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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Premiership points this year is a nothingness. They werent going far anyway. Getting off lightly for mine 2.5 M fine... still relatively light when you compare it to what they were prepared to spend in court. Double it and its something meaningful Draft picks.. 1/2 rounders 2012 2014. Thats Ok Hird suspended for 12 months...make it 12 years and you send a message 12 months and some wack job will weight up the pros and cons Bomber fined not suspended.... not good enough Corcoran....should get same as Hird.. long term suspension Reid. . He has to live with his pathetic effort at stopping it all. Maybe the Medical Practioners Board should have a word !!! Players.. still ought to come under the wrath of WADA/ASADA These clowns have been playing god with the lives of others. Im very surprised they are not open to criminal prosecution.
  2. bugga !!doesnt penalise Essendon that much but actually aids Carlton....where the f'n justice in that I ask you ??
  3. So... Craig Senior/Mentor maybe Adam Simpson Senior Coach ( with L's ) a cast of promising luminaries including maybe the Ranga ?? hmmmm
  4. does rather. Interesting. . hmm who was it who called it as Adam Simpson ?? might be on the money
  5. I sense the many have focused, rightly or wrongly on the COACH, the incoming one. I too. In reality though its the COACHES. The nature of the composition of the panel will give us ( hopefully ) an insight as to where the club sees us going and how. Despite having a large contingent of coaching this past couple of years i dont think it really got the message through coherently. Just as PJ seeks to sort out how the Admin and FD side of things works , so to must the effectiveness of coaching , not just who the main man is. I wonder who they are. Some must have a pretty good idea they are working at the MFC next year, if not confirmed.
  6. Logic would suggest it needs to be sorted now. James is without question the hirdle and one that just doesnt seem in any way inclined to move or budge either. His court action has all but cemented that direction. So much of this, to this observer, just seems so amazingly pigheaded. So many doors are not just being shut, theyre slammed !! Something has to give, and give very soon. Not all Essendon fans are so blinded by the rhetoric.I know some very angry and disheartened ones. They just shake their heads in disbelief, but more to the post handling now than the actual transgressions.
  7. I'd take it a step further ...who can develop our game. We simply dont have one ( not effectual at least )
  8. somewhat ironic isnt it..lol welcome to Melbourne , proudly sponsored by Catch22
  9. I must confess my beef would really be if the points are deducted this year, almost a slap on the wrist all things consider It really isnt much of a penalty ( as far as points go ) . Next year though !! now thats a kick up the rear and holds real meaning. Im sure the money and drafting will be of suitable regret , in the end.
  10. The whole tussle is proving fascinating and compulsive viewing. Hird , about 3 k past the point of no return has thrown away his reverse gear and got the pedal to the metal. The EFC has now totally stuffed up its 'get out of jail " , well at least minimal sentencing, having all but sided with its coach. Im not sure they are overly keen on the direction he's taking them though. Interestingly though as timings go you have a man of reason ( Evans ) jettisoning the club and allowing another hot head , no backward steps type in Little to take the reigns, or should I say joy stick ( but dont mention that around Hird ) Little in his fervour and to demonstrate they arent to be trifled with has shot off most of his weapons ( aka mouth!! ) and now has little ( sorry ) in reserve. The only way out is a conciliatory about turn and baring of posterior to anything the league wishes to dish out. Historically this hasnt ever been Little's large suit !! Vlad, despite any other shortcomings, has shown the league eager and capable of mediated resolution. its in everyone's interest to put it to bed but then theres that Hirdle to overcome if it cant be sorted before the finals actually start then logic would suggest anypoints penalties couldnt really be invoked for 2013 as it would come too late to affect the change in position ( ladderwise ) to afford a feasible rejuggle and onward itenary of games. fascinating stuff
  11. Mate, I think you just about summed it up perfectly. There are positives in many of the choices and there are shortcomings. . Any which way wont be a one stop fixes all as there is just too vast a job ahead for who ever signs on. The incoming will though need a very good and sound understanding of not only the how of getting player; young , older , new and experienced to all play to their ability and in a cohesive manner. All this whilst hopefully implementing a game day strategy that works for us ( that being the combination of players, skills and levels that we are at any given time ). This is something thats been glaringly missing or inadequately attempted for a long while. Other teams with not always that much better on the park always seem better drilled, more intelligent in their use of the ball and far more switched on . Maybe the contrast on playing us highlights their styles and abilities more so than if against another opposition but if there is ever a constant about Melbourne its invariably that others are better football teams. But why?. We have as much resources as most. We seem to do all the right things at training. The players all have some ability to a varying degree. They all came from the same respository as other teams. So what is it. Even currently we have a well respected coach whos had good success elsewhere but somehow under the grey skys around the G etc it all comes to nought. I thought wed play very differently under Craig. i thought the direction would change noticably even if the execution didnt . I know many say you cant turn the Titanic on a sixpence but you can instigate quite a bit of change in a 3-4 period but Ive not really seen it to any significant degree.. it could simply be a variance of the same ol same ol. This in particular is what makes me baulk at NC for next year and on. Again well summarised Dpositive
  12. I can only refer you to Roald Dahl , he had this biggish character
  13. no no no....that would be the beginning...surely cant see the other 17 standing for it
  14. just look at the image Jaded....all will make sense ......
  15. Some famously socio challenged types over the years. There was Icahirdus... who knew best... flew a bit too close to the heat...and ooops !! then there was Marie Antoinhird, she didnt quite get it and thought they should all just take jabs !! but then there was this guy....he was seriously maniacal The Hirder !!!
  16. everything ? Never Much ? often
  17. Tend to agree.. Youd only run the upcoming aspirants through that stuff. Choco Eade Roos and Craig are known elements
  18. My understanding is those listed as starting...do indeed start... position thats another thing. Even if you were looking to interchange quickly why on earth would you give the Crows even 30 secs of a head start, let alone a couple of minutes ? theyll have 2 on the board in that time.
  19. As i prepare to be howled at if we have anything to answer...then so we must. If not, then not. This is a scurge that needsto be unequivocally espunged.
  20. alias..I beleive the thinking of some here ( myself included ) is that Eade and Choco have it would seem more ( and better ) experience at developing a list form the ground up. We are , again, effectively at that point. We do have half a dozen good foundation type players upon which to construct but its a list development/build without doubt
  21. His job wasnt to mentor( officially) but most certainly to oversee the FD in its entirity. The key figure is the head coach. He would have been in discussions often. It was always my thinking the club had Craig there as some sort of sounding board and confidant to Neeld Somewhat curious , to me, was that someone in that position seemed so hands on with the training.
  22. yep , we have honorable losses down pat !!
  23. I would be thinking the approach taken to a seasoned well proven coach would be quite different to that of someone stepping up. You wont be assessing all the same way.To do so would suggest you have no real idea of whom youre dealing with.
  24. I have a sneaking suspicion when its was getting bad that the club would have spoken to Craig and asked, "well, now or end of season ?" Craig might well have given his candid view that Neeld simply wasnt heeding good advice form a number of quarters, That might have been the sealer. Neil is no nong he would have seen the train wreck unfolding. I do wonder about a lot of timing though. Neelds destiny was cemented at the end of the Essendon game. I noticed through the season Craig taking a lot of the main sessions ( well those I saw , Hardly saw Neeld ). Im not over the line being convinced Craig is the best choice for next year. We'll see soon
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