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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Really not fussed what the odds are regarding where this should influence where we finish. Might see what silly money is on offer for us making finals
  2. The thing about bookie odds is that they are relational to the money being wagered. This in turn reflects a parochial perception of what MIGHT happen. As with any horse race it seldom pans out that way.
  3. and NONE of that is relevant to the criteria available regarding an appeal to the Swiss court regarding a CAS verdict
  4. How will will do....a lot better then that Windy Hill mob !! 12 wins...( there..ive said it )
  5. Not sure how to deal with a topic where Robbo is quoted as the baseline
  6. Really cant wait for the footy !!
  7. The rules only changed in so much as to make a relevance into a definite from an inferred. The gist of the background changed not one iota. This is the salient point either not understood by the idiots or conveniently ignored because it doesnt help their argument. ( then again ...nothing does...lol )
  8. WOW...just WOW.... Someone actually knows wtf they are talking about. All the fact, no bias. Give this guy a Walkley !!!
  9. It will be fun to watch these pro Essendon pollies all be exposed for what they are
  10. Ahhh...which version. The US made for US consumption dishwater ....or the full strength one made for everyone else ?
  11. dies ist eigentlich nicht korrekt, da sie auf französisch zu hören sein wird
  12. On one hand there's the charge and where it was first heard. And on other hand is the WADA appeal and where it was heard. Efc 34 haven't been keeping up The Swiss appeal can only deal with the WADA appeal to CAS , its machinations and its protocols/rules. The Swiss Court wont give a toss about the AFL code as such, it will consider how CAS dealt with the process but as essentially all was in order the application to appeal will fail.
  13. Chris. Keep in mind they are the protocols as of the AFL doping code. The Appeal to this Swiss Court must be relevant to the protocols of CAS and who it was dealing with, WADA. This I feel is where a lot of things get murky when Football clubs and their Legal Beagles go looking for loopholes. I.e they've already tripped over themselves. I will predict the Swiss will suggest to the 34 they are knocking on the door of the wrong house in the wrong street. The only thing the Swiss will care about is 1) Who had jurisdiction ? 2) were all parties agreeable to the rules/laws being applied ? The idea of DeNovo being relevant is a furphy. CAS has shown precedent in this regard and is not really up for debate , despite the protests of the 34 and friends.
  14. Its quite the revelation seeing what I had considered a 'switched on' coach come out today with such a ridiculous stance. He must hold onto the notion that old-school still reigns supreme and unquestioned. The only problem with the 'victim" defence comes when trying to marry such a version of events with the actions taken by the players to be complicit with the program , that being to 'forget' to tell the truth to ASADA. It just doesnt wash does it. The 34 et al arent victims at all they are co -conspirators So here in Beveridge we have either a naive lackey for his supremo or a AFL coach who doesnt get it that the rules are the rules, like them or not, or possibly both.
  15. Would love for Ben to come straight back at him advising him of his "misunderstandings"
  16. Read about Luke and immediately thought he'd gone to the Dark side. Surprised he's so ignorant of what is required and by whom. He seems to be pandering to his paymaster, but he could well be his own fool. Yep, just doesn't get it. Some political apologists for Essenscum are also wanting to grill Ben. Am confident Ben is capable of eating them and spitting out. Senate committee my foot....lackeys !!!
  17. They all should have just gone to Bruce years ago !! Be all over now
  18. One of the most intelligent questions It's the one the shamedia avoid Most pundits seem to think it goes to a hearing...and then. No the request is reviewed quite mercilessly and only if approved, is seen as having legs will it advance. It won't advance
  19. Who do you think you're kidding Mr Tanner If you think your lot’s not done We are the boys who will stop your ‘little’ game We are the boys who’ll run over you again So who do you think you’re kidding Mr Tanner If you think Essendon’s not done
  20. GTG..I expect a fair dinkum game ...I dont expect it to be a walk over but these ol bombers are going to be rusty and far from prime. Even if they were prime theyd be pushing it. I expect a fit younger Melbourne to remind these old farts exactly why they should have stayed home on the couch !!
  21. which Essendon faithful are you referring to GTG ? just asking ... Theyre a motley crew currently ( please no 80's memes...lol )
  22. If the insurance company was to ask why you didnt appeal the correct answer is because there was no legitimate basis upon which to do so !!
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