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Rod Grinter Riot Squad

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Everything posted by Rod Grinter Riot Squad

  1. Not necessarily, many just see that the moves we have made to our list, leads to it being a better, more balanced list.
  2. Must confess, haven’t rated your football knowledge ever since you started threads (one entitled “Mushy Green Peas”) on the eve of Brad Greens 200th game. Real knowledgeable and classy...
  3. Nervous about what? Even if you are proven right (which won’t happen), I am not fussed, they will still have to trade for him next year
  4. No, you have been saying there is no chance of a deal, that Freo aren’t interested. Also, Brisbane no longer have pick 5
  5. In the past, one could have made a very strong case that many here did know a lot better...
  6. I thought, if anything, we got Lever for unders, but that is my opinion, both clubs seem happy. if we get 5 and 23 for Hogan, fair deal IMO, better that 10&13, which are two first round picks
  7. 100 of them talking about the length of the thread and biscuits, another 78 taken up by ETD...
  8. Must be huge doubts on his ability to return to full fitness. Gotta feel for the bloke. (Actually you don’t really)
  9. In the meantime, we will spoon feed some information to the media about your contract, make you and your manager look greedy, he can then accuse us effectively of being liars, all is good mate.......
  10. More like 7.30pm, need time for all the ‘immediate’ follow on trades to be announced
  11. Yes and after clearly and adamantly pulling out of negotiations, they met with Hogan...
  12. Thought that when they got Jonathon O’Rourke. he is available for free now...
  13. Just saw this, glad our supporters got to him. Keep up the good work.
  14. Oh please, I just really want to go to the footy and use it. Then I can tell everyone how smart I am
  15. I love it how if a rumour is restated and some posters (RR) don’t agree with it, they demand evidence, if other commentators touch on rumours that support their argument, it becomes fact. A bit like deciding a photo is proof of knowledge of a players intention. Zero credibility...
  16. Hahaha. ”Go M.G.A!” or maybe the crowd could chant MGA, the way the brainless Pies fans chant USA. One of the dumbest nicknames I have seen proposed for a sportsman!
  17. It is not just the players. The AFL ran GWS are having to ship players left right and centre for a massive salary cap dump. The club (and AFL) must have known this would happen, yet still signed the contracts.
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