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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. 87 was the one that got away
  2. The way of the Roos is to find undervalued talent and refine it. Dangerfield doesnt fit this mould
  3. It was a pretty surreal day there . As many eyes to the scoreboard for the other games as were peeled to the action in front. All ears to the 'trannies' . Amazing day
  4. No one at arctic park will ever forget that day......'sniff' Nothing's impossible.....but reality suggests theres a lot of work ahead Happy to just take it a week at a time with no expectations.
  5. youre joshing surely
  6. Bummers are obviously more concerned about controlling the fallout than the welfare of their players. Its lamentable and scandalous really that there trying to avoid a class action. Surprising ? no
  7. They couldn't be that fn stupid.......
  8. I firmly believe Essendrug should be given no lee way whatsoever. They're in a mire of their own making.
  9. Colin, I can only judge from afar but deeds to date suggest that PJ knows a brown nose or a trojan from a mile.
  10. actually zen is sort of an aside from religion.....pleasantly
  11. Many well meaning individuals came to our club in fairly recent times with good intent and yet we continued rocking and rolling along a dubious track until the inevitable happened and we derailed. In Railway terminology we were in the dirt !! The planets aligned and gods conspired and lo and behold one Peter Jackson emerges from the mist and takes charge. I suggest , with deference to any good works prior , that all MAJOR things good came to be as of this man taking the helm. There are those out there with influence, who have ears and have the ear. I implore these to do all that can be done to convince this man to remain at his desk for the foreseeable future. Obviously Roos gets on well with this man and they share a vision. Both are important but in this instance this topic is about retaining PJ. Those that can.......make it happen..........pls
  12. same occurred to me. either ...someone put hand up and succession plan A was put into action or No takers, or no one seeming up to it .... then it surely had to be Roos for 3 just seemed logical
  13. thought we were trying to shake of the 'shackles' there Robbie !!
  14. Bit early for my birthday....but i'll take it..... Thanks Mr Roos
  15. If he were to, and I highly doubt it, return to the AFL it would be through the draft. He's fair game for all. Anyone thinking there'd be some sort of gentleman's handshake are even more delusion and glossy eyed than those thinking its likely to occur in the first place. This isnt going to happen. Theres more to life than football and hes now come to appreciate this fully.
  16. I know people want to dream, even fantisize over this idea but . Maybe everyone just needs to move on and let it be or dare I say there will be threads ad nauseam to this ideal. Sometimes things in life just dont work out. I wish Mitch happiness, as would I anyone. Im just not bothered by this any more. Our success isnt built on him, it never was. and we move on
  17. Very interesting read. We are a very different club now. The level of expectation is not only there but its enforced and encouraged. Liked the bit about Miller giving a rocket. No easy passes now at the Dees....how gratifying
  18. Given the style of recruiting this past Given the nature of the past draft I feel this holds true. Quite a few wouldnt be at the Dees, given the current criteria I feel
  19. Cross is what Moneyball is REALLY about, no slight on Cross, it's just exactly what Roos enthuses..... garnishing un-thanked talent Im glad he's with us. thanks
  20. I have many periods of Claret-y
  21. i'm partial to a red !!!
  22. no no no....he will think it's sincere
  23. Eat more Bananas peeps...... get back on the mad and sorrow
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