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Everything posted by DV8

  1. I reckon he'll overcome those issues. gut feel bm
  2. HaHa... I've got more years left than that, and you... me ol mate.
  3. http://demonland.com/forums/topic/45248-picks-26-31-formerly-23-28/?do=findComment&comment=1655877
  4. its time for another 'TMc'...
  5. we're close to having enough insiders maybe one more, but now some speed... IMV.
  6. They've been laying in the long grass... I think you've been underestimating them. 2020 they will surge.
  7. We've been coming from further down than they were, Re our historical culture issues (near enough). I grew up in a bluebagger dominated household. I couldn't stand it. Same as Saints, my suburb was Saints dominated, when I was at school. Sick of it, and our Cosy, near enough, small thinking attitudes, from the top... our admins of the past 50 Yrs did not want 'IT'... anywhere near enough, to combat the lustful clubs. Which became the power club. They just did what it took to get it done.
  8. They'll grow to be stronger than us, in a couple of years. We, have to pull some more talent this year.
  9. Has to be a goer, with a name like that. and with some speed.
  10. I've just been reading up on your list here. and I've landed on some I like the sound of. Will Hamill - https://www.afldraftcentral.com.au/player/william-hamill/ have to nab this boy, hes under one of our lads @ stingrays. let not miss him. Tom Sparrow - https://www.afldraftcentral.com.au/player/tom-sparrow/ I want this guy in red & blue. I want him on our side. Tom Mckenzie - https://www.afldraftcentral.com.au/player/tom-mckenzie/ has the speed and run we want. Jack Bytel - https://www.afldraftcentral.com.au/player/jack-bytel/ Jez McLennan - https://www.afldraftcentral.com.au/player/jez-mclennan/ Fraser Turner - https://www.afldraftcentral.com.au/player/fraser-turner/arrow/
  11. Is this Tom in the middle,,, the appearance reminds me of Toddy. TV. ... any relation, lets nab 'im. . Here is a write up on Mr Sparrow's attributes. sounds very Toddish. pace, endurance, burst away speed, tenacious, fearless. https://www.afldraftcentral.com.au/player/tom-sparrow/
  12. couldn't be... another 'TMac' , could it ? ?
  13. ... so doe's Bbo's maid,,, apparently. I'll bet he being honed down right now, by that cantankerous grinder.
  14. Gosch's is already flat land, which will not need excavating the training field... only excavations required for basement parking. Building on this parkland which is minimal size, & value to the amenity of the area. The Building adds public value in that it gives cover to the tram stops, which helps in the heat of summer and the cold and rain of winter. Yarra Park, I believe, would need excavations to level the site for the training fields... and more expense involved in spanning above the Jolimont Rail-lines, for construction. Also is not a high profile site.
  15. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$_AFL_
  16. We don't get to pick tonight !!! WTF*@# Why did I bother waiting for this, and tuning in. pisssed off.
  17. Don't grind them too close Beebo, we might want them down the track.
  18. The Crows and Blues have an ugly little lovebird trist going on, ever since Betts and Gibbs days.
  19. I had the draft radio on... and turned it off & the telly back on. boring as... batshyte. Any picks of the tinea, Bbo. it would be more interesting than this draft, so far.
  20. This greens-pace on the corner shown here, would be nowhere near us. We would be 100+ Mtrs up the road, to the next tram stop. I'll try and do a screen capture. A better one, of the site I'm talking about. [ the green-space abutting up to the Clay Tennis Courts ]. - - - - - - - - - - this is the site here, pictured above. ... so build over the tramlines up to the Clay Courts on the west of Picture. and across the lawn area across to the Railway pedestrain tunnel servicing the West end of the station. And building over 'Olympic Boulevard' spanning the tram lines and across the nature strip, past the trees, and just slightly overhanging 'Gosch's Paddock'... with stairs down into our Medical/Training facility block on ground level Gosch's. The decking over 'Olympic Boulevard' would include an outdoor viewing deck, serviced by kiosk/cafe... with viewing area and some tables chairs for Tea/Coffee Fingerfood etc. Demon-shop inside, which could also double selling the food and drinks to this deck level. Above this level could be a Glazed in area Re Lounge, with licensed Bar and Tables & Chairs, Seated Dining, for our smaller events, etc. This is how I see it... my hope for it. . This Picture below, shows the land for the building above 'Olympic Boulevard''. And shows the section of 'Gosch's Paddock', where our Oval should be located... with same Size, Shape and Orientation, as the McG. Sorry I can't crop the picture, to better suit the size of the building block
  21. I hope those runners obey the new rules, and only enter into the fray, when play has stopped.!
  22. Nice Prep Jock... you love this club.
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