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The Backyard Charizard

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Posts posted by The Backyard Charizard

  1. MFC - "Jake, we know you are the son of a gun, but in all honesty you need to show us more"

    Jake - "Oh don't worry, I will make you regret not picking me up"

    MFC - "GOOD! That's what we want! Maybe in the past you would've walked onto our list and been gifted a game, but we are a different club now Jake"

    Jake - "I respect that and will push to be part of the future success of this club... Whatever it takes!"


    • Like 2
  2. Sounds like everyone is cleaning up while we focus on bringing in C grade duds.

    Surely you have to give our coaches and list management team a bit more respect than the above?

    It's a long two weeks...

    Let's not get carried away with negativity just yet

    • Like 7
  3. INS:

    Viney, Jetta, maybe [Gawn/Michie/Jones]


    Pedersen, JKH, maybe [Watts/Howe/Newton]

    Gawn could come in and play 70% forward (but then his goal kicking sucks and we have seen him struggle at this level before)

    Michie could come in but doesn't provide a whole lot of run

    Jones could come in - at least he provides some run but his kicking is poor

    Watts just isn't providing anything up forward (granted our midfield sucks but why can't our forwards just lead and mark inside 50?)

    Maybe he should be put behind the ball as an extra defender so we can at least use his kicking.

    Howe could be put up forward but again his kicking sucks.

    Don't know why I even bothered...

    They can lead all they want.... Where to though? The other end of the ground where the ball is?

    We could have Plugger, Dunstall, Jakovich, Gary Ablett Snr, Schwarz (at his prime) ALL inside the 50.... We still wouldn't kick a score that would win us the game!

    The lack of RUN, CARRY and SPREAD in our midfield is destroying us....

    But, alas.... Watch last nights replay and you will see young Billy Stretch looking to spread and getting on the end of a couple.... The kids ARE the future... Our current mid-age players are SHYTE! Barring a couple of the obvious ones...


  4. Yeah, I was at the light training session on Friday at AO and also the game on Saturday...

    A fair few times I noticed that Jones was almost at a walk once the play had left his area... I believe the shoulder/back issue may well be bothering him, but I would almost bet my left knacker that a flu would be the main cause of his lower than usual "awesome" output... Just didn't seem right even on the Friday... Did a few light run throughs and was actually quite 'nasaly' when giving my lad a signature...

    As for T-Mac... He copped a dirty one from Richard Douglas right in front of us... The Crows can bang on all they like about Bernie's tactics, but they gave a fair few cheap shots on the weekend!

    Speaking of Bernie... I have some serious man love for that bloke now! :)

    • Like 2
  5. About to head into the oval shortly...

    Pretty s.hitfull morning here in Adelaide... Drizzle and breeze is starting to pick up...

    Took my son down to see the lads have a short session yesterday when they arrived...

    Jones doing his own thing separately from the main group... I think he'll play as he looked to be moving freely...

    Quite a jovial bunch and looking pretty relaxed out there...

    Angus Brayshaw's reaction when my son asked him to sign his guernsey was priceless... Walking down the race, heard his name, looked around and his reaction was almost like "Oh yeah, that's right, I'm an AFL player now!" Haha...

    Jack Watts (my lads fav) is King of the Kids! Will make a great father when his time comes... Right now I just want him to be a great footballer though :)

    A lot of family in the crowd for Hulk... I have a feeling he will crush bodies like a beast today! After watching McCartin last night it makes me think we've got an absolute ripper in JH...

    Do we win today?

    Viney is a huge loss! In my opinion it could be the difference...

    Hope I'm wrong!

    • Like 10
  6. Evening All,

    I have either well and truly lost, or am losing, my $.hit because I swear I had some form of notification (Email, FB, Twitter, Toilet paper at the local pub) saying that Melbourne were training at Adelaide Oval on Friday arvo?

    Can someone either confirm or deny for me...

    Can't find any trace of said notification and starting to think I dreamt it :wacko:

  7. Listened to the 2nd half on the radio over here in Adelaide...

    Knew that this place would be blowing up with all sorts of hatred and frustration, so avoided DL for a few hours...

    Then decided to come and have a look at the carnage...

    First post I went in to was this one as I knew the Gameday thread would be histeria...

    Thanks for the thoughts... It is pretty much exactly what I was thinking.... It is very frustrating to lose to this mob but after reading this post I am logging out of Demonland for the evening...

    Thanks again...

    Bring on the real stuff!!! :)

    You could sum this match up by just reading my signature below

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  8. Watching on the PC and Chromecasting to the lounge room for my 6 yr old little demon.

    Which works out great because I lose the audio!!!!!

    Hutchy is an absolute peanut! Pickering at least knows football...

    Not a bad 1st quarter into a stiff breeze...

    Toumpas did some nice things by foot... Which is why we drafted him... People will soon realise he is a gem...

    Salem was great floating across the backline...

    Frost's chase was unbelievable.... This guy is going to be great!

    Hogan is indeed the Hulk!

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