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Everything posted by w00dy

  1. Just listened to him interviewed on SEN. He was impressive. They spoke about how he played well when Freo were stronger a few years back, but had been moved around a lot recently and struggled to settle into a role. Thinks he's best suited to a wing. Without knowing any more about him sounds like he'd be worth a punt.
  2. How many picks are we now taking to the draft given the space on our list?
  3. Ridiculous he didn't play more for Gold Coast this year. Why get him and not play him when you're getting thumped like they were. But for us? Maybe Casey could sign him.
  4. Given that they wouldn't have priority access to tickets - they'd be denying half their membership from going if it were against another Victorian club. Won't happen.
  5. We have so much depth forward but none down back. Need to balance that up. But can't afford to have Vince and Lewis in the same back line. Play Bernie half forward/middle, I think we need Fritsch to play back in the intercept role, as good as he is forward. His kicking allows Salem to play midfield. B: Jetta, O Mac, Hibberd HB: Lewis, Frost/Keilty, Fritsch ? Salem, Jones, Brayshaw HF: Petracca, Hogan, Vince F: Garlett, T Mac, Melksham R: Gawn, Viney, Oliver I: Spargo (fwd) Harmes (mid), ANB (mid/fwd), J. Smith (back) In: Frost/Keilty, Spargo, Garlett, Vince Out: Weid, Petty, Tyson, Hannan
  6. He's moved from the forward line to the midfield and done well... Could Fritsch play the role? Did he play back at all at Casey? A bit shorter but good overhead. Good disposal and reads the ball well. Would allow one of our mids or forwards in form to come into the team. Otherwise I'd give Pedo a go.
  7. As the dogs and tigers showed you don't want to peak too early. We have about 8 to 10 weeks to find our best form. As long as we beat the rubbish sides over that time then we'll be alright.
  8. And what a shocking game that was...
  9. I think they will now and try to package up 35 with Watts to get back in the first round.
  10. Not upset with this trade, but WADA worries me. I would've sought an insurance policy, aka a swap of first round picks next season. If WADA come down on Essendon, we have pick 1, if they don't, then we still have a decent pick, probably around the range of our original one, probably slightly better. But in the Bombers eyes, a win for them... I wonder if that was ever put forward...
  11. this topic still creates a lot of passion, even 15+ years after the event. could you imagine what demonland would've been like if it existed in its current form in 1996? chaos...
  12. According to Tiger's book, on your first point, he himself didn't go outside and ensure that all members were allowed inside, he was informed (by MFC staff I assume) that all members that were eligible to vote and that had turned up, were allowed inside. On your second point, and as I previously stated, I find the choice of venue curious. As I said they looked at Melbourne Park in the first instance, but then chose Dallas Brooks Hall. The rationale provided in the book as I remember it was that the greatest turnout for a vote had been 30% of eligible members, that Dallas Brooks Hall was designed to handle 50% of eligible members, but that around 70% had turned up to vote. But it still seems strange to initially look to such a large venue, but to then choose a venue that is far smaller. For those on both sides of the debate, I recommend getting your hands on a copy of the book if you can, definitely worth reading and getting Tiger's perspective on things.
  13. this is correct on Gutnick. Ridley mentions in the book that Joe was not at all involved in the club until he came forward at the prospect of the Merger. He had to sign up as a member in order to be involved, and a member of MFC staff had been put in contact with Joe one time previously, as he was told he may be able to help the club with sponsorship. However, Joe was not interested in sponsoring the club at that time. An inconsistency in the book however was the motives for the Merger. The MFC at the time was financially stable, however a consultants report which the club seemed to place far too much faith in, and treated as absolute gospel, was forecasting a large increase in the AFL salary cap in the coming years, and the club believed it would not be able to afford such large increases. This was the motivation for pursuing the merger. o while a cash injection was not required at the time, the ability to strongly grow the club's revenue was required. However what Joe brought in was cash, which was not what the MFC required at the time, and a common misconception amongst the public. The MFC sought the merger for the training facilities and larger supporter base that the merger would provide. What was also interesting is that Joe almost supported the pro-merger side according to the book. After Joe showed up on the scene, he met with Ian Ridley a number of times. After meeting with Ridley and Gary Lyon the day after the merger game against Hawthorn (and Melbourne's last for the season), Joe agreed to support the pro-merger team if the players came out in public support of the merger by signing a statement of support to be publicly released. Ridley and Lyon went to the pub where the players were having their post season beers, and gathered a group of around 15 senior players. While the majority of players were supportive, some were concerned such as Brett Lovett who wasn't confident of getting a game for the merged club. Ultimately it was decided ( at Ridley's insistence according to the book) that they players couldn't sign such a statement, and the board would proceed without Gutnick's support. A couple of points from what I've read in the book, Ridley claimed that no 'members' were locked out of the Dallas Brooks Hall, rather that these were supporters that were not members, and therefore not eligible to vote. Just because people were locked out, doesn't mean that they were members. He also mentioned that they wanted to book Melbourne Park (Rod Laver Arena) but that the Dali Llama had booked the venue for the night. It then does seem strange that if they couldn't get Melbourne Park, that they would chose a far smaller venue as their alternative. Can you elaborate on how the proxy vote was stacked? Are you referring to Bill Guest and his employees? Ridley also addresses this in his book, and was disappointed that it had happened, and that he was not aware of it happening until the story broke. Also he talked of how the vote was conducted by Arthur Andersen, and that this reputable firm wouldn't have risked their integrity by compromising the vote (I do note the irony of this statement looking back now) however I'd have to agree with him on this point. He also noted that the proxy votes had to be submitted by 7pm the day before the meeting, and that they received a heap of votes the following day, meaning that the pro-merger proposal had around 200 votes that couldn't be counted. Finally, the MFC board didn't see it as a 'takeover' either, but rather a favourable merger. However, the two of the most iconic things that define a footy club were in Melbourne's favour, that being the name and the colours.
  14. I've just finished reading Ian Ridley's book recounting the process which saw this club come very close to becoming the Melbourne Hawks. It was a gift many years ago, but only just got around to reading it. Has anyone else here read it? I was to young to remember any details from the dramas of 1996. For those who do remember I'd be interested in your thoughts on that time, that night at the Dallas Brooks hall, and your thoughts if you have read the book. The thing that stands out to me, and this is also the opinion of Robbie Flower who wrote closing comments in the book, was that while the merger was the alternative that would most likely see the club achieve it's objectives, this benefit was not weighed up against the loss of identity that would've been involved. The middle ground didn't appear to be examined. Also the gospel belief that the salary cap would increase by so much without broader growth in club revenues was somewhat naive. The support of the players for the merger was a surprise, as was the sound financial footing the club was currently on when the proposal was considered. I thought it was cash but we were chasing their home ground and facilities. There are also many stories about how the vote was conducted, does anyone have any experiences they could share about this process?
  15. w00dy


    been loving watching him fight the last 3 nights... well done Cadel... lets get him in a Dees jumper, with that much determination I'd imagine he'd do a lot of damage in last quarters...
  16. as far as i stand it the 17 year olds taken outside the draft have to agree to go to the gold coast... the good ones will opt for the draft you'd think and then run the gauntlet of being taken by the gold coast's share of draft picks the following year... having said that those draft picks, will most likely be traded for more experienced players to ensure the team isn't full of kids and gets smashed every week to begin with...
  17. what's with all the makeovers of the posts i make? 3rd one in a row now...
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