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Everything posted by DV8

  1. I was imagining trying to get the Large Building block, away from the street frontages as much as possible, for Local amenity reasons. Is there a chance you could give it another go... with the buildings around the Southern side of your original concept Image, but say move the Oval 25 Mtrs toward Punt Rd.? Don't change your orientation of the Oval, as it's almost the same as the Mcg. This would mean a Building block South-West of the Oval, around the Full-Back to Back-Pocket area of your Image... and also Built 'above' the AAMI Park car-park... & joined together with a 2nd building block, around the Southern Wing of your Image.? What do you think, Ding ? .
  2. This is a tiny bit different, to how I originally understood it, from years ago. (perceptions)... I imagined it was a born irregularity, but maybe part right, in that it could be hereditary, as in a propensity to develop the issue, later in life as an adult.? I imagined being born with a little spur on the Femoral head ball.
  3. They are... All these directors/dheads, think they can just pull all the rules, and change everything... since 2000, they've gone Feral. Instead of undoing newish laws that have created problems, they continue to make even more new rules to fix the lousy rules they put in place. Just reduce the interchange bench, you Commision morons. Commission is right. ... they must be on some sort of "commission", for implementing new rules.
  4. It takes a certain arrogance to treat the plebs, (us) with such contempt, lies... and mostly this is bred into them from an early age. including schooling. no not public schooling. This, v v v taught attitude, IS the problem... because its anti-communal in its ideals. its not about sharing and caring... its all about self. "Winning isn't everything; it's the only thing"
  5. I think it might be something like this ??? ?????? femoroacetabular impingement ????? .
  6. No, I'm not... I'm putting No blame, on either player. One of the players had no awareness, so was not as diligent as I would expect, from an AFL footballer. I think you should check the Vid again... I am sure Rohans head did not turn to... or away from Durdin's. No case to answer, imv... Simply an accident. it happens. No one to blame, but plenty to learn from. As we all do.
  7. 16 on the field, 'DS' ??? Meaning we go into the games, with a team of 20 players.? WHY ? Surely its better to have only 2, or 3... on the bench, rather than reducing the players to 16 on-field.?
  8. He was aware, 'ht'. He ran to be in front of Rohan, coming from the side. They met side on, and Rohan had no awareness at all . Fixated on the North player with the ball. Durdin made no effort to get him high. No intent at all What, is Durdin supposed to sit back and let Rohan do as he wants. I don't think so. Accidents, are going to happen frequently in this game. .............................. Durdin possibly could have set himself to receive from the ball carrier... But I don't think he did anything wrong at all. Rohan has to be more aware, generally than that. On a footy field.
  9. All thanks to Gill, and his muppets. How do these Ex-Private school Elitist leaders... get so far up themselves. To think they can just pull all these crapp decisions in front of our eyes, knowing we all will just cop it.?
  10. A lot of players have a hereditary issue with the ball of the femur... a sort of hook on the ball, which bites its way into the cartilage, causing damage. I'm assuming this might be the cause. They smooth it off, and maybe the cartilage needs smoothing out as well.
  11. Probably nerves, in his first game... then he was out.
  12. I like the 6-6-6... there is more space and wingers can run occasionally. I don't care about high scores... i want to see ball transition and spontaneous footy. Not some sort of chess game.
  13. Just imagine if its a busted Navicular Bone again.?
  14. A hyper-extension of the foot as a minimum... sprained... and serious injury for a footballer, surely. And then to find out its actually a broken bone in the mid-foot... even worse. There had to be someone else on the bench, who could run better than him.
  15. I was thinking exactly the very same words, 'DubD'. When Rohan ran straight into Durdin. They met together, yes Durdin new where Rohan was but he was going in to block. They collided. Durdin was not running at Rohan... but a line that put him in front of Rohan. Rohan surely has to be more aware, than that.? And Christian drops his dacks for Gill, so Gaz gets off again.
  16. That's funny... I heard Michael Christian's voice, but I saw Gills arm right up Michael's trouser leg... And sounded like Gill's phrasing, to me.
  17. Well thats Gaz. The AFL helped him get back to the Cattery, just as they helped him get to QLD, a$ a Millionaire. ... and they are still helping him every step. Well AFL howz about a little help with us Dees, finding another home Base and facilities ?... within Melbourne, that is Gill.
  18. Ah, Ding... I love your work there... any chance you could push that building toward Olympic Boulevarde ? I'm imagining a building with a tallish single story portico type entrance onto Olympic Boulevarde, and as it gets further from the intersection, the building would jump up to being a 2 or a 3 story complex. with basement car-park... and some under-building car-parking and delivery area adjacent to the Sth-Eastern HFF area.? The front Portico section could house a shopfront, selling merchandise, a cafe, and ticket sales area. This could be open to public and captcha patrons going to Footy, Rugby, and Tennis... a 7 day a week enterprise.? The section abutting the oval could have 1st Flr viewing area of the Oval, from which to watch training, and enjoy nice coffee, and also maybe occasional AFLW games.? Alternately... another plan could be to build the complex behind the Sth-West Boundary of the Oval... over and above that car-park, and open ground ? ... In which case, the Oval could push 25Mtrs to the East, and 10Mtrs further Sth... allowing more room between Olympic Boulevarde and the Oval.? Which would allow more building room along the Western-end boundary, which itself could open onto Olympic Boulevarde ? ... or even have both Buildings. ???? ?
  19. https://www.google.com/maps/place/98+Queens+Ave,+Caulfield+East+VIC+3145/@-37.8786242,145.0425761,1246m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x6ad6698b43b8580d:0x5c327d382e942b5a!8m2!3d-37.8786285!4d145.0447648 Either side of Queens Ave Caulfield. Build over and above Queens avenue, for the offices and Gym, etc. And access to and Fro the Caulfield Station. 2 Ovals on this Caulfield area.
  20. He wouldn't keep up with him... But when the ball was called back, he should already have been up and moving forward of they're play, getting numbers ahead of they're ball. i think he''s so used to being covered for. He needs to start thinking for himself of the game situation... rather than just his immediate opponent. He's old enough now, to be taking responsibility within the team.
  21. https://www.google.com/maps/@-37.8791726,145.0480998,3a,75y,265.2h,89.93t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sK6Ebir-NGmEDgUQZiwnpvg!2e0!6s%2F%2Fgeo0.ggpht.com%2Fcbk%3Fpanoid%3DK6Ebir-NGmEDgUQZiwnpvg%26output%3Dthumbnail%26cb_client%3Dsearch.TACTILE.gps%26thumb%3D2%26w%3D96%26h%3D64%26yaw%3D323.80222%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i13312!8i6656
  22. Ding, did you do this modification on this Image ?
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