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Demon Disciple

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Everything posted by Demon Disciple

  1. good thing we play there next week too. If we pull off another win, maybe we can build up some confidence and really get into our season
  2. Wasn't as good a performance as last week, but i thought Weid did his bit and encouragingly, is starting to make a habit of taking some very nice contested marks.
  3. Heaps of behinds too. He doesn’t run towards the goals when having a set shot. Fix that and he’d have many more goals so far this year.
  4. Of that list, i’d only be interested in Dahlhouse, but he wants to stay at the kennel. RFA with Gaff available should be our focus, as we need someone who runs all day (tick) is a good disposer (tick) and can get a fair bit of it (tick). Not only that he’d push out one of our poorer mids, and his spread would be valuable to us both offensively and defensively. Having said all that, one player isn’t going to change the way we play at the moment. If anything, we’d be making him more likely to sign with WCE atm.
  5. What we are offering up is nothing short of disgusting. At the moment we wouldn't be capable of beating anyone. How we beat the Lions and Roos is beyond me. I was undecided on Goodwin as a coach a couple of weeks ago, but wow, the past 10 days have made it really clear.
  6. A goal? No it can't be.
  7. With all due respect to PJ, Goodwin needs to go. And even after 12 years of perpetual re-builds, we still have way too many sub-par players.
  8. We must be allergic to our goal line. No other plausible reason as to why we can't get near it.
  9. We are a shadow of the team we were last year, which is saying something. Goodwin is taking us backwards. Our defense is worse, our so-called attacking game plan doesn't give us goals and our mids can't stop other teams from spreading.
  10. Salem to be put up for trade come years end. For someone who is meant to have good skills and decision making he has been appalling this year.
  11. We don't even look like kicking a goal at the moment. Outside of Hogan's poster, we haven't looked like it since Melksham goaled 2 minutes in.
  12. It's just poor coaching oli, if they had half a clue the coaches would've been able to drill some smarts into them by now. It's the dumb leading the dumber.
  13. They are killing us with their spread as they move out forward. They are virtually waltzing it into their 50 when they get their opportunities, whereas our entries look rushed and are giving our forwards no quality entries. This has clearly been our main issue for the year, as we have recorded the most amount of inside 50's in the comp, yet cannot capitalise on them. A little composure (a lot of composure) is needed. We are lucky nothing has really come from some of our sh!thouse turnovers.
  14. Frost is making him look like a [censored] superstar
  15. Yep, the moment it starts to not go the way the playing group wants it to, they just roll over.
  16. I'm just angry. 1 goal in 3 quarters. WTF.
  17. All well and good to come out and say it after the fact.
  18. 7-15 season at best methinks. = goodbye Goodwin, so it won't be a total loss.
  19. The so called improvement in depth spouted by Goodwin shows how much of no idea he has. Our bottom 6 players in games have constantly put in extremely poor performances. Jetta is having a very poor season, but regulars include several of our HFF's. The likes of Harmes, Bugg, Garlett, Kent (who has been good today), Wagner, etc are too often at the bottom. Improved depth my arse Goodwin. You are an imposter masquerading as a half decent coach. The jig should be up and if the board doesn't act soon, he will unravel all the good work Roosy established. The erosion has already begun, and it will only snowball from here.
  20. What are the odds we go the whole quarter without a goal? 0 from 3 quarters? Now that i've posted that we'd be a shoe in to kick one surely?
  21. What even more amusing is that he tries a structure of 7 in the forward line, creating further congestion. We are effectively flooding our own forward line. The bloke is an absolute Morton.
  22. Our playing group as a whole is just a bunch of dumb footballers. How a team can start like we did, then it just peter out is nothing short of abysmal. Time and time again we have everybody going up, none staying down. Then when we do have the ball, we try to play for free kicks. Pathetic. As for Goodwin, he doesn't have a clue. Plain and simple. 9 goals in a row and he cannot do anything to stop it. Another game, another period where we just throw it in. The playing group's is the only thing making Goodwin's win-loss record not look disastrous, but he has to go. He must go. And the playing group needs to have a rocket sent up them, but i don't think they really care (if they did, they wouldn't allow for the continual drop-offs they produce).
  23. Andrew’s can throw as much money around as he wants, he’s got no chance of getting back into Government.
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