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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Unfortunately Essendon have created enough of a buffer to survive this crime. Happily abbeted by Vlad and his Diminutives and then Gil and his Dills !! They'll carry on but they still have a few surprises coming their way. They wont be leaving struggle street in any hurry despite what they think.
  2. Thats OK OD...I believe the internet exists where I'm going ( good luck trying to send a telegram these days !! lol )
  3. not a leak as such I'd probably concur...but definitely a deliberate and pointed comment. A shot across the bow before lining up the midship !!
  4. The MFC should simply be granted the foundation licence...as should the Doggies. All others are welcome to "apply" I'd like the club to lobby for this. No more ought we allow ourselves to be trodden roughshod over. A timely reminder to the AFL about history i would suggest.
  5. Dunno....did we wake you up Van Winkl.e ?
  6. Nupp edit just found the theme settings.. cheers
  7. wasnt a criticism.. Porting from versions is always fraught with potential undoing.. Well done but where the red...lol
  8. definitely some red...... ( but he'll be along soon enough I'm sure )
  9. you mean ...like adding some red !!
  10. How do we get that money ...hmmm
  11. How curious. On the mobile skin When someone quotes another you see the quote but not it's author.
  12. Quite interesting. In talking with other similarly minded folk tonight those odds seem laughable. There is NO way anyone can really kniw...it's footy after all.
  13. I dont expect anything..... Im happy to be surprised
  14. When I broke a leg it didn't take that long to waste ...scary really.. The leg returns.. I wouldn't be at all concerned with the leg....it;s the foot. If can get back to full loading and such...well...that's a win for Jack...and maybe for us. So we don't really know much then.
  15. Any wonder ol Vlad did a runner.... the AFL is in deep doo doo
  16. The fundamental that changes, apart form any new additions to evidence is how the hearing is carried out. Couldn't get more fundamentally different if you were to construct it yourself I've touched upon this before in regards it being conducted under the Inquisitorial style as opposed the Adversarial . The AFL tribunal for al lit's denials effectively acted as any court would in this land. It had a tribunal that was composed of traditionally experienced men who law experience would gravitate them towards a "beyond doubt " approach whether or not that was the means test of the day ( which it wasn't ) Yes they would apply the test of 'comfortable satisfaction" but they imho were far from wanting to actually go to the cause of the debacle and instead pruned the evidence back to the point where they of course had to deliver the judgement they did. This being exactly what the AFL wanted/needed and it's why I view the whole charade as a sham. CAs has already demonstrated its vastly different approach. Where it was unable to satisfy its interest in particular knowledge it called before itself a number of players. This was CAS acting, not WADA, not the players, but CAS. The nature of this hearing is to actually HEAR, to open eyes and see, and where bleary of inaudible to look harder and listen more. What becomes fundamentally different also is that CAS have historically been known to give greater weight to evidence that might border anecdotal , or whereby those prosecuting may have A, B, F and H and can only allude to CDE and G via not so much proof as by the probabilities of these being given what substantiation they can muster. The Acid test that the AFL tribunal seemed to apply was unreasonable bordering on the farcical as only Alchemists could have won over the judges Correct The AFl finds itself in very unfamiliar territory. ....no longer the Rooster in the Hen House
  17. have you met him. Have you passed him ?I only ask because those with something ..Indeed have something and you need to be within range to get it. Otherwise you're espousing an idea...and not fact.
  18. The AFL won't bring any more changes. No no no. Fortunately we have the newly invigorated ASADA to do that
  19. Well Old's wet tram ticket finally got used !!
  20. not really..They said they would front on this day and plead guilty....they said this a few weeks back ( I think..Nov 9 or such ) CAS would have known this
  21. I sense WS were nobbled a tad Words were spoken into certain ears by certain others. If this hasn't transpired then they ought to have been hit for 6.... all we got were leg byes !!
  22. only fell on it after ascending a tad too high...Icarus like
  23. Oh I have a pretty good idea
  24. outrageous...... they only used 'safe' stuff......they told us
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