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Everything posted by DV8

  1. I think Harmes has improved more than Gus's highs. Gus's first year was very good. He's just above that level he set, now. IMO, Harmes is streets ahead, of his former best.
  2. ooh, hang on... B+. he's not there Yet. more to give.
  3. dropped twice,,, back for what, one game, before dropped again ? finished... apparently doesn't have the trust of the selection committee. I can understand that. We aren't a welfare club. We're trying to get up off the floor. IF he doesn't want to help us do that, then there's the door. I think he's had his chances, and burnt them.
  4. Yes, but we're missing the live game, for that. replays and shyte.
  5. That's what I'm getting at. So many of our players need to work smarter. But for me, I think tracca needs to work much harder, and cover more kilometers, as a mid. And I want to see him sprinting... not just a burst here or there. We tend to go too easy on some of our higher draft picks whilst we idolise them. And some are given games prematurely, when they hadn't earned games. I think tracca falls into this category a little. So I think his work-rate is a bit iffy. He's too heavy.
  6. I will never give Murdoch a single cent,,, nor Harvey's Normal.
  7. Don't show they're replays then, really simple. I'm sick of hearing all the special commentators talking shyte. Whilst the game goes on without commentary.
  8. We miss out on the prep for the ruck duels. Stuff the replays after the adds. They're degrading the game and the ruck contests. (putting the live game in a tiny box in the corner of the screen,,, as the bounce happens). shithouse.
  9. Is that why Tyson played forward for a stint? Hadn't thought that far ahead. They wanted to see what he looked like forward, when Vines is back in.? I think now we are guaranteed a finals berth, I would rest Spargo. 2 weeks off from AFL. A week off from footy, then a game with Casey, during the bye week.
  10. He, Does not work hard enough. When was the last time we saw him sprint to a loose ball, wide near the boundary ? like Hannan today? He's lurking still around the contest, like a sniping fish, waiting to pick off an easy feed. I want to see him work hard put real run into has game. He uses the ball much the same way, not wanting to sprint for any apparent reason. Kicks off a step, or 2 steps... just potshots. Doesn't work to get himself into killer positions with the footy__ He doesn't seem to like using his legs to push his frame around the ground, at speed. I think he's a lazy footballer. And he gets slow in the mind as well at times, during matches.
  11. It annoys me that Chanel 7 ignores the restart of play at the centre bounce. After a goal is scored, an add break... and then all they want to do is show bloody replays... and talk shyte, while the game has moved on. Not showing respect to the game itself.... but only the highlights, of they're choice. Stop this Craap C-7__ and show our midfielders and rucks doing the centre bounce setups, and then the Bounce/Ruckwork. Anyone would think CH-7 do not like Ruckmen, and midfielders, and the bounce itself. comments anyone? .
  12. No, he's getting to contests other won't. He will improve, as we get better.
  13. ah. of course... Spargo But will we. He's a little terrier... our youngest player.
  14. Nope... past all that, years ago. All burnt out inside. Just a nice sense of relief, and real-axation, is I March toward the Finals in my mind, with the club. Dare !!!!!!, 'to dream' ! .
  15. Lets all hope, 'jimmy' Hannan can go to another level next season, as well. Because, he has 'more levels', in him.
  16. of course. Only if Jesse wants to, 'go west young man'. .
  17. Maybe Vince could be picked up as a rookie; to help lead down at Casey. His onfield leadership could be very handy to or younger guys. Our young players have to continue to learn the feeling of winning,,,,,,, 'often'. Then, if needed, we could call on him?
  18. * For jKelly. * .... plus an early pick, For Shiel and Whitfield. *has anyone mentioned Lachie Neale yet ?
  19. Spot-On ptrcatck. The past couple of months, he has gone up another level, plus. In the same time-frame, 'de skipper' has gone off. Time for a change, Jones'y.
  20. He looked bigger when going for contests today. I think this is his self belief growing. Un-confident players appear smaller than they are. Confidence, makes more than nostrils flare out. .
  21. his kicking for goal is fine, just nerves today.
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