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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Ok...lets put it out there. NC did some bad stuff..it was of his OWN volition all those wanting to make excuses line up >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
  2. No it doesnt. Do you honestly expect Jackson , De Crespigny, Bartlett etc to be part of this.. does the front desk receptionist need to be there, what about Burgo ?? really get real. This is about, and ONLY about the Players and their immediate coaches. thats it !!
  3. cant help but feel im always ripped off at Woolies !! not that fair !!
  4. all relevant ones in...yes... Its only relevant to the players and coaches
  5. Im actually starting to notice this in myself. At the same time whilst I appreciate sereneness and calm I have no particular interest in allowing stupidity of others etc to be either condoned or gotten away with. Its just plain amazing how few ppl get the most minimal of things right. Not us of course
  6. Tommy crossed my mind also. You may well be right..... welcome to the madness btw
  7. its more disarming, more confusing.....its fun lol !!
  8. sorry mate thats just ridiculous. This is about the Footy Team.. not the Footy Club.
  9. youre just a grumpy ol geezer Old..... just like me and the rest of us !! lol
  10. it is easier less annoyance...you remain calm , in control and seemingly happy. The idiot will just be standing there for 10 mins...lol If he decides to follow...and start over...just.. quietly into his direction....one word "NO" with a smile
  11. why ?? its only about the the actual playing list and their immediate staff
  12. Red, the minute someone does that, interrupt back with... Hang on a sec...just need a drink. Doesnt matter if you already have one either. You just walk away ( and not back !! lol )
  13. just getting back on topic this mornings thirst quencher
  14. There is nothing either haphazard or particularly ad hoc about messendon. They are actually very very good ( if somewhat nefarious ) in their planning. You dont remain solvent, powerful and get big buck things built if you arent. To suggest that the 'program' was a bit up in the air is just a carefully added smokescreen to this dark event.
  15. lol..subliminally most likely ...of course ( wasnt a typo..... no-siree )
  16. Something has been made of the notion that possibly there were no records and thats why they arent to the fore as yet ( afawk ) This seems ludicrous. The whole program was based upon the idea that some sort of advantage could be had by going down this murky trail. The only way to know whether youre succeeding or know is to quantify and qualify the results as they come to hand. There HAD to be records , it just stands to reason. To not have them is illogical ( and fruitless)
  17. lets try something silly like talking about it ...here ...lol
  18. i will take the audacious move of suggesting we redirect this back where it came...the Essenddon thread..
  19. The game at stake , or rather the issue at stake is sovereignty over the governance of all that impacts a sport from a standpoint of 'anything ' contrary to the letter of a rule or the spirit of it's writing. The AFL is without doubt conflicted and clumsily ham-fisted in all of this. Dont anyone be fooled into thinking that just because the D9 cant be sen just yet that there's nothing around the corner that will smack Messendon down and level its lofty aspirations. There is far, far , too much at stake here for WADA/ASADA to ever allow this to go unpunished. It would unravel the fabric of its world policing. The teams of the AFL have been used to time scales and such as imposed by the AFL itself. The AFL has no interest in dragging things on too long or even getting to the truth sometimes .It just wants something approaching the look of demonstrating it takes things seriously. Thats not how WADA works. You can bet just when that Tulla mob think they are away clean they will run smack bang into armegeddon. Theres an expression...."Keep your powder dry"..... to some this simply means maintaining a readiness for action and the capability of it. Another application of its merits is to wait until the most appropriate time to shoot. Just because WADA arent laying them in the street just yet doesnt mean for one moment that infractions arent on the way. Its about dotting i's and crossing t's.. Most likely they are also just letting out the rope a bit more. tic toc
  20. like
  21. spirits certainly seem to have lifted. why do i still feel like Charlie Brown though !!! lol
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