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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Anyone spoken to Stuart ??? Just wondering....
  2. Soooo... Toiges.. Weagles... Woos... Wees'n'poos ... all fighting it out for the glory of the Spoon.. Go get it you good group of guys ...
  3. 🤔Oh Ch9... well.. they wouldn't fib or fob eh Wont shoot...just 🙄
  4. Richmond in the [censored] A wonderful day
  5. Didn't see that coming.....
  6. 🤔🤔 Didn't see the game...... Perhaps you might have stopped with that. Had you....
  7. How much of a heads up would you require ?
  8. Maybe Master Goodwin can look himself in the mirror as well. Give himself a right rollicking for electing NOT to tag Butters.... just for starters....
  9. What was actually to stop Lever just running... running quickly to where the up field umpire should have been waiting and kept running..i.e playing on.... Umpires probably dumbfounded and wouold have been forced to call Advantage..and until that moment no one could touch him.
  10. Leave it to the umpires ... 🤔🤔🤔🤔 Tmac ....head practically taken offf... Free kick Port Righto.....
  11. He was being ragged all the game. He decided he'd had enough. Good for him. A pox on his team mates for doing sfa prior. Yes it was designed that the kid would crack it... and the umps...buffoons they are got sucked in. Do you not understand its a physical game. VERY. There are elements of jungle rule out there. It's not chess....well, not the board version. It's competitive and combatant. There's certainly grounds for standing yours. That is to say a very big part of the game is territorial, both physically as well as mentally. It's not kick to kick and waxing turns. The suggestion you can just "add" to the scoreboard is comical. The path to scoring is all about the 'above'. The game is about winning. WIinning is accomplished by being better than your opponent. That encompasses a myriad of areas, not the least of which are fitness and strength . An adjunct is of course sklll as well as football prowess, but you can have those and still get beaten as you can literally get beaten into the ground and you wont be afforded opportunity. The best and most successful teams have a balance and blend of attributes.. The really good teams deny their opponents at all levels and all paths. A lot of footy is deemed between the ears. Physical intimidation is a tool to that end. Anyone who has ever stepped across a boundary to front up for competitive sport, team or solo knows how much is the physical ability to do it and how much the mental strength to apply. Retaliation, i sense, you mean direct [censored] for tat ? Arguably rarely wins the day, but might square the ledger. No...not Retaliation per se...but bringing the fight and niggle right back at them. Make those hits, bumps tackles really effective ( you cant say hurt anymore.. might upset and trigger someone) If you're prepared to led rough shod .... well.... you may as well not play.
  12. In essence , it's a form of bullying. One that works a treat really. You never lower your eyes ( head ) to a bully. You push back twice as hard lest they win the mental battle and own you. We aren't good at all in this regard. Some teams know how to OWN us..and its our OWN fault.
  13. The problem though is "Learning" and "Winning" are often two very different things. We as observers watch and learn much about the team. The Brains Trust seem slower on that uptake. Footy games at the top level are not meant to be Learning events. Leave that to the magoos. I'm affraid i dont see us improving any time soon. Lessons seem lost on those to whom it should matter most imho.
  14. No ones in fear of playing us now... quite the opposite....see us as that cheeky win. We're stale bread. Rapidly becoming yesterday's team.
  15. It's footy... nothing new. Everytime a team puts the "niggle" in to us....we do what...... ( insert sounds of fav silent things ) Works a treat for oppositions. Umps turn blind eye to the [censored] treatment handed to Max. But he is a big lad.. not enough mongrel imo. As long as we stay the same... it all stays the same and other Coaches will use the tactic to advantage. ( after all it's their job to win )
  16. What......🤷🤷 Got a syndicate nag running at Caulfield....wont like a slow track Get a grip Red....priorities man .. 🤣🤣🤣
  17. And if he miscued that by a whisker he'd kick Rozee in the head and be cited for it... hung drawn and quartered and given 6 weeks holiday. Hunter played the circumstance about as well as could be done. The spotlght ought to be on Rozee... for endangering himself. Maybe the obvious needs to be said by the AFL... if you go head first into a contest youre bound to get hurt and thats on you.
  18. This must rate as one of the most informed and accurate observations of our "style" i have read. I often lament we lose games by design...and you've described it brilliantly. There were a number of curiosities about how we went about that game and every one of them points straight back at the Brains Trust. The coaching handicapped us. It is indeed elementary eh Watson (Top Post👏👏👏)
  19. All rhetoric aside.. all thoughts just with where we are, who we've played well against. Combine with our problematic areas...clearances.. wet weather... opposition pressure. Where do you see us in a month ? Personally I think Ollie is much more critical to our fabric than Max. Max has understudy(s) .... but extremely useful when fit and on song. Ollie is a unique animal. Our season doesn't so much hang by a thread should Ollie not play....it becomes precarious because Clarry has a unique way of bringing his team mates into play. That's not reflected on a stat sheet... Thats partly why stats are [censored]. We are just... JUST hanging onto 4th presently.. it wouldn't take much to slip yo 6th. 6th..7th...8th... same same....you're stuffed. Im not enjoying some misguided role as a doomsdayer... i just look at footy realistically. I discount the footy speak as garbage. I seriously question the ability of our coaches to provide wisdom and direction. We seem stuck in a rut. What gets us out of that rut is players like Oliver who doesn't fit a mould. He just does Ollie stuff. Take that stuff away and were more mediocre/predictable than before.
  20. Thankyou Reason and sense Unfortunately some are in for a rude shock.
  21. Over rate Oliver ?? Hmmm Premiership Player Twice AFLCA winner 4 x Bluey... Checker Hughes Medal Daniher Trophy Career avg 30 d a game ffs On On On Pretty funny stuff there Jimmy. He's not over rated...he's exactly what he is...a brilliant unique player. Absolutely required for our success.
  22. Where have they been ? Theyll just flick the switch next week ?? Couldnt be bothered Friday... was only a kick in it after all .... All of this is plainly ridiculous. We are over rated.
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