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Posts posted by montasaurus

  1. Great effort so far. There should be a huge advertisement in THE AGE every day or weekend!

    Great Idea and have it so it changes like the membership level on the MFC website. Make the new members feel like they are making a daily/weekly difference.

    building momentum towards 2009

  2. Dappa dan,

    I'm glad you put this all down. I can't agree any more that we don't need to copy we need to build and my view is you need to kick goals to win games not rely on stopping them. From my basic knowledge of the game of the last 50 yrs the most success sides have always been those with KPP who preform up forward or in the middle. So what has changed??

    The Nat draft is a good start for us with speed and skill but we need to finish it otherwise we will just become the next doggies side (great potential but I doubt will ever play off in a GF due to their lack of forward scoring ability). Watts will need help, Miller is great but is a hard working grunt. Where's the tall with the x factor that can kick 6-8 if watts is having a bad day or triple teamed like lyon had to put up with in the late 90's. Wish list is 3 med-tall players who can kick bags (Assume robbo is not in this list), 2 small forwards that have both goal scoring and defensive pressure (Davey is Midfield) and 1 power tall (Johnson is a ruckman and pls not Jamar). I think the 1st two have been reasonable well addressed in the draft leaving the power forward. Unfortunately newton has not come on. Thus for PSD KPF is a must

  3. When you have Enright, Ling, Bartel, Ablett, Corey, Chapman, Kelly and Selwood (i.e, best midfield in the league), your forward line can do anthing due to your midfield being fantastic at the hard-ball gets from stoppages and the inside-50's.

    Once again playing to you strengths.

    Where did they finish again?? No prizes for 2nd.

    Footy has just had a sml period without dominat talls.

    This will change in the next few years - especially if the AFL target tagging like they are about to so silky finishers hitting power fowards in shoot outs.

    Something to look forward to away from the scrappy rubbish we have all had to put up with for the last 5 yrs.

  4. Whelan Garland Warnock

    Petterd (Grimes) Rivers Bruce

    Buckley Jones Morton

    I like that as well, question is... who is playing on ball..

    RR Mclean © R Jones int: Buckley, Maloney, Jnr

    C Morton Bruce Grimes

    HB Pettard Rivers Green

    FB Wheel. Garland Warnok

  5. I'm interested to see what others think...

    The other post re forward line is great, but really the side starts in the defensive half on paper.

    (This is not for rd 1, this is the ideal for next year)

    C Morton Bruce Grimes

    HB Pettard Rivers Green

    FB Wheel. Garland Warnok

    Martin I have to Go Forward or reserve back.

    Bruce has to stand up in 09 so Throw him in the Guts!

    I wasn't wanting to debate where Rivers, Garland, Warnok start as each week they get jobs not positions, so just stating that they are the best starting 3 to play tall. Definately Garland as the General at FB and Rivers and Warnok to slot in around him.

    Be Gentle! :o

  6. IMO we need clearance players more than we need yet another speculative tall to clog up the list, and the club clearly agrees given they passed on quite a few talls on draft day.

    We have plenty of talls in development, but only one quality inside-mid in McLean. Additionally, the likelihood of finding a decent tall in the PSD are slim, but there could be a ball winning machine hiding in there just waiting for a chance.

    Well if its an inside mid we need then cousins is the answer, but i'm not going to [censored] that horse again!!!

    (Mclean, Maloney, Jones, Valenti?) Hard ball winners is not the issue from where I was sitting last year it was finishing that hurt us last year and I think the club to a step in the right direction on SAT to solve this. Therefore a KPF

    I think we took a great mix in the draft and must take a bit of a punt on CS in the PSD. The Risk could be well worth it!

  7. "Dean [bailey] said that if I can get through pre-season, and he can tell that I'm working hard, then I'm every chance to play in the NAB Cup -- that's when I hope to get a chance and we'll see what happens."

    I can't wait. Fingers crossed for NAB cup game!

  8. here's mine...... Rd 1

    Assume robbo eased back in over the 1st 6 weeks (not likely to start in any 18)

    HF: Maric Miller Bate

    FF: Wonaeamirri Newton Watts

    Add to this sylvia changing with maric and or miller/bate as a 4 way.

    Newton must be given a go to hold down a KPF for at least a 10 Week window not in and out every 2nd week. If he doesn't preform - Good Bye.

    If newton doesn't stand up, 1 of Garland, Martin or Garland will need to go forward probably to CHF with Miller to FF. I don't like sending P.Johnson forward as he could become a superstar in the middle next year for us. If watts in only going to play a few games then Brad Green is the next best FP we have if Robbo is not 100%.

    Wonaeamirri if he becomes victim of 2nd yr blues we need a FP. I like maric to play futher up so this is probably one of the most import spots, Wona has to fire!

    Dunn, Davey definately Middle.

    Casey Sibosado, assuming we take him could be rotated with Watts/Robbo

  9. The minute we start getting smashed and supporters start losing interest and the media starts writing that we should relocate, they'll pull out the big guns and debut Watts... so you know, Watts alone will probably end up play 20 games ;)

    I agree watts should and most likely will debut R1 even NAB cup.

    However due to him finishing his schooling I think 12 games is a more realistic expectation. First few, then a break, a few during the year and a few in a string at the end is my thoughts. only if we get on a wining way early will it be likely that he plays more then a few. (I would love to see him play 20-22 games but doubt this will happen

  10. On another note, the sen callers menitoned, and i hadn't heard this before, that Swift is a swimmer (?)

    and swimmers joints are softer that those of the normal population (my phrasing), this having lead to his

    knee problems. I was also hoping Swift would fall to us but I am more than happy with Strauss who like many

    others (eg Rys O'Keefe) had varying assessments of them before the draft.

    I am so glad we did not take swift. 2 knees, from WA TOO BIG A RISK, WELL DONE MFC. Blease looks great

    SAT 29/11.

    We can put this down in the diary as the day we turned the corner!

  11. We Must take at least 1 tall in PSD. My feeling is that we took 1 too many smalls so based on this Casey Sibosado certainly looks promising. I would much rather have a tall that shows potential then a middy who has problems be it size, disposal or any other reason he was initially over looked.

    After watching his Video - DRAFT HIM, DRAFT HIM, DRAFT HIM!!!!!!!!

    The way he runs and carries himself around the park reminds me a bit of Greg Inglis! I think this kid could be anything!

  12. Haha, yeah.

    However, the NZ'ers apparently gifted their wickets away.

    Whatever it is they need to get off it, ASAP.

    I think it's fair enough that Lee, Johnson and Clark have been chosen ahead of him atm - they have the runs on the board (or not, but you catch my drift).

    I think we'll see Siddle by Perth though.

    Heres my 2 cents:

    Johnson, theres a real future here.

    Lee, Should be "rested" due to his heavy schedule

    Clarke, ties up a end but when the other end is leaking we need a wicket taker!

  13. I'd certainly rather take Hauritz's current figures of 2/47 off 11 overs, than Brett Lee's return of 0/49 off 13 overs with 6 no balls, any day. Beginning to feel a little concerned for Brett Lee's future in the top flight. He can turn his form around, he just needs to do it and quickly. He usually has a day out against the Kiwi's.


    2/47 off 11 overs, well I guess that was always going to happen! :lol:

    Why siddle can't be given a go is beyond me. he might have gone for a few in india but he was the only quick who looked like taking wickets. Might have a couple of lean years a head of us!

  14. What are the Aust selectors on???????????

    This selection may force me to not even watch any of this game! What a joke I could bowl underarm to the KIWIs and not go for nearly 10 an over!

    O M R W R/O

    [Current Bowler] Hauritz, NM 3.0 0 29 0 9.67

  15. the best bit about this is that it was player driven.

    to me it really shows they want to go out, get to know eachother and work together to get better

    and that the coaching staff are listening too!! (this is highly under-rated)

    Great point, Probably going off topic a little but am I alone in thinking that the leadership group could be significantly different moving forward into next year?

    Take the pressure off a couple of the older players so they can just concentrate on footy?

    As great as some of the older players have been in the leadership group, is it too soon to be looking at loading up some of the younger players with added responsibility. I wonder if this bonding is designed to look at this? Its good see.

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