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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. The whole problem with the the diamond...or lets be more accurate...the sacrificial mid forward press is its a trade off. All well and good if X=Y currently the deficit far outweighs the benefits. Now blind Freddy can see this...unfortunately it's blind Paul in the box
  2. you forgot Lethal and Dipper cruching Tulip.... but I digress much to like about your post there Deespicable...but we know most will never happen. and thats a shame Roos probably thinks we just have to persevere.....why and with what is anyones guess..
  3. Ive seen enough of our defence against better teams to understand its flawed and inefficient. We are getting better at scoring and worse at defending. I have every faith that when our team is day coached with more nouse and we have a better cache of capable defenders we will take on anyone and often prevail. Thats not now.
  4. Agree, but any assumptions regarding the AFL actually understanding the essence of integrity will be misplaced
  5. Selection will be scintillating I'm sure. Haven't got this wrong all year Dees by a gallop
  6. I see honourable losses and a couple of shellackings coming up with a few junk wins thrown in for good measure !! That's not to be belligerent or such it's just a perception. Take Viney out and that's a big drop in productivity through the guts. This will end up meaning less center clearances and more ball time in and amongst our illustrious Diamond. Of course here it will just go to shlt !! We don't have enough skilled or intelligence in the back half to cope. Once any team has opened us up we'll be stuffed. Catch up footy ....all over again . Fmd. Do we not learn .
  7. It's all well and good supposedly trotting out the " for the future" ideal. Good ( read successful ) teams don't do it with wholesale disregard for the likely outcome. You still need to be functional, capable of performing the plan. Good sense suggests incremental change to line ups. Here again the selectors are fcukibg it up. Poor selection is nibbling our ability to play effectively. Roos has even admitted it's been wrong and on a number of occasions. Oh btw...I'm still disappointed
  8. Chris .. we don't have decent quantity of cattle down back. Perseverance with the current inept group is misconstrued. Not all down there are flawed but most are Asus any delusional notion on the part of the FD that we can implement the "PLAN"
  9. Do we really need to sell these games any more ? or is there some other agent acting here ? I wonder.
  10. sadly ...probably true until proven otherwise Don't get m wrong. The club has done SO much right and yet still falls at hurdles..why ? Some serious realisations about inadequacies about the list need to be owned I know what they are...Bet I'm not alone
  11. Its not just a loss, it's the nature of the loss...the why and how of it. It seems as plain as day why. What isn't , currently , is what the club is doing about it. From my seat it looks like cutting off one's nose to spite the face. Those who repeatedly apply a false logic are doomed. The club has done so much that has worked and yet the FD ( read perhaps Roos ) persists with a flawed model Nice job huh
  12. To the author of the OP...and anyone who thinks likewise I'll throw a question back at you The opposite of disappointed is satisfied. Should we be satisfied ? Im not. Far from it
  13. Well that was fun while it lasted Looking towards 2017 now... For all our cultural shift and blah blah blah we still know how to Fuqq any season of football dont we. Still some mentally scarred out there....get rid of them ffs Melbourne and get rid of that stupid bloody diamond while youre at it too
  14. Don't sweat it Ernest We all have off days , mine tend to contain a Y
  15. Come now Bitters. Ernie was known to enjoy a tipple.....just saying
  16. Time for some other schmuck of a team to carry the candle for Gil's Dills Sun's and Giants can have it
  17. Leaning towards a 5+10 goal loss personally. If we give THEM the same paddock it will get very ugly
  18. Has this bloke signed yet ? If not take the paper away.
  19. Well wasn't that a debacle. Seems we're just fiddle fahting around this year after all. Very disappointing. Looking forward to 17 when we can dispense with the bullshlt.
  20. Is there an almighty breeze blowing.....or our kicking's just rubbish hg today ?
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