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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. excellent post there LDvC Well summised. I have a soft spot for a good ol VIC v anyone rivalry but understand it probably is unworkable these days. I can still remember going to the G , sitting in the members ( oo lal lah...as mates dad was someone ) and watching WA take on the Mighty Vics.. Watching Polly Farmer and some bloke called Cable tear it up was brilliant.. And we won.lol. Great game gee that was a while ago..
  2. I wonder what today's Rumours will be ??
  3. Canberra Giants.... they might just work. Hmm used to be a team called the North Melbourne Giants too.. all things falling into place...lol
  4. Insome respects it took the merger of Fitzroy into the Numb-bears to get the Numbers to make it work. ( apol, a little convoluted there ) Possibly a merger of a relocated underperformer/struggler might make the difference to legitimacy. It would have a history. Just how far NORTH of MELBOURNE is Blacktown ??? hmmmm !!!! lol
  5. But theyve got a history of playing footy in Qld (SE ). It makes for a huge difference in the public psych.
  6. If he can win 3 + give him tehjob for hes fulfilling the major requirement. >> Getting Melbourne to win games of footy.. Love to see that happen , but Ive got to refrain and return to reality. Withot a midfiled we dont have a lot of hope . Still that in his defence is not his fault. Id have Choco , Roos, Craig, Eade Wonder if I can get a bet on boxing that lot
  7. Qld won its 8th consecutive series >>> 8 str8=straight
  8. Eade produced decent workmanlike , very competitve teams. .....that never were able to take the last step and perform at the higher levels. Roos can and did. Arguably off the back of Rockets good work but why was it it took Roos to get to the next level ? Choco, yes a tad eccentric , but is that a reason not to consider him for his ability to develop, to inspire and make a bloody good fist of 'game day'. Oh yes ..He has silverware We have none ( recently ) Id actually put Craig and Rocket in the same category. I'm not convinced , and its only my position for sure , that either will buy the bikkies for us. You do often need a charismatic inspiron to take a team beyond its position and onto the ultimate. Choco or Roos Happy with Choco
  9. No matter what some here are saying regarding the talent or other wise of GWS , it willtake at least 5-6 years before they decently competitive. In all that time they are, and forever will be playing a foreign game in that locale. To argue otherwise is to simply be either ignorant of sydney or bold faced delusiolnally optimisitc about its attractiveness there. Its not. Never will be. Bit like trying to tell the French that others can make better wines . Its irrelevant that they can or cant its perception ( ooh theres that word again lol ) GWS is simply an AFL sink hole. Footy is as much about the atmosphere and such as it is the game proper. Watching footy in the west of Sydney would be akin to attending a "pie night" ata catholic Choirs Enclave. Not overly entertaining....a bit devoid of ambience.
  10. aww what..no like if pulled up ? The argument thats bogus , or rather events as result of circumstances that you wont concede is that wen the circus comes to town and we are chief clown then there is no hurt to the club. Despite the idea we will finally be governed on the field by qualified personel in 2014 that currently we are a train wreck only just keeping to the rails. That,and that many consider that a detrimental quality. This comes back to perceptions of those surrounding this event but you ,you , dont think this has weight. wear it .
  11. As it all comes back to an arbitrary AFL decision it really has not a lot to do with deserts as what's acceptable or needed. Argue til the cows come home about win& or years without this, or that. Matters not. If the comp needs leveling it will be leveled ( for the greater good!! ) Priority...now lets soak that word in, PRIORITY.... i.e what needs to be done before all else, Piority Picks will happen if Vlad wants it. But no announcements before the seasons end, thats the way it rolls.
  12. You evade what happens. thats your perogative you of all people then come with a straw argument..please,.... go away with it Billions are spent on looks, on perception, thats the way of the world , like it or not.
  13. change... all jokes aside...the idea of REAL change. It needs it. It might happen all things indicated . But the change ought to be wholesale, not itsy bitsy. It seems to me that might just be happening. and I could wake up !!!
  14. Hello...my Name's Vlad... My ego is bigger than the whole Sydney Harbour, I want to write history...hell I think we should put a team in sh1fsville...yeah that ought to work.....NOT !!! He doesnt really care ...it was an idea....Does it matter if it costs a 1oo mega bifg ??? nahhh !!
  15. Id like Williams, Roos is fine, Im just not feeling it with Eade, seems he just cant get that final step up the mountain. Maybe we're it. I dunno. Seems ironic Roos stepped in to fix it up after Eade...somewhat poignant in the circumstances.
  16. Footy is in our DNA.... the western burbs of Soidnee... Nahh !!
  17. nuppp.makes for a wonderful distraction. We're a train derailed. GWS are a train to nowhere.
  18. It had a silky feel , but it WASNT silk. Adage holds up I reckon
  19. Gee, just didnt see any of this coming. Just flummoxed
  20. thats true. They CANT be on traded in the first year but Im not sure if the trade period is the 1st year or 'after' it .
  21. According to the rules/penalties someone(s) HAS to take a whack. Unlike the L Armstrong affair there is blatant paperwork to show intenr and use of A non sanctioned substance.. Let the user beware. ALL onus lays with them. Make no mistake Essendon have F***ked up badly. Not only broken WADA rules but are liable in law as to duty of care. Just because its perceived that their existence couldbe on the line doesnt provide for casting all protocols aside. This is bigger than the AFL ...its about Rules and Laws as defined by the Crown and a sporting governance body thst all parties signed to. If it wasnt Essendon Itd be quite simply black / white !! The best they can hope for is the minimum; but not absolution .
  22. OD...Doubt isnt a currency in the eyes of the ASADA/WADA. This is not a court of law.
  23. Here in lays the problem for Essendon then OD. If Danks cant produce any satisfactory evidence to counter the claims of ASADA/WADA then they will be damned on that which is available. So far its just about all bad for Windy Hill . Remember..They Are GUILTY unless they can PROVE their innocence. They have already shown a preparedness to bend things. They have created their own damning paper trail. They have shown gullibility in believing people of dodgy track records. They have played i the very very grey area and done so knowingly, in fact deteminedably so. Theyve played with fire, got burnt and really they cant blame anyone as they lit the match. This is just like anything...thre was fine-print. Did they read it ? Did they just ignore it. Doesnt really matter the rules are the rules. They're breakfast !!
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