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Demon Disciple

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Everything posted by Demon Disciple

  1. Max, great player poor captain. Jack and May as cocaptains
  2. Clarkson, Ross the Boss, Yze, anyone but Goodwin
  3. This might be the loss that finally nails Goodys coffin
  4. Will pale in comparison to money lost through memberships if he stays on @leucopogon. I gave 500 to the proud to give campaign. I’d give another [censored] grand if it meant paying this fool out.
  5. I won’t be renewing until he is gone. Will put my membership on auto renew if he goes though.
  6. Sure we lost. But that must mean Goodwin is done surely. If that is the case, I declare that this season has been a success. Gotten rid of the imposter
  7. And up he pops with another late meaningless goal. Don’t try and influence the game earlier will you Bayley
  8. Something seriously stinks with this club. Goodwin simply must go, if he doesn’t then I propose an EGM to overthrow the board for being so clueless in correcting their humongous mistake of offering such a stupid extension.
  9. Totally agree. We are not deserving of a finals spot. Let the Dogs have 8th spot, at least they play an attractive brand of footy
  10. Just looked at the scores for the first time. 9 - 15. LOL. Thank god i haven’t been following it all game
  11. Was on the HFF, level 1 & 4 from the fence. When Hannan got that ball...................everyone stood up and cheered him home. Glorious. The following week wasn't too bad either!!! No point making finals if you aren't going to do anything in them. Yes i'm looking at you Essendrug last year ?.
  12. If Goodwin gets the [censored] by years end, I’d consider it as successful a year as 2018 (maybe even more so).
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