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Posts posted by montasaurus

  1. Martin forward for mine. Garland's run and leadership in defence was the year's lone highlight.

    With Martin's size he could really throw his weight around in the forward line, leaving Miller to lead up.

    Preaching to the converted here Roost it. I have been calling for martin to go forward since his 2nd snr game. Copped a bit of flak about comparing him to a young D.Schwarz but time will tell! I totally agree about Col G. I believe that he could be as good as scarlett. LEAVE HIM AS THE GENERAL DOWN BACK!!!!!!!

  2. For mine it is anthony rock that has a bit to answer for. He was left a top quality midfield and this slipped under him, correct me if I am wrong but during this period not many injuries to top players. Paul Williams had plenty of injuries. Lets hope westy can rebuild it like ratten did.

    I'm Getting more excited every day! Even signed the Pooch up as member last night!

  3. This is the same man who looked like a rabbit in the headlights on 'The Couch'. Who couldn't state what Fremantle stood for, and who tried to deflect blame for the mature aged players Freo took in recent drafts on Chris Connolly, who had well and truly moved on before Mark Johnson was drafted. His hard line and thought processes worked wonderfully well in the trade period. Where is that first round pick for warnock again??.........."Josh Carr is a leader of our football club, we need compensation" Ha, ha, ha freo screwed again.

    Harvey is possibly the most competent assistant coach of the last ten years, and the most incompetent senior coach for the same period.

    This guy tries everything to deflect responsibility and attention from himself and his club, who don't have a terrific track record come draft time, and indeed the trade period.

    I have been saying ever since that interview that he will not see out 2009. Really who cares what he thinks or that joke club from WA think. Really they are a perfect match. On the flip side I could not be happier about how bailey held himself thus far

  4. I still strongly believe he will be playing next year. If he goes into the PSD someone will see the value of the risk of drafting ben vs the risk of drafting a nobody who will never cut it. Geeze I hope it is MFC that is bold. Which ever way it goes it will be good PR. If he turns out good we were the ones that gave him a chance when no one else would have. Worst case if he re-offends then he is gone and we are still seen as the good guys for giving the bloke a chance.


  5. Anyone to do it PLS! But wait until The Other Blokes deadline tomorrow. If he does not nominate then keep the cards close. My feeling is that if I was at St Kilda I would not want to waste a nat draft pick.

    therefore if I was betting i would have my money on PSD and therefore No need for MFC to act. Lets see what tomorrow brings us. We might see a new face with #4 on his back thurs morning in the papers (Watts that is!)

  6. Ok...........

    I might be totally wrong but i feel confused and embarrassed atm.

    I read this mourning that we are asking for 2 million dollars in funding from the AFL next year?


    I thought the whole point of debt demolition was to get out of debt so we can stand on our own two feet?

    So why ask for a further 2 million dollars to get us more in debt? ( im under the impression we would have to pay this back)

    I would of thought we would be motivated to keep plugging away at the debt that was known to us and try operate at a profit or even?

    Help in some sort of way from the AFL would be greatly appreciated but to the sum of 2 million dollars?


    I am worried!

    Am i wrong feeling like this?


  7. But it is understood the AFL wanted to maintain at least some element of surprise.

    "We fully expect Melbourne to announce it on the day," AFL media manager Patrick Keane said."

    What difference does it make. MFC have the #1 Pick end of story. I can understand that if a club with #3 wanted to make an announcement but surely the AFL can see the benifit to all involved allowing the #1 pick to be named in the lead up. I have a feeling NBA #1 are announced prior to draft, (pls correct me if I am wrong). If they gag us, even more reason for el-president to put the hand out I say!

  8. I'm certainly not looking at West as the messiah, but the fact that other clubs were after him and we were the ones that snagged him is nothing but a positive for us. He has a mountain of experience and will no doubt a good source of knowlege for our very young midfield brigade.

    Now the only coach i have ever seen come to our club and leave his mark is Ratten, he single handedly changed the way our mids went about their game. He was probably the biggest loss of a coach ever.

    +1 for ratts being the best coach we have lost in recent times. He took a lazy midfield that didn't chase to become one rated as the top 2 or 3 in the land within a year if memory serves me. Hopefully west can do similar and if he does, hopefully we can hold on to him after that.

  9. I knew Luke had injury issues, but wow...

    This is a story that anyone critical of the pick should read. Without injuries who knows how good he could have been. Lets hope we have got it right last year and moving forward.

  10. Brock's the one i want, anyone else would feel like a soft option. He projects exactly image we want the footballing world to see going forward.

    Not only that but I think he would be a big chance to take the next step as well. He might go from a Very, Very good play to elite within a year or 2 with the extra responsibity and if we are lucky a few others in the middle might go along for the ride (ALA Hawks).

    I wonder what the odds of making the 8 at this stage are for next year, might be worth investing a bit of the hard earned!

  11. yeah, thats the feeling i get too.

    And I'm loathe to put an underdeveloped player with question marks over his disposal in the most important position on the ground.

    But then again, if we have another season like this year, we have to try him there. It would at least further his development.

    BINGO!!!! Thats my point, it won't hurt 1 bit. It does not have to be long term just give the kid a go and see what he can do.

  12. When have I referred to Brereton as saying Watts will take 4-5 years to play ? Bereton only stated that he wouldn't play him in 09. I don't quite agree with that, but I can understand his sentiments.

    My Guess is he will play about the same as maric did this year. Has his VCE to finish and I doubt the club will give him any more then a taste maybe 6 games at the most.

  13. Agree with the positive side of things. I was listening to that boor Dwayne Pipe on 3AW the other night and he was virtually making fun of the MFC and its list the way he was talking. Pity, former Demon G Healy didn't stand up to the [censored] and put him right back in his place.

    I have never heard that dirty traitoring, turncoat defend us once. Generally he is one to stick the knife in as well. If gerard healy was on fire I wouldn't........

    He has a lot to pay back to earn our respect back, well mine at least.

  14. For me brock is ready and fits in well with our direction and youth policy. Bruce and Green are great players but don't always have their heart on the the sleeve when they are out there. You know every game brock plays there is nothing left in the tank at full time.

  15. Pretty big raps on grimes as well, could be that wing-a to replace sting-a

    My best (and bad) memory was of Stinga giving matera a bath on the wing in the prelim at subie. we were on top until stinga jarred his knee and the rest is history I guess it summed his career up. When he was playing he was the best winger in the comp but sadly another player at melb during that era that spent too much time on the sidelines.

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