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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. no , but he might need one !!
  2. A Mut does not a Tiger make !! Did you tell them theyre barking mad if they thought youd re-sign ?
  3. The AFL have always really been in cohorts with them effectively. I still maintain AD tipped them off and dont really care for his vanilla denials. AD now Dill just want their little ( npi ) back garden to flourish and arent fussed what manure is used to that end. The AFL realise they are really a small fish in the ocean but in the Aussie pond they feel like Bruce the shark !! I think WADA owe it to all the athletes etc to be fair dinkum about this. What Dill and Little want to do may well be their ideal but they arent the ultimate authority. Of course , we really arent that smart a country so I suppose we just wait.
  4. can Parrot read ?
  5. is an idea but i fear some will struggle to make it to the final siren on Sat !! let alone next week lol
  6. Thanks and good luck with the next gigas to the footy Any inkling as to where Chip might play as often you've noted they at some point split into respective groups ? I would have thought as a back...but am guessing sitting here on a break
  7. Thanks Fitzy seemed up......anyone appear otherwise ? and I mean that in all seriousness as on a number of occasions Ive noted some just seem to go through the motions ( and Im not the only one )
  8. he aint the only one that attends
  9. watch out for Jazza....bit of a wag I'm told Glasses are fine. Wearing mine now, still seem half full
  10. I can fully understand a No position... as its about a perception, an opinion. I agree that im a bit surprised as I too thought he'd be an interesting inclusion for 2-3 years maybe. The notion that he "cant get a game at the Lions" does so without explanation. They HAVE a midfield. They are building with a bit more youth etc who have a little more composure and experience than many of ours. Hes a relatively OK defensive mid ( very Roosey ) who can tag quite well. Thing is until we get a bit more sorted and some of our "guns" come up to speed We WILL need bandaid jobs here and there. it s series of progressions and it wont all happen overnight But thats ok..it was just a thought and a question.
  11. what do you think im doing ?? Need glasses !!
  12. bingo
  13. ffs..if that happens i could retire on the numbers that would be there for the first training. A man's got to eat...lol
  14. and i was just correcting you
  15. he hasnt retired til the fat lady sings RPFC..hes still on the list
  16. Id love to see Clarke and Dawes do a skit on all of this. edit ( not Mitch and Chris...before anyone says it !! )
  17. Im selling beers and hotdogs at training if that comes off !!
  18. I would think it totally dependent on the notion of who's available at any given moment ( year ) If opportunities present I wouldnt be hanging about
  19. so......any Training happening ?? lol
  20. Am waiting for the inevitable... thread #zillion "Dees need a new clash jumper" we do...but we could probably edit all the other ones !! lol Meanwhile back to this Jack fellow. I wonder how he ,indeed a number of current, for the moment, players will go this Sat evening, being possibly a last outing as a Dee ?
  21. have to give you that
  22. funny how Demons pray to Gods !! odd
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