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Posts posted by montasaurus

  1. The PSD is not the honey pot it used to be. We are not giving up anything we couldn't have selected draft day.

    Rockcliff and Sibasado weren't drafted for whatever reason. They are candidates for rookie lists. Unless we have another Martin up our sleeves I'd prefer to promote Valenti and free up four spots on our rookie list for players that will take time.

    I have to disagree, there are some players with real potential this year in the PSD. Yes they have been overlooked but you never know what BP might un-earth for us.

    RE Valenti, while both Jones, Brock & Maloney are fit there is now way known he is in our best 22.

    Therefore if there is no injury best to free up a spot on the list for a KPP in my book. For what it is worth I really rated Valenti last year but with what we have just taken in the draft I don't think he warrents a spot on the list at this point. Maybe when Jnr retires he could win that spot.

  2. For the life of me I cannot understand the concept of co-captaincy. I feel it cheapens the position of club captain and announces to other teams

    that we do not have enough confidence in any one man to lead our side.

    I totally agree about this, however last year was a time where it was probably required due to the sudden depature of a true legend of the game. Time to move on now.

  3. I think there are some very narrow sited people on the post that can't see the benifit of spin!

    Well done frank great post. I'm glad these bashers have nothing to do directly with the running of our club!

    For the record I really thought CJ turned the corner last year and hate to see players walk, but a bit of spin never hurt - Who cares if its seen as bad grapes, It puts a smile on my face!

  4. The big problem that I have observed with Frawley is that he seems to lack athleticism, ie a vertical leap to effect a spoil and the ability to keep himself upright in the marking contest.

    Until these things are addressed he cant hold down full back.

    He doesn't need to play CHB or FB to be a key contributor in the future. There are plenty of good players that lack the above yet are great players because they can take the game on so not sure I can agree with you there.

  5. it has to be a rouse doesn't it?

    it's a lose-lose if we get him. We look weak going back on our word and also force a player to stay who doesn't want to be there. Plus he is a soft outside runner with overrated kicking skills.


    But top marks to the club for the properganda

  6. I actually thought that game was one of the best wins we have had in the past 5-6 years. PJs was just one of the great individual efforts that day. Against a surging and desperate reigning premier at their home ground and we finished the game with no interchange and of the 18 "fit" men still out there, two were in significant discomfort from the heat of battle. Stirring win with loads of character.

    The only other game in recient memmory that comes close to this was the jeff white after the siren goal v Bullies.

    About the crowd, I spoke to a friend of mine who was not at the game but listened to it on the radio. He thought that we had 45k+ at the game and could not believe that there was only low 20's from memmory. I cranked this up loud last night at home,

    Geez we made some noise, look out in 09 if we get a bit of a run on - the fans will go nuts after a bad year.

  7. Frawley will be ok, he just needs time. I have no doubt that he will be in our best 22 (maybe 18) in the near future 1-2 years. He likes to take the game on and from where I sit this is what we have been lacking. We have played boring football and not taken the game on. So what if he makes the odd mistake, its the only way you learn. Imagine what he will learn not getting one of the best couple of forwards each week like he was this year. The only down side with frawls is his kicking but i'm sure that can be improved - its certainly lot better already then some of best backmen over the last 15 years.

  8. I really believe any of:

    Bruce, Green, Brock, Miller, Jnr would serve us well in 2009 as captain. I am dead against co-captains so hopefully a single choice can be made from that group. Moving forward Brock has to be the best long term option, therefore I think it is very likely he will get the job.

  9. CJ - To do his knee in round 1

    I'd never wish this on anyone....

    However, CJ to miss from 10m out against us late in the year to cost carlton finals and have the Dees sneak in because of the miss - that would be enough for the next 10years of christmas

  10. Melbourne V Brisbane Round 14 2008 >>>>final three minutes

    With moments like this, the desperation of this team of unbelievably young players, showed real potential, just showing a glimpse of what we can hope for in the years to come.

    This would have to go down as one of the all time best run downs and to then gather the pill..... I couldn't talk after the game, my throat was too sore!

    This is the point in my book where PJ has gone to cult status!

  11. rockliff looks ok, but is similar to a few others we already have on the list.

    Sibosado could be anything or could be nothing, so for mine the risk is still worth going for Sibosado as all players left have been overlooked for one reason or another at this point.

  12. Brock in the pivot for his leadership and grunt, keep him in or close to the centre square where he can "captain" If we start to play through the corridor he'll revel in the opportunity.

    I like that Idea, brock in the guts to lead rather then on rotation as RR.

    Maybe changing with Green in the FP - thats a little different!

  13. Did Cousins provide proof by 'lock of hair' that he is clean? - No.

    I don't think this thread should be locked. Place it on the backburner guys because there will be more twists to come.

    I was in the pro cousins camp until the above last week.

    Also Casey S looks like a worth while pick therefore Richmond can have him. In a perfect world, if BC was over his demons I still think he would have been a valued pick to MFC but not now! If it was me I would have put myself on the record just like a good used car salesman - Any test welcome!

  14. I actually feel that MFC could be in a very strong bargening position come this draft.

    We may have some middle age players that will suit gold coast very well and we could use this to our advantage. My only concern is any un-contracted players that we may have, but hopefully we can sort that out during next year and early 2010.

  15. My ideal set-up for next year: -

    Backs: Whelan Warnock Garland

    H-Backs: Buckley Rivers Strauss

    Centre: Morton McLean Blease

    H-Fwds: Sylvia Miller Davey

    Fwds: Maric Watts PJ

    Foll: Jamar Bruce Jones

    Int: Moloney Grimes Bate Bennell

    Emerg: Petterd Jetta Wonaeamirri

    I like the idea of this if blease and strauss can come on we will be on the rise in 09. Forget the 2010 draft! The only change I would have is to have spencer on the bench, PJ in the ruck and green in the pocket

  16. We are the sydney blues,

    The new light blue M&M blues,

    Where the team that always tries to cheat even when no one else can.

    We try take your champions, try to prop up our dud list, but in the end we keep on trying to buy another flag!

    (I couldn't help myself)

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