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Adam The God

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Everything posted by Adam The God

  1. As most of us said at the time...
  2. Spoke too soon mate. Carlton just wasted everyone's time there.
  3. I think he was at Fitzroy, then Melbourne, then North and then Brisbane.
  4. I would assume we're now going to give 2 late first rounders for 1 top 10 pick...
  5. Let's hope so.
  6. I've shown quite good restrain in the last two hours. I've very much felt like having some funnies and creating a thread titled Welcome to Melbourne Zach Merrett, but AF's kept himself in line. Good boy.
  7. We shouldn't ever hear this again. I'm sure we will, but it's simply not true.
  8. How good does the MFC polo look? Impressive young man is Ben. Look forward to watching him run around in the red and blue.
  9. I don't think we need any more evidence that Tom shouldn't be seen within 50 metres of the backline, so hopefully he finds a new home this afternoon.
  10. [censored] Josh Mahoney! We've been bent over again! Why didn't this deal get done three weeks ago?
  11. I'd pay $600k a year for Treloar. What a bloody bargain.
  12. Yep, changes like the wind. And reckon who he supports definitely has a say in this.
  13. I think Strategy and Analysis would go hand in hand in these tighter soft cap times.
  14. This kid is a no brainer. Nothing is ever guaranteed in the drafting process, but he has what we lack and could be the perfect partner to Oliver and Petracca.
  15. Here are the ABS Labour Stats until the end of September, before Victorian lockdown ended. Still way too high across the board, but the state by state unemployment rate is illuminating. ACT 3.8%, NT 4.8%, Victoria 6.7%, WA 6.7%, SA 7.1%, NSW 7.2%, TAS 7.6% and QLD 7.7%. https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/labour/employment-and-unemployment/labour-force-australia/latest-release#:~:text=Back to top-,Key statistics,Participation rate decreased to 64.8%.
  16. You'd think they'd release a couple earlier just to keep some interest up, but you're right. They did the same thing the last two years. Almost farcically so.
  17. The Minsky double-century. We don't have to rely on foreigners to service our debts. We can sell domestically. Our external account has been in deficit since the mid 1970s. We're not concerned with a surplus on that account. The LNP Gutwein Government are looking at exporting renewable hydrogen. I'd suggest surplus renewable energy might become a major export. The two major parties at Fed level are so wedged on climate action that the community and consumers are screaming for renewable investment that will bring cheaper energy prices. Such a no brainer. So what does the SA LNP Government do yesterday? It places a tax on EV. Mindboggling. We could be a powerhouse in renewable energy, science and tech, but the two major parties are too conservative to move with the times. But as you say, the credit boom is going to end in tears very soon.
  18. Alan Kohler's ABC Finance segment last night said the Vic economy had already caught up with NSW. A lot of this is credit driven, but so is the wider economy.
  19. If it takes two second rounders to land Brown, who cares. We get an immediate best 22 player and I'd argue a better player than Cameron. The other thing about Brown is he's incredibly difficult to match up, because like Jackson, his reach is enormous. The King brothers and Daniher are similar threats for this reason. Brown improves us significantly.
  20. I'm still not changing my stance on ruckmen, but I don't recall ever saying we wouldn't get a second rounder for him. This seemed very likely as soon as he requested the trade. Given our leverage in the situation, we needed to get something in the vicinity of a second rounder. I don't particularly rate Preuss as a player, but he'll be able to fill a need for GWS. We've hopefully now got the currency to land Brown and wriggle ourselves back into the first round of this year's draft.
  21. I find it unbelievable that Phillips is on $600k. It must be an overestimate, because they can't be paying wingers $600k when they're paying Grundy, De Goey, Treloar, Elliot etc. It's really no wonder that they're trying to squeeze 3 guys out in the one off season just to re-sign De Goey. Their list and contract management has clearly been an utter disaster.
  22. Most held off having a swing until the deal was invariably done. Preuss was always going to land a second rounder. Two years left on his contract and a commodity like a ruckman (yes, I know, I don't rate them, but clearly other clubs do) and it was always likely he'd be able to fill a #1 ruck spot. Well done, MFC though. ;)
  23. Haha, like clockwork every year. Two weeks before trade period: "Mahoney's [censored]. WTF is he doing? Why haven't we landed the player we need already?! Melbourne being bent over again!" First week of trade period: crickets... Final few days and hours: "Well done, Mahoney. Well done, MFC."
  24. That has very little to do with the state's balance sheet though...
  25. That's true. He'd be a good signing for us, not St Kilda.
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