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Demon Disciple

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Everything posted by Demon Disciple

  1. Any chance we could have that home final at Etihad? We're flying there this year ? I kid of course.
  2. You're a lot like my old man Fork, he was 4 in 1964. I suspect there to be many members of the club and on here who are all in a similar boat. You are the one's that deserve to see a flag most of all, almost the forgotten generation. What is the % of members that have been following the club for the past 50 or so years and are yet to see a premiership? A majority of the 43k i suspect.
  3. If i was Goodwin, all i'd be doing this week is reminding the group that this was the team that prevented us from playing finals last year. We did nothing about it last year, what are they going to do about it come Monday?
  4. Is he still our runner? Would leave many eating his dust even after retiring a couple of years ago. The bloke is like a treadmill, just keeps on running.
  5. It's looking pretty nice at his current club too Rock.
  6. Wonder what the avg attendances per game and total attendances per game are between AFL and NRL. NRL supporters are notorious for not turning up to games due to it being on TV (State of Origin aside).
  7. ATM it's Grundy by a whisker, but given our harder second half of the year, if we are to make the finals (Max will have a huge influence in that) he will overtake Grundy by year's end.
  8. Is a wonderful representation of how good us smaller folk can be (You 6Ft+ giants have had it good for far too long)
  9. There can be only one outcome next weekend that will do our skipper justice.
  10. Short turn around and after a 4 quarter effort and warm day, some may need to be rested (none can be "dropped"). Will need some fresh legs against the quick Doggies.
  11. Also important too, is those who have jumped off, are increasingly likely to get back on board.
  12. Anywhere, anytime needs to be the mantra this club needs to live by. The GF will be at the G for the short/mid-term, the more we play at it the better. The team running around now is a far superior one than what was running around in the early rounds of the year.
  13. I also think it highlights how good we are at developing mature age players via the VFL. Casey will become a destination club for mature-age players. Our alignment has never been stronger, and the longer it continues, the greater the benefit both Melbourne and Casey will gain from it.
  14. Big game next week. Chunk's 250th, but also because thanks to the AFL scheduling team, Dogs have a 7.5 day break and we have a 5.5 day break. 26 degree heat and 5 day break = very light week on the track.
  15. He and the head honchos at AFL House don't care about the quality, integrity nor reputation of the game. They'll always [censored] it out to the highest bidder.
  16. The head of that list should be none other than Robbie Flower, then daylight. Barassi played in flags, Neale had one of the more successful coaching careers since Norm Smith (up their with Northey). And Roos was on board for only 3 years. Robbie on the other hand, played the majority of the 70's/80's (14/15 years) without playing in a final. He was the heart and soul of the club in it's darkest period, and was the reason most supporters endured those [censored] years and continued to go to the footy nonetheless. They didn't go to watch a win, they went to watch him play.
  17. I'd rather Josh stay in his current role managing the FD. Purely because if he were to become the CEO, then we'd also need to bring in a new football manager, creating 2 unknowns. Mahoney has been fantastic as General Manager of Football, long may it continue. Then we'd only need to worry about finding a successful CEO.
  18. North are desperate to catch anything. They have been fishing for so long, they don't care if they reel in seaweed.
  19. The baggers would've been told by Gil that Curnow cannot play or it would make the AFL look silly (whoops), so they came up with some bullsh!t quad injury, but in return they'd get a sweet ride from the umps.
  20. He's obviously the decoy today. Working well so far.
  21. Don't want to jinx us, but 6 straight so far!
  22. Yep, needs to stop worrying about the infringements and get on with it. Take it as a compliment Jesse that you're that good that they need to cheat. If they're targetting Hogan, then have him clear the space for TMAC (seems to be working), then if they switch to TMAC, it will be Jesse's time to shine.
  23. he must have the goods on someone at Carlton, otherwise he would be lucky to get a game at VFL level. Must be getting paid for his lip service!
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