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Posts posted by montasaurus

  1. not one of those kicks is under any sort of pressure though - certainly not AFL grand final pressure, which, lets face it, is what we aspire to be able to perform under.

    dont get me wrong, i love the kid, but that video doesnt give a true representation.

    Adam goodes will kill to have disposal skills like this even if it is under no pressure!

    He is going to be a beauty.

    Can't wait for 09 season when the focus will be off him a little. (Watts and co plus a fit midfield around him).

    Does anybody see him as a wing rather then forward in the long term?

  2. "The way Dean ended it, he made it easier for me. I wanted to go over (during training) and say thank you but he didn't let me do that."

    And fair enough, your either with us or against us. I really hope that this incident has brought the group together.

    "He embarrassed me in front of a few of my really good mates and sort of belittled me. That made it easier to walk away from it all."

    - Keep walking, If you had so many "Mates" at the club there is no way you would have walked on us like that. I say good riddins, and would be supprised if he plays more then 10 games for carlt$n.

    "I thought if you're not going to play me now in the position the club's at - being bottom of the ladder - I was thinking my chances aren't too great if I can't show what I've got."

    - I think CJ you hit the nail on the head with this one, except for one thing you did show the club what you could (or Couldn't) do!

    Sour grapes for sure. I suspect there is much more to this story.

    I might even drop into a bullies game just to give CJ some support that he deserves and remind him what a great player he was for us as I doubt we will get the chance to do so in the snrs!

  3. Yesterday would have to go down as one of Australia's worst days in a test of the last twenty years. I blame not only the selectors, but in some measure Ponting as well who obviously has some degree of influence. I love him as a batsman, but as a captain he's about as imaginative as the vegetarian alternative at a steak house. The problem obviously is in picking players that are basically not fit and not in form. Nothing has been done to enhance Brett Lee's career or Australia's chances of winning by hoping he'd last in this test and magically find form. Andrew Symonds was a gamble, both because of his knee and that he bats like a millionaire, the only way he'll ever make a big score is if the opposition keep grassing the chances that he regularly provides. Watson unfortunately doesn't make runs and is always injured anyway. I'd rather pick an in-form batsman.

    Michael Hussey, along with Gilly is one of my favourite cricketers of all time, but his rich vein of form has run out, we need him firing for the Ashes, which means he needs to make runs, which means he needs to be dropped. As for Hayden, It's all well and good for him to want to make a decision at the end of the series as to his future, but the future for Australia is now, he either intends to go on (in which case he's gone unless he makes runs today) or he wants to retire (in which case he gets a farewell test).

    Well, I'm going to do the hard thing here and back ponting. A lot of the reasons are explained in the above already. For me its the experienced players around him not his captancy that is the issue.

    SK - 8/10 (6) since india (batted well but yet to make a big score)

    MH - 1/10 (8) since india, unlikely to see sydney

    RP - 5/10 (10) struggled since india

    MC - 6/10 (8) given his wicket away too often since india, showed a bit on the 1st day MCG

    AS - 2/10 (7) as above, no impact with ball

    MH - 2/10 (9) out of sorts

    BH - 7/10 (5) serviceable

    BL - 1/10 (8) has struggled, maybe injured since before india?

    MJ - 6/10 (6) one great spell and has not had the impact outside of this

    NH - 3/10 (4) taken a few but no real impact

    PS - 3/10 (4) no impact in perth but better in melbourne.

    Therefore a total of 44/10 vs 75/10 on paper. Katich and haddin have been the only good news out of this summer. So by my score we are at 70% of playing strength. From this you would suggest it is time to turn 2-3 players over. Brett lee's forced injury will be 1, so I think it is likely if we don't win this test another player could be in trouble. For me take your pick from the 2 below.

    Surely todays innings should not make any difference to hayden unless he makes a big 100 in a winning side. Therefore no hayden for sydney. I would like to see klinger in for no other reason then runs on the board. Could open or bat at 5 giving hussey a chance at opening.

    Symonds - Out for watson in (I think unlikely to happen, more likely to replace injured lee but if lee was fit this should have happened for sydney)

    Lee - Replaced by either Watson, Hilfenhaus or Bollinger. but maybe go for something a little different - a wrist spining leggie! wont happen though

  4. What are the Aust selectors on???????????

    This selection may force me to not even watch any of this game! What a joke I could bowl underarm to the KIWIs and not go for nearly 10 an over!

    O M R W R/O

    [Current Bowler] Hauritz, NM 3.0 0 29 0 9.67

    Oh - No here we go again, but this time its against decent cricketers......... :o

  5. Putting the trading/list turnover aside for a minute....

    Dunny. I really rated him in the earlier time at the club but he seems to attract critisim from fans at the game when he was in the middle last year. So here's my overview of where he is at.

    Was his role in the middle due to our lists limitations over the last couple of years plus injuries? at the start of 08 we had nietz, robbo, miller, bate, newton etc and our forward stocks looked good. Therefore it seems likely that the decision was made to expand dunn as he seemed to be a 1 trick player - lead up and mark. Therefore it seems likely that if the club sees a big future for dunn he was played out of position in the middle due to bartrams injury. Bartram can do a stopping role as well as anybody. Now that he has some miles in his legs again i think this is a chance to happen thus freeing dunn for a forward role again in 09.

    He has the skill, the body size and the miles in the legs + is only young. I have more hope with Dunn cutting it as KPF then Newton at this stage. I think Dunn is now a forward who may have a few new tricks up his sleeve. Was his run in the middle "training" to become an elite forward target - similar to O'keefs role at sydney? he had an ability to go with the very best in the league so surely during this time he has developed a few tricks for himself? Similar to millers role in the backline over the last few years. At times miller struggled down back but last year looked the better for the time spent in the back while being up forward? Likewise with dunn, did struggle at times but I have a feeling a regular run in the forward line may just be around the corner for him again and with fingers crossed may make an impact as a KPP for us in 09. If he fails to do this he may struggle for a Snr game in 09 and who knows where that may leave him!

  6. Dont expect the Demon's too languish down the bottom!

    Our crop of young guys will provide plenty of excitement on game day. And the current players will have benifited with a season under Bails.

    I have a good feeling we will surprise alot of people and will be pushing for a finals spot. Shoot me if I am wrong. Opponents wont expect what we are going to serve up this season. A fight! We will be hard and ferocious. And not too mention quick! Catch us if you can the Dee's will surprise.

    Go Demons!

    With a young list it will all come down to 2 things.

    1/ Momentum/Confidence - If this can be gained during the NAB cup, watch out in the early rounds the could be a few upsets coming.

    2/ Injuries - Key players must stay fit (our rucks & Forwards are thin so if a couple go down were in trouble).

    I'm very optermistic at this stage, and totally agree our attack on the footy should be something to look forward to!

  7. You're arguing in circles: "crud" by definition has no value (especially for a bottom-placed side), but if they're potential trade-bait then they have a value (even if minimal) and they're not "crud". Someone's got to want them.

    Recent history shows that our "crud" has no trade value at all e.g. Ferguson, Ward, Godfrey, Carroll, Bode, CJ. Even our "expired" players like White and Yze have been shown to be "crud" at the end of their careers.

    Lets not start the white debate again........ :unsure:

    ward, godfrey, carroll were all old/almost/were expired players. Thats why there was no interest in them.

    Pettard and Rivers have age on their side therefore become more attractive if a trade is on the table. If a player does not fit into the direction of the club and the list (not nessicarly being "crud") then surely the younger they are the better deal you will get for them.

    I really believe being proactive in these circles is a must otherwise they wind up going past their expiry date as per the above in a vain hope of fluking a finals campain. We are re-building therefore if they are not 100% up to what we require we should be proactive. If they are well and good.

    Theres no point discussing futures of finge like bode for instance as there is no value to anyone, so failing Pettard and Rivers, who else at this stage should we be looking at for next years trade period?

    De-listing players is the worst thing that can happen in the next 2-3 years as we have a young developing list that will draw interest, so by suggesting the 2 that I have would potentially put us in a stronger position to make an attack on a flag.

  8. Don't know if we could "Sell", to city of casey, But, just maybe we could make it like a carnival type thing where people would go to the footy whilst local traders pay as a group, sponsorship of the game & set up stalls & sell & display there products. Make a day of it starting @ 10.00AM with a 12.30PM start time, game followed by some entertainment for the kids with the players returning post game & mingle for 1/2 an hour.

    Grass roots sort of stuff, great idea, even a clinic in the morning in one of the other ovals in the area - maybe give out a few tickets to those in melbourne jumpers etc.

    Still need the corporate sponsors to get on board otherwise the venture would be set to fail.

  9. The trade potential for players that cant cut it in bottom dwelling clubs like MFC or cannot get on the field consistently due to sustained fitness concerns is zero. The introduction of GC wont change a thing. They wont buy crud.

    OK, so then if other sides wont buy "crud" why then should the MFC keep "crud" on our list? I think this re-inforces my original posting - Potential trade bait (doesn't mean we will get anything) - Keeping in mind I think we all hope that the 2 in question will rise to the challenge in 09, but if not I think we are going down the same path - the time to move them on is drawing closer if they cannot become regular contributors in 09.

  10. What do you think the Club has done over the past 2 years? We moved on a swag of ND's depth players, retired off Neitz, White and Yze. Got rid of cultural misfits like TJ and Carroll. That almost half the list in 2 years.

    Hardly any surprises to the players. The messages of the past two years should be well known to each of them.

    I think we are here on the same wavelength, and more to the point this trend should and will continue. If you don't cut it the club will move you on.

    I do agree with you re lessened trade potential but if they are fit but fail to have the impact they should, you never know what might happen. The club would be better to try to trade behind closed doors then wind up just delisting for nothing a year or 2 later.

    With GC coming in I think the trade period climate may change in the coming years as there may be suddenly be a market for avg/good players being recycled not just for GC but other clubs that have lost their uncontracted players to GC. This will be the challenge for every club in the next 12-18mths to sure up all required players so that GC cannot touch these players. (Thats assuming GC goes ahead, or// suddenly become a TAS side)

    Or am I loosing touch with reality and talking nonsense?? :wacko::o

  11. Rivers and Petterd as trade bait?...i guess Brock Mclean will be gone soon too? laughable. For anyone that knows anything about football, Rivers' value to the demons exceeds his trade value. Same with Petterd.

    For anyone that knows anything about football - And Freak your credentials are..........? I'm sorry what part of the MFC football operations department are you currently employed? Maybe argue facts then taking shots at others who have asked questions. :angry:

    I think freak you may have missed the point somewhat - "My Crystal Ball........... (Not all will happen just the ones i'm going to watch carefully this year)" - i.e., maybe only a couple from the whole list could go. But to justify Petterd and Rivers places on my list pls see the below. For what it is worth due to list balance either of these 2 could be behind say Newton due to list balance at the end of 09.

    Personally I would hate to see either of these 2 go for the same reason as you have stated - both their value (assuming full output) to the demons exceeds their trade value.

    However ignoring my personal emotional attach to the club and the players one needs to be looking at the facts only and for the future first......

    We have a loaded backline of mid bodied talls with more younger backs coming through (Martin and Frawley to add to Warnock and Garland). I have always rated rivers one of our top players on the list but the fact is he has hardly played a consistant period in 3yrs. If this becomes 4yrs questions have to be asked by the club what is the value added for the price he would be costing us?. Petterd is in a similar boat for mine. If he doesn't come on this year he could be in trouble. We topped up on 3-4 players of similar type in the draft and a couple of these are gems on paper. Therefore if he has another year like 08 I believe he is in trouble. I do acknowledge that there are probably up to 6 players ahead of these 2 re delist/trade, but you can't trade rubbish and the last 2 years have shown you have to give something to get something. Petterd has had 1 x 1/2 season where he was very good, nothing since then likewise rivers has done very little for 3 yrs.

    Therefore if a few of the others that were mentioned have very good years (Newton, Meesen, Dunn, Bell) and either of rivers or petterd have average/poor years the club would look at their futures very closely.

    Why is brad greens name always mentioned at trade week. I would argue over the last few years he has added more then just about anybody else at the club and yet his name is always linked with trade - Why? - Value!

    I'm just looking at the current facts rather then prev accolades that the players have achieved. You can't help bad luck/injuries but our football club needs to be tough and I get the feeling at the end of 09 there could be a suprise coming for a few players. If your not cutting it or developing as you should your time could soon be over at the MFC. Especially if we finish in the bottom few. Like I stated at the beginning I would hate to see either of these 2 go but the reality could be different.

  12. This administration seems to finally be getting it RIGHT. I'm senseing something happening about this football club. Football people running a football club just seems right

    Great post Jako13, I feel the same way at the moment. From board level to daily football operations and the list. Theres a lot to like about the feeling about the place ATM. The directions great and hopefully something to get very excited about just around the corner!

  13. Selling games to Casey would be akin to selling oil to the Mid East.

    I agree re selling the game to casey, but.....

    playing our own Single or 2 games at casey would potentially net us equal or greater then the interstate deals we have (Advertising, Catering, Gate reciepts etc). I'm sure we don't need to "Sell" the game rather using it as a partnership with the council where the MFC operates the day and takes the profits. Everybody is a winner provided we get 15k-20k at the game.

    The temporary stands that the GP uses surely would not cost much to have them up for the day. I'm sure the AFL may even chip in on promotion of the game similar to any canberra deal. I would be supprised if we don't see this by 2012. Bring it on!

  14. Of our current rookies, I don't think Zomer or Valenti would bother other clubs unduly, but Spencer surely will. If, perforce, we have to elevate Spencer, we must find four free spots on our list at the end of next year.

    I'm not sure why we need to find 4 spots to keep spencer if he develops as expected this year. 2 reasons..

    1/ There will be players who step up next year and players who don't. This will open the door at the trade table, we may trade a player and a pick for a better pick.

    2/ There are still a few players are in or approaching the twilight who may retire or be delisted.

    So based on this I can't see an issue

    My Crystal Ball........... (Not all will happen just the ones i'm going to watch carefully this year)

    21 Daniel Bell - trade bait / Delist

    14 Lynden Dunn - Needs to re-invent himself or trade potential

    23 James McDonald - Possible retirement

    26 John Meesen - Delist

    29 Michael Newton - May not be a required player past 09 is Jurrah comes on

    15 Ricky Petterd - Possible trade

    27 Jared Rivers - Possible trade

    24 Russell Robertson - retirement (if body is not up to it)

  15. i thought the pies gave us the gate receipts for that game for at least the last 5 seasons

    The queens birthday fixture has been the MFC home game therefore am I wrong to say they have given us nothing. We have fixture requests with the AFL just like every other club the filth just cry because the original blockbuster belongs to us! Unless the AFL are to kill us off I can't see this changing no matter what changes with the MCC/AFL/Government.

    This game is tradition and the public out cry would be too great. Should coll/ess loose the anzac day game because carlt$n and richmond suddenly decide that they want in on the action? It wont happen in the short term. Tradition is Tradition and lets face it, block busters are good for everyone including the filth.

    (Even the filth's masses may be upset not to be going to the Melb v Coll QB Monday game)

  16. After Demetrious comments early last year,

    I personally found these comments to be very insulting to our great club. (Although I suspect this was the intent to get us all moving).

    What does 1 football club stand for that is any different from any other club? Our brand has suffered for a long time now but to suggest that this club stood for nothing??? Come on!

  17. Totally agree with that RR. It also now represents a bit of a hunting ground for opposition international sides, or a bogey ground for the Aussies, which ever way you look at it of recent times. Cricket Aust. may have to play the minnows at Perth and the bigger fixtures to Adelaide.

    Take the game side of it away, the crowds for SAT/SUN were nothing short of a disgrace when you had the top 2 sides playing off in a game that could have gone either way. Lift your game WA

  18. No, he did not say "lets get together & vote out the MCC Board.

    I read it that he wants to organise the melbourne Mcc members so as to be vigilant.

    If this could be done, we would well be on the way to becoming a powerhouse of the competition once again off field. You always read about the richmond and stkilda factions that have ruined their clubs over the years but I feel ours has been worse in my lifetime. Time to band together and work towards the great good! 1st step get any mfc supporting MCC members who don't have duel memberships to do so ASAP!

    I wonder if the MCC would look at offering a MFC supporter package similar to the afl memberships? with the money going directly to our great club?

  19. "Redleg, what do you do for a living? - I don't think who or what people do have anything to do with any argument here. We are all apart of the MFC in one way or another so this is one of the most rediculas things I have ever seen posted!

    Fact - Currently the club needs money, and will right now take it any way it can get it! End of story, so those who can afford to buy a second membership for yourself well done for doing so (maybe have a look at the heartland project to get kids to the game as well)

    What we need to do is build a larger membership base, so those who can sign up melbourne supporters with their 2nd member ships - even better.

    I've done my bit - Have you?

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