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The Backyard Charizard

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Posts posted by The Backyard Charizard

  1. Just now, Clintosaurus said:

    What to say. I have scared the dog, [censored] off the wife and are not far off kicking over the TV at the bullshizen we have dished up today.

    I am feeling exactly what you are saying....

    My wife hates me, my kids are scared of me and I am so close to bursting out in tears it is scary!!!

  2. 7 minutes ago, watchtheeyes said:

    Unfortunately not Jay, for some ridiculous reason it's only available through iPad and iPhone. I think its a licensing thing. Foxtel know that people will just get the live pass and hook their pc up to the tv... Which is what I'd love to do today, but it's the iPad for me.

    Thought so ? iPad it is then... Enjoy the data usage boss! ??

  3. Just now, titan_uranus said:

    I've had a nice air of confidence about this game, until this morning. The nerves have, finally, set in.

    I still think we have the form and the players (not to mention the home ground/crowd advantage) to get us the win but I can't shake the nerves nonetheless.

    A win today sets the season up and will feel great.

    My feelings exactly! 

  4. 1 minute ago, Nasher said:

    Anyway, I reckon if I proposed spending a Saturday doing something that didn't involve her, took up most of the day and included me taking the kids with me, I reckon my wife would open every door for me on the way out and have the bottle of wine cracked before I was out of the driveway.


    That's how I get to go to Norwood games each week... My 7 year old son being out of the house is a huge relief for the wife and 2 younger daughters! ???

  5. It's actually very disappointing to see that this thread has turned into another $hitfight and pi$$ing contest from some regular offenders -_-

    I am sitting here patiently, like many on here, just waiting for the day that Jack gets back to doing what he loves most.... Playing Football!

    I will no longer be reading this thread as it has turned into another boring battle of bone heads...


    • Like 14
  6. 25 minutes ago, Ricky P said:

    I actually reckon this reads like it was written by the work experience kid.

    I actually think you might be right!

    Maybe a 1st year cadet who is trying to get himself a regular spot on one of the larger media sites...

    A bit of a fluff piece but echoes majority of our thoughts on here really... The fact that we are in for a much more enjoyable next block of years as Melbourne faithful :lol:

  7. 15 minutes ago, Bossdog said:

    When will the AFL and it's clubs realise that we aren't Americans............We don't need to be entertained every minute of a trip to the footy.

    If I want to listen to a entertainer I will go to a concert........If I want to sing I will go to a karioki bar or have a shower and sing my heart out.

    I hate being yelled at, at the footy with loud adds and latest odds    I can tell the score by just looking at the score board, don't need to be told at the breaks ...I like to read the Record and talk to my family before a game or even better watch the seconds and try to pick out our next big player.

    In a few years I wouldn't be surprised if we all have to stand for the American National anthem.

    The football is all the entertainment I need.


    Well said.... :roos:

  8. I have just finished reading a few articles on this ridiculous start to the season and I am still in shock!

    It is well known that Hawthorn bust out a team rendition of Horses in the change rooms after their AWAY victories and the Feral Sun article has a big picture of DB singing with Clarko and the team after the 2015 premiership.

    What the hell are Richmond thinking?!?! I would be deliberately rolling up late so I missed that crap and then ensuring I am at the bar during the breaks so I don't have to witness the karaoke on the big screen!

    Stealing someone else's song ---- $1,000

    Embarrassing your supporters ---- $500

    Finishing 9th and still being the laughing stock of the comp ---- PRICELESS :cool:

  9. 20 hours ago, Die Hard Demon said:

    Lets hope not ! .. Jack is a [censored] of the highest order. Has a face you just wanna punch.

    Thanks for the report though Dee!

    I love this comment and it is exactly what we as a club have been lacking... A match winner that other supporters want to punch in the face because he has swagger and takes the best defender every week!

    We are on the way people.... This year is going to be fun! :lol:

  10. 1 hour ago, Whispering_Jack said:

    The answer is to actually buy a membership and turn up the game whenever we can so that we don't have to put up with the inept commentary.

    Helps the club and works on keeping the blood pressure down.

    The answer is actually to remove people from employment position's when they no longer contribute to the business.

    I spend a small fortune on memberships and live 900km away so you're answer doesn't wash with me.

    I help the club, I help Foxtel, God help Sandy!

  11. 1 minute ago, pineapple dee said:

    Called Kennedy Garlett for goodness sake !!  To be fair I find it hard to distinguish between Kennedy and Garlett. Could be twins !!!!  Sandy, go home and have a nice cup of tea retirement

    Fixed it for ya :)

  12. 2 minutes ago, fndee said:

    For a player who got 14 possessions today which included 5 changers and cost us at least two goals I thought he did ok. I really liked the way he didn't drop his head. He kept going, looking for players on the move and eventually a few things worked for him. Despite looking like he was plucked from the Sound of Music cast he also seems to have a fair bit of toughness about him. Another competitor. 

    Like most here I don't believe he is in contention for a round one spot but perhaps will prove more than handy long term

    Agree 100% with your comments...

    I don't know how many times today I got him mixed up with Jack Watts from certain angles.... I must have been channeling Sandy Roberts!

    Plenty to work with....

    • Like 1
  13. 6 minutes ago, Sylvia Saint said:

    I wonder how long Bernie can keep playing for. He's 30 now but in career best form, and doesn't rely on pace or athleticism to dominate. I hope he can play at least another 3-4 seasons!

    Having Simon Goodwin taking over as coach is the best thing that could happen in regards to Bernie... 

    Vince adores the bloke and could very well be reinvigorated for another 3 at least

    • Like 2
  14. 38 minutes ago, Forest Demon said:

    not writing young guys off, but these guys are unlikely to feature round 1 after being a good chance heading into the nab challenge...

    OMac, Wagner, Hunt

    Agree Forest....

    Replace with Dunn, Harry O and VDB

    We have some depth now which is nice!

    Wait until CP5, Trenners and Gus also get involved :)

    Rise up young demons.... rise up!

    • Like 2
  15. I believe that Sandy Brown had a terrible call today...

    About the only thing he got right was counting the amount of shots that hit the post!

    It was actually so annoying that I turned the commentary off.... as I believe it is disrespectful to the players.

    If I went in to the office and ran around calling everyone the wrong name I would have questions asked... and I expect the same will happen with Sandy Hook.

    • Like 3
  16. Thought I'd give it it's own thread.

    Jeremy Cameron reported for a head high bump on Brisbane's Mathieson.

    I have watched the replay a fair few times now and JC is in trouble I think!

    Left the ground, chose to bump when he had ample time to tackle, and made head high contact.

    Mathieson was dazed and took a while to get up with some help from the trainers.

    Cameron has a history of this sort of stuff and I am calling a definite ONE WEEK SUSPENSION!


  17. 20 minutes ago, chook fowler said:

    WooHoo - Jeremy Cameron reported

    Have watched the replay a couple of times and all I can say is... GONE!

    Chose to leave the ground... Bumped him high and contact to the head... Regardless of GWS being the love child of the AFL it is a no brainer!

    At least a week!

    You beauty!

    • Like 5
  18. Have woken up more confident than yesterday....

    Prediction time...

    • Gawn to give us first use at the centre clearances 
    • Viney, Jones and Vince all with 20+ touches
    • Same players all with 4+ clearances
    • Hogan/Watts with 10 goals between them (unsure of the split)
    • Dees win by 23 points
    • I am happy and enjoy my dinner

    Let's see how it goes eh?


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