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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Problem.is many playing 5% under that top flight effort. In a game of mm and secs... yeah.....nahhh 🥴
  2. Thanks... Lever an interesting bloke imo. Max...Havent spoken much at length to him....( just a bit ) .. son-in -law went to school with him
  3. Fair to say coming into this season it was expected the Taps Bros to share the load... Grundy resting fwd... Max...well.. Max just cruising everywhere picking off grabs when not rucking. It wasn't expected for Grundy to carry the load nor that extra sweeper in defence to not be there. And thats where we are . Our PLAN B got dusted off far earlier than ever possibly anticipated. Remove Lever and thats a serious hole in the wall. May's not superhuman. He can get flustered on days he has to try reinventing his back half forces only to realise its really just him ( if support staff are underachieving or similarly overwhelmed) I really liked Tomlinson before his injury. Never quite seemed as good since. Needs to back himself more....in same way Lever does. Hes playing a more reactionary game atm.... no flair...little anticipation....to me. We quite a clever outfit when humming... but if a few threads come unstuck.....so do we....majorly.
  4. Its the Footy season... All decisions and focus ought to be about the game/team. Melb Perth Melb Ade Melb !! Not a lot of genius happening there. Should not even be a consideration. We're not there yet when we can't think like a 100% professional outfit.
  5. Thanks Old... Wouldn't have wanted to have made an extra special effort....to get to an "announcement" just to served up stale waffles. Not overly clever by the club imo.
  6. Sooooò.... Big News Tuesday ??? Or fluff fluff fluff ?
  7. Thanks for the heads up Uncle Bitters. So quite simply the place has run amuck? Where was that firm hand , where was the 'discipline' The sanity of a long suffering Melbourne supporter has always been long understood ;) You cant be long suited in all things ......
  8. Possibly among the best threads 'opened' ... I must ask however..... where are the Cheese 'partnerships' ?? Seems an opportunity for a purveyor of fine 'boards' also. Someone is remiss in their perview of corporate allegiances at HQ.. .. pick up that ball..... Also.... what is this strange notion of 'preserving' an opened bottle. The simple rule... you open bottle. You drink bottle... possibly a carry over to the next day... Who are these infidels among us... You want an all-weeker ?...... get a goon bag and be gone !!
  9. I mentioned Bowey to a few (not here... but ...out there...in reality ) My observations of his games so far this year would unfortunately qualify him for "turnover merchant of the year". There's no joy in saying that. Whatever he possessed in calm precision disposal has abandoned him. Far too many times he's over/underweighted kicks or arguably worse...just poor decisions where he kicks to a very low % situation. Either he fixes it or finds himself replaced. He's cost goals at unfortunately important moments of games. He's not alone either
  10. Something of a shame that we hadn't really turned up for most of those games... you know first 3 qtrs... but.hey
  11. Isn't this a very curious and interesting subject for some ,or a bugbear for others. Oh where oh where shall thy Demon heart reside for all eternity ? ( henceforth ) Where indeed. Despite what some proffer (or prefer) we do actually live in a very binary world. You're either dead, or you're not. You're pregnant or your not. You're either a Melbourne supporter or you're not. See a trend ?? Life is essentially about choices, most often 2, to do what is in front of you .....or ....I know you know this.....or not !! So he we are with our eternal favourite kicking toy the question of where we shall be. Over the years there have been many a good idea and/or recommendation and yet strangely enough despite being the founders of this fair game we've been kicked from pillar to post and dealt rotten hands. None of that really matters because that was then and this is the NOW and it's in the now we must be bold and make clever and informed decisions. Some can not grasp that we are never going to get that 'deserved home" , that grandiose location of 'somewhere near the G' Why ? Why they can't grasp ? Well it's hard to let go of a dream. I get it. If the world was fair ( in our minds we would live at the MCG, or something akin to Richmond's setup, but better. We've tried that path...not happening. We could have had the Olympic Park site...well... 'nuff said !! That too a fizzer. Now we arrive a little further down Swan Street to Gosch's. Not called a Paddock without reason in my thinking. Padocks are very usefull...Go find some cows, some horses perhaps , sheep, whatever as that's what paddocks are for. It's a ham fisted convoluted compromise at the very best ( no matter what $$$ are thrown at it ) . It's second rate.Better than a Container at someone else's Cricket Ground perhaps... Goschs is entirely befitting a Soccer Club or some other silly game. Not ours and not this club, my club, your club...The ONE and ONLY MELBOURNE FOOTBALL CLUB.. Yes I'm yelling...I need that to sink in. We are a very unique Club, in any form of code or Sport. Much is made of proximity.. We NEED to be close to the G. Well given our very essence is inscribed upon the walls of that great Stadium I'm not sure how we aren't. No matter where we are...we ARE Melbourne. We aren't anyone else. I go back to the idea that we are unique. We are so SO UNIQUE that we hold a position in this game no other club can. The game evolved out of Melbourne. The very soul of the game lives in the annals of the recorded history of Footy/VFL/AFL. It does because WE put it there. Who doesn't get goosebumps sometimes when you walk down through the G, through the Members, see all the Pictures, the Cups, the History. We are Melbourne. That's something else that needs to sink in for some I feel. We and ONLY we are Melbourne. And again I retrace our point of difference, our uniqueness our major asset of assets. Our name, Melbourne. We are not incidentals like those suburban clubs. We aren't defined by a mere locality , not defined by proximity to a pub, a river, a beach or any such trivial and limiting precinct. We're Melbourne..We embody everything this great city is and has been. For a long while this circumstance has served to hinder our embrace of everywhere and everything that IS Melbourne. We though, seemingly that we were an odd fit as where did we belong. The answer has been staring us in the face all along..Quite Simply...We are Melbounre. We are ALL of it...not just a bit...ALL of it. And only we can... It's time to step up and claim that historic inheritance and stamp ourselves as THAT Club that can be for everyone that is Melbourne at heart. Heart. The very essence of a person, a club, a city, a passion. How often do you hear she's the heart of ....... this place runs to the blood of ....some bloke. Heart. It's where it all emanates. Everything that courses through our veins as Demon Supporters comes from the heart. Every once in a while "OPPORTUNITY" stares you in the face. And like all those other decisions in life you either do....or don't. We are at that Crossroads where you have to either turn left or right. The road directly ahead ( for this prose I suggest it's the road to the G ) is not available. There's a track to a paddock or theres a road to a greener field.. I've included a map below. Would anyone like to guess what's located as near if not at that crossroads ( as it were ) ...i.e the point where the two RED lines cross ?? That Boys and Girls, is the land of Opportunity. It's all but smack bang middle of this wonderful City of ours, located pretty much in ITS Heartland. For those following at home the Geo Centre of Melbounre for the last 20/30 odd years has been the Southern part of Geln Iris. I know Glen Iris well as I grew up there but i digress...lol.... The point is Melbourne is much more that the CBD. It's much more than the MCG ( by a smidge ....) ....it's a bloody big place and there's ONLY ONE.....repeat ONLY ONE football club that can claim its entirity by right of fact that we are the Heart of the Game. We need to stop limiting ourselves and embrace everythingand everywhere that falls within our ardour. Let's be that Melbourne that we've always dreamt we SHOULD be....the one and only Melbourne. The MFC. As such we CAN be located at Caulfield , quite possibly /probably in truly State of the Art facilities. Take it as a positive by stamping ourselves in the very Middle of Melbourne that we lay claim to everywhere, everywhere that is Melbourne...today, tomorrow and the next. In footy there are times to lower one's eyes, in life there are occasions to lift them and think big... hmmmmmm...Think Big...there's an Omen.
  12. Rumour has it there was some sort of game yesterday. I cant be sure as I paid absolutely no heed to it and haven't seen a solitary second of it nor will. That's how much interest I have in this game now. Take a bow Melbourne. Might get interested in March...might not. Might get interested when we get serious. tootaloo
  13. All we do with open windows is fall through the bloody things. The Fuschias landing in the flower bed !!
  14. Unfortunately we ARE.... no one's ever taken the Brisvegas Bogans seriously. .. We however continue to disappoint in front of the Country's largest audience. Make no mistake. ..we are viewed either as a laughingstock or simply pitifully. ..or sometimes both !! I don't take this club seriously anymore..not sure how i could expect others to.
  15. Yes Stretch isn't too flash Truth be told ,AT isn't really that much better. Surely better prospectives.
  16. Cant help it...he's just slightly more than another NQR hopeful. Would fit in perfectly well with current mfc. And that's why I don't want him.
  17. Actually the window was never open..really ...a gust of wind caught it and everyone got excited.
  18. If Stretch trains well. .maybe a position as a ... trainer. As a footballer...hes a magoo Nothing wrong with that. ..just dont clog the list.
  19. Good luck mate All the best Jack Always be a Demon for mine. Stuck at it when many would have withered. A top bloke by al accounts. Enjoy your life son.
  20. He didnt turn us down. He was denied to us by Collis.
  21. There was NEVER a time for a team called Melbourne to play in the NT Never...Never
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