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The Backyard Charizard

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Everything posted by The Backyard Charizard

  1. Now some people would call you hysterical.... But I would call you a bloke who loves his club and is sick of seeing this [censored]!
  2. Did they just say we have put an extra bloke in defence??? Oh dear God!!!
  3. 71 more touches.... 27 more marks... 6 more tackles.... 12 less hitouts.... I don't care what bank sponsors what cup! That is [censored] poor football....
  4. Tim Ginever is the tosspot who does all the yelling and screaming.... Former 3x premiership captain of Port in the SANFL.... Was a crap player who got injured too much when he was young, so changed his game into a hard nut and actually improved with age... Still a tool though...
  5. The thing that I find amusing is how some posters can come on here and defend the players to the hilt, saying "It's only pre-season, It means nothing, We are working on structures etc..." At the end of the day, the bloke standing next to each one of our players is having a crack... Why the hell aren't we?? It's fair enough if a team like Geelong or Hawthorn are "not really trying" in the NAB Cup, but we are hardly about to turn it on in a few weeks purely because it's the "real" matches....
  6. John Butcher is good.... Over here they call the kid "The Future".... may well be a gun.... And that is from someone who hates both teams here with a passion and drives around in a ute covered in Demons stickers....
  7. There is no "forum meltdown" here mate, but some aggression and possession wouldn't go astray.... I don't give a crap if its NAB cup, Bendigo Bank Cup or The Reject Shop Trophy Cup!!! Footy is footy...
  8. If I wasn't "used" to listening to this station I would have turned off by now as well.... But living here in Adelaide I have become numb to the pain....
  9. Logan goal for Port.... 20 points up now.... This doesn't look good....
  10. for anyone that is unaware.... This dip$hit Tim Ginever was a premiership captain at Port Adelaide in the SANFL.... A more passionate Port man you could not find....
  11. Nice coast to coast goal by Port.... Neeld would be spewing at our efforts at the moment....
  12. Leading the hitouts 8-2 but Jamar against Redden should result in a lopsided HO count...
  13. Goal to Robbie Gray.... Port 3 goals to 1.... We are getting murdered at the moment.... but only early (fingers crossed) 9 point margin...
  14. Pearce kicks for a "6 pointer"?!?!?! WTF is that? I believe it's called a goal...
  15. We definately don't seem to be getting a lot of the pill..... Was kind of the commentators to appreciate a strong saving mark in defence by Riv.... Courage apparently.... Would hope we get a bit more possession though...
  16. Interesting to see Mitch Clark dish one off to Blease.... Blease from 45m GOAL.... It is nice to see that Blease pinch hitting down forward could be a master stroke.... The kid can kick!
  17. Is Melbourne's plane late?? Have they touched down?? Even after living here for 6 years it still does my head in the lack of talk about the current opposition....
  18. Lucky for me I don't have to hear too much from this bloke.... but easily the most annoying sports dude in the land! Lives, breathes and $hits West Coast.... And I have no time for his pure hatred of Melbourne.... Same as Chris "Bones" McDermott over here in Adelaide.... Have had a few arguments on the air with him about his obvious distaste for Melbourne.... He must have bad memories of Todd Viney running through him and his ribs are probably still hurting!
  19. Must admit it was hilarious earlier on this arvo when Cornesy and Stephen Rowe were speaking to Brian Taylor.... They were going on about Sheehan's Top 50 not having any players from Adelaide or Port.... Rowey was saying Boak is easily in the top 15 and better than Nat Fyfe!?!?! And that Graham Johncock is a better player than Heath Shaw.... BT replied with Boak? Nowhere near Fyfe.... and Heath Shaw every day of the week over Stiffy.... Then BT came out with the cracker "South Australia wouldn't even have one in the Top 100" HaHa.... Oh and the biggest insult by SA's two footy "experts"..... Jackson Trengove better than James Frawley!!!!! WTF are these guys smoking???
  20. Hamish (I've played about 5 games) Hartlett unlucky to be in Mike Sheehan's Top 10.... hahaha.... If you ignore the crap, Adelaide is a funny place to live
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