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Everything posted by Nasher

  1. Do you think that Max Gawn would think his medal would be worth less if Nathan Jones also got one?
  2. I love this. It’s only a small thing, but the Demon by proxy thing is such a great way of creating human connectedness out of a cruddy situation, in a time we really need it. Great stuff.
  3. He’s just doing the prudent thing to prolong his career - I can’t see breaking back in to the side becoming any easier next year. He’s been a good player for us over the years and I’d wish him all the best. I think the likely trade would be a token one.
  4. 9pm is completely reasonable in terms of setting an expectation. The boys no doubt have plenty of rec time up their sleeves, being back at the hotel by 9 shouldn’t be onerous. They’re there to get a job done, maintaining standards and discipline is part of that. Pert said it’s not even being strictly enforced anyway. What a beatup.
  5. Degree of confidence would be more or less the same irrespective of where you live in Australia - it’s all done by the same forecasters using the same models. 12 days is too far out. At my work, where we rely heavily on weather forecasts, we basically ignore anything more than a week out. Personally I wouldn’t bother looking at the forecast before Tuesday.
  6. I trust this means the two jumpers won’t be deemed as a clash in subsequent H&A games, then.
  7. Haha. I’ve seen some mathematically questionable awards before (I’m looking at you, Demonland Player of the Year!), but that takes some beating.
  8. Garry could hardly string a sentence together he was so emotional. And he was massively fanboying on Gawn. I loved it. I felt like he was personifying all of us at that moment. Garry’s had a bit of flack over the years, particularly in his role in the Neeld era. It’s clear he loves the club though. All is forgiven in my opinion. He’s one of our people without a doubt.
  9. I want to write a million words, but can’t find any. So I’ll just list the topics and you can mentally fill the content, you can all feel it in your hearts anyway: - Max - Trac and Viney - The whole team on the field at the end, and in the circle - The Perth crowd (new home fortress) - sharing the moment with other Melbourne fans, because nobody else understands
  10. I’m totally crapping myself. Hrrrrrgggghh. Seeyas in the post match.
  11. I kind of hope Goody gives Jones a clear no go and he goes home to be with his family for the birth of his twins. Feels cruel to string him out when we can all see he’s probably not going to play.
  12. Lol Anyone who wants Vanders will be able to get him as a DFA. I’m a fan, but he’s just about at the end of the road.
  13. That sucks for Joel. He’ll be shattered.
  14. That’s so good! I’m a bit slow though and I had to stop and think about a couple. Our cute little…Jackson? Oh, Dogga, yes that makes a bit more sense.
  15. Yes, Goody rightfully shirked the question in the same manner a parent never says who their favourite child is. But Max, like any good sibling, knows exactly who the favourite is, and named him up and gave Goody the opportunity to sing Viney’s praises.
  16. What a game. Disappointed as I backed the other horse but I'm not complaining. Amazing stuff. Wish the game last night was like this.
  17. "Categorically not deliberate". That's lovely Haim but that's not the rule anymore.
  18. Unsure when I officially became old but that mullet of Bailey Smith seriously makes me rage.
  19. It's funny as you hear it and you see a glimpse of the crowd, where one in ten at best have their mask on their face. Dude might as well save his breath.
  20. Love the Bronx cheer for the miss. Definitely one thing the fake crowds haven't captured. Started out not giving a toss about this game but I'm all Lions now. Bugger these cheats.
  21. That holding the ball decision was truly awful. Damn.
  22. Looks to me like the ball has gotten slippery as a few have gone down, but yeah that one was a shocker.
  23. Has Alastair Lynch always spoken with a bit of a slur?
  24. Hope Mitch Hannan didn't pay money for that hair cut. Looks like the bowl I rocked in 1994.
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