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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. If you dont know the circumstances and betrayal by that traitor then im not sure what team youve been following..
  2. You obviously dont understand the history. Go inform yourself. Yes clueless
  3. A fortnight even longer....and a month an eternity. King predicated his thinking about our Premiership likelihood based most probably on what he had seen to date... And then it changed. His analysis of our woe .... correct or not ? I suspect it's pretty close. Now some may argue whatever, but perhaps he epitomises the maxim even a stopped clock is right twice a day. In this instance he was pretty well on the money irrespective of how he got there or what day it was.
  4. The guy lied to Jimmy's face He is scum You dont get that...
  5. Succinctly... the hunger has gone. It's such an abstract ...it can't be synthesised. The team may well be trying as hard... but it's different. Certainly not as effective. Game has changed... Box hasnt. Hunger ... not there. Its a human condition. The coaching had to change , redirect and compensate for that which no longer existed...and replaced with some other motive. Patently...this hasn't occurred.
  6. Buck stops with the coach. Its HIS game after all. Our game is stale.. getting mouldy in the rain.
  7. Jordan will be elsewhere at end of year. Hes ok... not necessarily ( our ) 1st 22.. Deserves a go somewhere
  8. How does he get a free pass ? He's THE Coach...
  9. Do what you like... up to you. A degree of Booing used to be all well and good (fun) On the field ....Hes the enemy. Ive no care nor love for other teams. Appreciate a good game though....acknowledge good play and players. But .. lets not spill the red or drop the stilton eh... Wasnt life grand before it all got "righteous" and folk "precious " Still enjoy footy... you can rag your mates and still have a beer.
  10. Another boat sailed i suspect.
  11. And when dealing with idiots you need to provide opportunity to allow them to imolate. Gleeson needs to be made an example of. He discards rules at whim. They need to be retrieved and slap his face with them. He proffers no respect....give none. A decent wig would turn him inside out and skewer him on upon his own ego.
  12. For me the fundamental reason for appealling this stupid and ridiculous ban is we have been denied a full and just hearing. The likes of Gleeson want to circumvent the rules to suit. It's that these very rules are not adhered to in my mind constitutes an automatic escalation. The corrupt manner, and it's nothing other, needs to be tested. Allows others to trample on.you.... well more fool you. They'll keep doing it. There's a reason the likes of Collingwood get treated differently . They dont take [censored]. I dont take [censored].. Apparently its on the MFC shopping list Ppl bemoan opposition coaches that complain. Wish ours did. Say nothing ...get nothing.. short of a condescending pat on the head from the AFL. Hunter did nothing wrong and is being punished..... twice.
  13. But that's just the point.. Carl/Coll/Geel will get off... status normal. What is this free for all you speak of? If I was Lachie i might be wondering... so youll go to bat for HIM ?.. I did nothing wrong. 10K is beer change You condemn the AFL by challenging them. They cant control what is said. P.s.. get better Beagles Dees ;) Current bloke a loser big time . Do what the fair dinkum clubs do...get suitsvand wigs that run circles round Gleebag etc. We take knives to gunfights ffs
  14. Quite frankly im disillusioned by the club.. seemingly wanting justice and fairness and then bottling. Don't give me ...oh they went into bat for JVR... so they bloody should. They ought to as a default.. That's the point.. it's like a Solicitor exclaiming "objection" ...it's just done as a matter of course ( given sufficient basis to object of course ) Here there plainly is... Carlton, Collingwood etc.. it's their default position. The league knows it.The league thinks twice with them They know we're a lot softer. I'd go to war against these fools. You dont get change without risk. Push back... push back... call them out. Have words to THEM.. suggest they either get fair dinkum or WE'LL control the narrative. Well push our barrow through the 4th Estate... We'll stink it up bad. You dare to crucify us... we'll call you out Fair's fair at the same time.. a player actually transgresses... we'll cop it sweet. You trump up b.s and NOT hand out the same infringement equally to others then well ask the court of public opinion. People like an Underdog.... most cant stand the rubbish that the AFL does...it's egos...its fiddling with the game...its B.S. for the boys club I wouldn't fear Gil.. Dill or any of that lot... id make them fear us. Theyre custodians, not owners of the game. The best defence is an attack. Tired of these bullies Probably coming across as a rant.. We seem as a club to be often unfairly targetted. If i didn't know better ( and i dont ...lol ) id almost believe there are those in this industry who resent the MFC. Some seem seriously carry a burning fire to smite us at every opportunity. You have two choices.... accept it.. or not. In NOT you have to be consistent lest you are found out Strength of character is not doing something once...it's doing it everytime you're put back into that position. Ive never been convinced we have much backbone as a club... I'm still unconvinced. And for that matter the team plays footy the same way.. go hard when its easy..go missing when it isnt. Same at club level. That is the definition of club culture. Ours needs to change. We're being pushed aside...again.
  15. If he had tried as you suggest in all likelihood he WOULD have caused injury. He would not had slowed/stopped.. not turned nor braced but risky greater injury to both himself and the other nong. Hunter did the right thing. The AFL havent
  16. Youre missing the point. And im not entirely sure what this Prez has actually done !! Please understand. 2 separate issues.
  17. Youre trying to apply reason and logic The AFL is not about reason and logic. Its about Power, Control and $$$
  18. Time to email the prez. We dont accept this [censored] Not prepared to back your players in fair play ? Not prepared to back YOU !!
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