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The Backyard Charizard

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Posts posted by The Backyard Charizard

  1. Pressure is great around the ground by the Dees...

    Gawn is destroying it in the ruck...

    Game is being played at a quick pace early...

    Jack Steven is a pest as usual...

    Hogan in everything....

    Watts marks ball 30 out on a slight angle after a quick defensive transition by the Prince...

    Misses it right... Unusual from Watts...


    • Like 1
  2. 4 minutes ago, Mach5 said:

    Not at all.

    McDonald spoiled, deliberately flicking the ball away with an open hand, directing it 20m+ toward the boundary, then followed up to see it out.

    A punch to spoil that travels 20m to go out of bounds would be pegged as deliberate, and that is harder to direct than the flick executed by McDonald, sending the ball perpendicular to where he was facing. 

    Deliberated act, and paid as such.

    Nice to know we have an AFL umpire in our ranks at DL :)

    • Like 1
  3. 5 minutes ago, Cards13 said:

    I had booked tickets, was taking a Kiwi and a Pom who both are converting to the Dees (from Rich, such chit Tigs!). My little buddy took a bit of a turn Thurs night so I will be watching from his hospital room instead damn it!! 

    Hope everything is ok with your little one... Hope the boys get up for you!

    • Like 13
  4. After going to see the boys train on Thursday you can clearly see they are up and about... The confidence is sky high and with Jeffy and CP5 roaming the forward line I am extremely confident about this one.  

    The excitement between Petracca, Watts and Hogan was enough to suggest a huge win is not out of the question!

    • Like 3
  5. At training yesterday, William (7) and I were on the boundary watching Christian & Jeffy having shots from the boundary, when Christian dropped the F-bomb after missing one.

    Now, my son has heard plenty of colourful language and he wouldn't have even noticed it, but Christian came up and apologised for saying it in front of Will and gave him a high 5 and proceeded to stop having his shots and took a few minutes out to find out who we were and where we were from.

    After Will told him we'd come over from Adelaide and saw both Casey and Melbourne on the weekend but had to go home straight after training he said "I'll try my hardest on Saturday and when we sing the song we'll make sure you can hear it all the way over in Adelaide"

    The kid is a ripping young man indeed!

    • Like 31
  6. If you are looking for a good summary of the night then do yourself a solid, and read Angry at Casey's report... Spot on!


    After a long and boring drive from Adelaide we got to the ground just before the first bounce. I won't do a full report as my eyes were hanging out of my skull and I was coming down off the caffeine I'd  ingested on the drive.


    Petracca - Moves like a mountain lion stalking his prey, then pounces and hits like a train. Oppo players definitely don't like him and he is very vocal out on the ground. Didn't dominate and I don't think he'll debut until the Bulldogs game (howl me down if you want) 

    Trengove - Smart footballer who WILL be back in the side once required. The end.

    Terlich - Run out of defence was good. Disposal was poor. Barks instructions all night and tries to show leadership but injury is the only way he's back in the Dees for mine. A poor man's H 

    Garland - See above.  

    Max King - Check out the replay in the 3rd for his scissor goal out of the ruck. He should celebrate by eating 300 schnitzels ?

    Weed - Should've received a ton of frees early but the umpires were happy to let him get molested every time he went for a mark. Strong at the contest and aggression is on point. Debut will come and could be anything but for now can share the schnitzel fest with Kingy.

    Grimes - I thought he started really well and at times looks well above this level of footy... It got me excited... Then came the errors of judgement while carrying the ball and disposal errors as well ? Another who on current showing will only play AFL if injury requires it

    Newton, White & Mitchie played ok games and I didn't really give them enough of my love to go into too much detail. Mitch White the better of the three though! 

    Liam Hulett - Now this kid makes me smile! Tall, solid and moves well. Impacts every contest and has a bit of cnut in him. Angry & effective game full of opposition niggling and just all round bad-a$$ attitude... I was impressed!

    Anyway, ground was slippery in the conditions but conditions don't affect hunger for the ball and the Gulls had the better of that department.

    Speaking of hunger... Kingy & Weed... Your schnitzels are ready!

    • Like 10
  7. 8 minutes ago, dee-tox said:

    Generally speaking, we waste far too much time worrying what random journos/ex-players/the public/other supporter websites think.

    As supporters that watch every game our knowledge of our team is in many instances better than those paid to comment on it.

    It's wasted energy shooting the messenger all the time. We know where we are at and that's all that matters.

    I think we'll win around 10 games. Depends on injuries/confidence. That probably won't be enough unfortunately.

    Sanity prevails :)

  8. 7 minutes ago, small but forward said:

    KJ, you can always relocate at half time and sit with the demon army behind the punt Rd goals for a half to mix it up a bit

    That is probably what will end up happening... Although I'm expecting a bumper crowd of possibly 75,000 if we pull a selection bolter... Whatever happens, I am just salivating at the thought of getting back to the G... It's not until you move away that you realise how great it was living in Melbourne 

  9. 6 hours ago, BarnDee said:

    the first bit done it for me wow a boys trip ?  haha seems more like the missus wants you both gone for the weekend or whatever  , but whatever 

    This may be the first time I've ever seen the word "whatever" written twice in one sentence :huh:

    The reason for the trip is due to the fact that my high pressure job requires me to spend an excessive amount of time in "work" mode.  This impacts on my work/life balance and reduces the quality time I get with my children.  Hence this boy's trip.

    I am sure the missus will enjoy the week without the footy bouncing off the walls/windows/fences and can just relax with the two youngest kids

    Not sure why I am explaining this to you, but hey.... Whatever, whatever!

    • Like 1
  10. Just now, FireInTheBelly said:

    I don't know, I reckon the young fella might enjoy telling the ferals to eat a bag of you know whats as they're leaving (early in the 3rd quarter)

    Indeed he may, as he gets pretty fired up the young fella, but his mother will kill me if I don't bring him home safely :)

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