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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. OK...the Elephant in the room rises and trumpets " how many players have self dropped BECAUSE they felt the 1sts wasnt for them that week ?"What's that about then ?
  2. Worsfold iught to be aware of the covenant. Didn't he ask Ess if all kosher ?
  3. Adam...this IS a Jack Watts thread...(rare i know) So im containing thoughts here to him. i think Jones inconsistencies are more due injuries and illness possibly. Watts.. a classic between the ears discussion i sense
  4. ahh...now thats a gem of a question
  5. Ill just address this bit if I may. That in itself hasnt become the issue...its a maintained effort that has. Even Jack cant ( mentally ) commit to it it seems..Where to from here then. Players on the park must give all...100%...each week. Houston, we have a problem...
  6. Hes a condemned man...why is there even a discussion. Hes going on holidays shortly. Essendon and their guilty tribe can fester in their demise. only an idiot would deal with Ess. Can't understand for life of me why anyone has. Very poor investment.
  7. Howe and Watts to where...when ??
  8. In time perhaps Ted but nothing of late indicates a change of tune emanating from Windy Hill.
  9. I think someones a bit touchie.... screams someone biting off more than they could chew. fair enough your rules.. seems soft imho ignore buttons have their use Id have thought
  10. really
  11. its ok...i rotate through other moorish items !!
  12. you know it is...and it isnt WJI say that as it goes to the whole nature of how EFC go about things.. Here we have abject proof tthat they really havent changed one iota. There's still that arrogance that they can go about things in their own sweet manner and all others be damned. What with the ludicrous suit against the AFL etc they live in la-la land I agree tough that its really about getting to the bottom of the drugs debacle...but then this just shows the mentality that got them there.
  13. In the end it all boils down to .....we can only have those that turn up to play, 100%...each game as constituents on our list. I'm not sure even Jack could offer an iron clad guarantee....just saying
  14. really.....for a pm ?? hardly seems right . Whole point of pm's surely is to take 'discussion' to a private venue Thats disappointing
  15. dunno.. I like watching Essendon self destruct !!
  16. Prb...exactly. The question returns to team balance,role playing and who contributes what (npi). If we can import a player that can do said role better and more proficiently why keep Jack ? Jack reminds me of doing jigsaws. You get a spot where youre damb sure piece 'x' fits...right up until you find 'y' which is the one you actually need. Both kinda look similar but one's right...the other nqr. Just is.
  17. or the year after that
  18. Learning ?? pffft They wouldnt have dont it had they learnt anything. No...Still the same mob....different shirt
  19. might be hard to answer if you don't know !!
  20. Viking !!!!
  21. all the clever ones keep schtum
  22. Ah....denial lol
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