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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. PF. I preferred OW. We know some at the club also did. That wasn't the thrust of my post.
  2. The AFL is corrupt. Nothing new here. scandalous yes, unexpected ? No. The AFL warrants a Royal Commission. It will never come. Those tasked with looking after the game have lost their way and long since made Faustian deals.
  3. Odd that Essendon end up with a full list and we don't.Not unexpected given the nature of the AFL but odd none the less.
  4. Me thinks this has a bit to go in playing out.
  5. Doesn't sound like he's cut out for AFL. He may want to reevaluate where he's going. Edit. Before some Nong has a go. I'm not beratinv anyone for such, its just commentary. We can all have dreams and ideas only to find its not what we thought when/if we get there.
  6. It's the off season
  7. Funny that the council glossed over their culpabilty in not addressing the danger of the potholes only to take the 'high gound' and whining on about 'sensitivities' .I did my shoulder many years back riding into a very similar piece of road negligence. Good onya wanksy
  8. Who is his manager ?
  9. If one has scuples and so avoids Essendon what is Left other than Port !
  10. huh !!
  11. Would you want a 'fragile ' type playing on your forward line ?
  12. Quite the valid point as it happens..There were definitely those that wanted Wines and not Toumpas. Jimmy was more the flavour of that month and the sheep following phantoms all seems to fall into line. The nature of Wines did appeal to some though. The rest is history. Seems we've learnt a bit from it !!
  13. This borders on some sort of joke really. Straight from sooki-lala-land Can of worms stuff. Play the straight bat Giants
  14. Given the nature of Frosties recent injury what was his general field kicking like ? Is it just that hes not up to speed with "by the boot " or was just poor accuracy ? cheers
  15. Milkshake on the shelf leaves a spot. Could be anyone grabbing it. I'll be interested to see who does.
  16. Shame he wasn't really lol . The mistake was made. Think the likelihood of such a recurrence reduced now as it would seem an entirely different type of prototype is sought now.
  17. Both interesting transgressions for WADA to deal with. Just as interesting in a way how the recipients took it.
  18. Hope you're rugged up there WJ.
  19. Reread Largest single code . The Russian Athletics was across a number of sports effectively. The EFC debacle is the largest number of players in a single code at a time. I see your thinking however.
  20. Rubbish "If fit and healthy" has been the catchcry not just his talent. No one has really argued against his original ability just the probability it'll ever be replicated. Backpeddle all you like folks
  21. DL ...more than a few her happy to give him the golden best 22 ticket straight out of the box. Its ridiculous. I actually hope he makes it..I hope we get 5 years top service out of him. He'd love it, we'd love it. Im just realistic
  22. and the public and kids under their charge be damned !!
  23. Im not so sure that WYL veil is of negativity or he simply refuses to pander to the groupthink of someone will wave a magic wand and JT will be a star again. As far as it goes Im in the same camp. Good luck to the bloke but I have my reservations. Theyre based on reality. Anyone who nay-says apparently a negative nancy. Hilarious really
  24. I found that article quite damning of the league. Theyve obviously turned a blind eye to this for yonks and who knows who else was warned !!
  25. I still find this very odd must be keeping their powder dry
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