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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Kinda makes a mockery of the league's rhetoric on this subject (clashing) Very happy we both play in our real jumpers. Should be cracker of a game (Hopefully over this damn flu or whatever in time ) Go Dees, honour the fallen
  2. Its good to see us front and center ( ok top ) of the front page of the little one depicting honourable ideals and us in a good light.
  3. Im not sure WADA have a lot of options in this. The very nature of the fiasco demands a continuance of action. So far in sport its rather unique. Aspects alone let alone the convergence of them require a response from the World body: A whole team undertakes a program designed to advantage its players. That is was conceived by a club to be undertaken over an extended period That it involves a "team" in an inclusive competition over a season. That the defendants sought to use nefarious means to subvert the outcome. That the health of the players is still indeterminate is of major concern. If it were ANY of these it should recquire further action; that it is ALL of these demands it. I can not conceive a course that could avoid the ramifications of allowing the precedent to sit as it is. WADA will need to act or be as damned as those it seeks to remonstrate. The stage is set for the main event. I would think all guns would be brought to bear at Essendon now.
  4. And I think they've run out of brown bags
  5. WJ, I believe it more likely in Sydney.
  6. but what does HE regret.Only that it all didnt work out for him. Still denies any real wrong doing. Guys a joke.
  7. What is it they say of some : Oh yeah....you can tell they were lying, their lips were moving.
  8. You can probably use google ? Try your own research. Can you do that ???
  9. Qwerty qwerty qwertycould you desist with this bogus ruse about "lower level of proof" you were wrong the first 100 times. The evidence isn't the issue. It's how the adjudicators view and weight it, indeed even adjoin other where it feels warranted (cas)
  10. The CAS is everything the AFL tribunal won't be. They historically are not only capable but almost passionate about looking at dots, all of them, and joining where applicable. They aren't influenced by any particular agenda. Bit of an unworthy straw comment regarding any known prosecutions like this against a team as anyone following this would know this is the first such occurrence, hence the importance to be seen through to its conclusion.
  11. My understanding its purely up to CAS as to who or what it listens to etc. I'd think it hard to exclude ASADAS participation in anything WADA presents.
  12. Keep in mind WADA don't appeal to the AFLYou'd have to think they've had this in the wings waiting.
  13. Not all think they've been given enough.Recent visit to wife's aunt...good Ol stick..lol. "What do you make of al this Essesndon kerfuffle?" Me...a lot is wrong and they are guilty "Absolutely, they're a disgrace" Point...invariably it's mainly ES that would have you believe the public has any. Great sympathy for the. Many are 'over it' for sure but don't think they're innocent by any means. It's always been my belief that WADA will swing its big bat. I suppose as of tomorrow they can exercise that desire.
  14. Few and far between if any. .I'm trusting that WADA have some though
  15. School holidays still ??
  16. Sing a song of persistence Pockets full of wry 2 and 20 Blackbirds Sook and have a cry.....
  17. We might have turned a bit of a corner yesterday. Long way to go but a few encouraging signs. Just took Danger off my "to get list" A talent but what a "blouse"...are the logies looming ??? Onya Vince...more of same please
  18. Ppl seem to think theres no precedent for teams dropping out of leagues. To simply no want that at any cost is a quasi faustian deal in itself. Might i remind us of: All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. Heads in the sand and la la la is the same thing.
  19. Good mids trump a 2nd ruck Get the midfield humming and happening then treat yourself to some icing. Any money in the kitty goes to getting the Shiels of this world.
  20. The AFL Tribunal: An application of Chaos Theory (loosely) to a judicial event whilst simultaneously applying digital influence to various appendages !!
  21. What would you give Carlton... a trainload of 'irony' perhaps
  22. Lam...they kinda have contradicted themselves ( the 3 wise ones ) They accept X to be X in relation to A But X isnt X in relation to B !!
  23. Sid the word you'd be looking for is...it's BULLSH!T !!!
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