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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Im sorry Rjay but quite laughable. Are you seriously saying we've got players on our list who cant play footy ? Not all players are AAA .. but you dont get to AFL level... you don't get on a list of a Premiership Team without some ability. Its ENTIRELY the job of Stafford and his boss to ensure theyre playing the most effective football. If they are doing the wrong thing...instruct and train the correct way. We're not trying to solve complex trigonometry here. A lot of what we do up front is NOT instinctive footy. I'm not the first or only one to observe that. We're actually playing a very distinct non-natural style of footy. That has to be by directive. So if you can direct one style...alas....useless...maybe better to instigate another style...again by design. You dont need to be AAA to play the 'right' way
  2. If this doesn't highlight that our forwards trust has nfi ... im not sure what can. This showcases out ineptitude. We actually display not one iota of forward craft or intelligence. Where are the leads...where are the options ?.. Even when options lets kick.it to the pocket....and if thats not bad enough make sure its contested or can be banged oob. Anyone who has played inside the forward arc knows the prime directive is separation. Its to give yourself space and deny your defender(s) opportunity. Thats why you lead, thats why you take your opposite on a merry dance away from where you actually want to be but then get off the leash... you work out of dead spaces into the high % zones. Not vice versa You dont spoil your teammates marks,... you might disguise a block. You dont all run to the same spot...someone looks to the next give off. All of this is Footy 101 Forward play for Dummies.. Someone send a copy to Stafford... with post it notes explaining the pictures.
  3. Question... If its not ordained/condoned... why does it persist?? If it's against the "plan" it would be quickly reigned in. But it's not. It persists week in week out. So why is that ??
  4. Nails it.... many of us suggesting as much. To be honest anyone watching us play would be puzzled. How can a team play so well down back...and be utterly clueless up front. And yet here we are.... Is there the will to fix is the big question. Why are so many glaring errors committed? True to our Hades heritage....we just burn people.
  5. Fantastic potential there.... great location
  6. You didnt miss much....lol.. Overcast in morning then a steady fine misty drizzle most of the time... funny the sun came out at bump out lol. I summised most who had committed to go walk their dogs....still did so.. Many others might have looked out of their lounge room window...or from their brekkie bistro and thought....yeah..nah !!! Thats how it rolls sometimes. We only attended as had a free weekend and hadnt done anything in that area. More the wife's idea lol.
  7. Umm. No.. we had a stall... a lady with van had coffee right beside us...and turkish food next to her... so we had Gozleme.
  8. ask the boss...isnt that why she got the gig ?? Crickets from my vantage point Whilst there I did ponder what it all could be.. An opportunity begging
  9. Excellent observations.. You also have to question the waste of energy. It's not efficient.. its footy's version of scattergun. Just blaze away..push push push ....and hope. The problem with this approach is you need a hell of a lot of skills in your bag to be able to pounce on that supposed deliberate loose ( forced ) ball. There's no intent to control the ball.. it controlling the space and expecting the ball to follow suit. This is quite simply ridiculous. A team that CAN control possession will beat you every time ( all other things equal )
  10. Why do you suppose Clarry and Teac would be told that ? I ask as it seems to this observer that this is our game. If it wasn't surely they, and all, would have already been instructed as such. I dont have the opportunity to go to the training nowadays ( I'm a 100k away and just not that interested in getting up that early.... so big shout out to Kev, Pickett and others ) but by all accounts there are lead drills practiced... but we hardly see it in games...hardly. We all understand its about the dump kicks ( more akin to dumb kicks ) into the forwards. So little about what we do past centre makes any sense to me. We either know what we should do...and dont... OR we dont really know what we're doing ( and do that ....sure looks like it ). Either way its all wrong (imo) and it's way past time it changed. Either Simons words aren't getting through... or they are, just not the words we want. Any which way ,currently its a chitfest, a dogs dinner. We dont seem to have a clue. I only ever played burb footy..but as a forward.... just about everything i see is the anti-ethos of just about all i was ever taught. I thought i might just be ignorant of better ways. A b-i-l .. ex VFL player..a forward also ( bit better than me lol ) agrees with me..He's also coached. Interesting he offered... you ever get that front end sorted... youve a couple more flags coming. It baffles him , as it does me, as i think you too that we just keep on keeping on with the same durge. I can only summise we play that way as it's the instructed way. If it wasn't we would have seen wholesale changes by now..no ?? A key element to why we continue to crowd ourselves and fumble is we have no idea of tempo. We're just a bull at the gate... thumping that ball down there ....then expecting something miraculous. We take no care in what we do... and are then surprised (not) by the results. There is no escaping that the chief culprit has to be the bloke in charge. We should have changed our modus by now. It's not working. I dont think he has a thorough enough grasp of the game styles that need to be employed forward.... or we'd be seeing it. Also the bloke delegated that area is useless. Sure as [censored] ...if nothing changes... nothing will ( outcomes ) Every other coach knows exactly what theyll face... some have the cattle ..some dont... and some are simply better coaches. Everyone...from most here, to other teams supporters, to the sporting media... everyone knows the area we're poor in. What changes ??? SFA !!!
  11. He hasn't done himself a lot of favours of late, but i agree he does use the ball cleverly. He at least knows to look sideways etc . Bit of an enigma . Not sure who he replaces.
  12. By all accounts we train utilising leads.. And then comes game day.. Flinders St, all change, this train not taking passengers. It makes no sense whatsoever
  13. A lot of folk throwing around blindly ..this reason or that ...imho....but its as simple as we are not getting the ball into the right position ( at that encompasses an area...not just one spot ;) ) Footy isnt nearly as complicated as some imagine. Executing it...well, that's another thing but you need to understand what you really want to achieve first. Forward play revolves around two...and only two very simple ideas. 1) Having the Ball.. oh... I know...it's breathtaking in its breavity..And it is.. You have to have it, control it.and get it to where you want it.....which brings me to 2) Position. Ideally an arc 45 deg one goal post around to the other (45deg)... no further than 40m out. Get it there.. You goal...Well...You bloody better...... That is the HIGH % area to be in Food for thought...how often do WE get it there..??? And that explains our problem.
  14. I have no idea....but he seems immune to being dropped...lol
  15. Only 7.5 dead in front... Our style often has us trying to thread a needle at worst....or kick through a doorway at best. We dont play clever in the front 50...we make it hard....all by ourselves.
  16. Don't mind that at all PSD. Might even avoid the pockets a bit with "more thinking" minds getting the ball into the hot spot more often. I still think the idea of the 2 rucks is ok...but it's not nuanced correctly. One of Tommy Macs great influentialabilities was/is to be the link forward going in.... he would oftendrag a defender to the side before moving forward ( losing contact ) and marking.,..quite often too far out for a direct shot ( sometimes though)..His next kick was often toa positionwhere one of our forwards would get 'into".. This straightened us up immensely.. We seem to lack that connection at the moment but no reason Grundy or Gawn couldnt do likewise. They dont NEED to be the contesting forward.....just get it to them ( whoever are )
  17. The oddest thing just occurred to me about our game plan. In a sense its like a picture formed by folding a paper about the middle resulting in a mirror image. Our foward play is all but exactly what we try to force opposition teams to do. Our defenders deny opponents fowards arial superiority, we force the ball wide to the flanks.. We pressure the ball. We deny the corridor and rebound into attack... The most bizarre thing then seems to occur once we get past the middle is we adopt all of those attributes. We try to get the ball from the arial entries ( aka bombing ) only to end up going into the flanks and pockets ourselves. You have to ask....if we dont think having the ball towards the boundary is beneficial for our opponents in their fwd 50...why would we suppose it will work for us ?? We seem keen leading to pockets when really you should be leading out of them. Strange game...our style of footy.
  18. Maybe Chandler gets a rest...... ANB seems wedded to Goody. Goody likes his 'efforts' . All very commendable but the game is won on outcomes. Trying alone is inconsequential....achieving is what it's really about.. We tried hard yesterday; ran ourselves ragged doing so. Achieved little. If ever the maxim " work smarter, not harder' had relevance it must be now. Dont expect to see Bullen at Casey anytime soon.....unless we're training there.
  19. Not thinking you'll need to worry over conflicting positions this year. We're not winning the flag ugly or otherwise at this rate.
  20. Thanks for your report. Shame about the lad. All the best to all.
  21. You, and others, do realise the only STAT that truly matters.... IS .... Goals !!.. i.e tge Scoreboard. There's no prize for winning a lot of trumped up innocuous stats...none whatsoever. You only win via Goals and Points...and Goals far outway points. All those stats have no real context as much becomes subjective... so all.it really tells you is we ran around all day accomplishing very little for the effort. Not a stat but an extrapolation of all of them is to ask....why not ? Why weren't we more EFFECTIVE ? So if you apparently have all the elements....but end up with a dogs breakfast what does that tell you. Tells me we dont know what we're doing once we get it past the centre. We are literally clueless. How can this be ? Is anyone prepared to put their hand up and say our forward game is 'good'... we're just unlucky ?? Good teams, clever teams don't end up with so many shots on goal with as many 'hard' ones as we do. We play a very defensive offence ( forward game) . It's as though we set out to make it harder than it really ought to be. The number one priority as I observe , when we have the ball in our fwd 50 is to defend the ball. It's absurd really. The number one priority is to score. A condition of the scoring is to give yourselves the best chance by making scoring shots the easiest as can be. Is it just me...we seem to attempt the polar opposite. Theyre all quite capable footballers. So the real problem must be organisational.
  22. Someone had to keep an eye on that part of the ground. It's been a major flaw in our game that if you can get out our back door...the worlds your oyster. I have no doubt ( in my view ) that the box plays the % in this regard. But as a manner of playing this game you cant expect it to work all the time, and im sure they don't. But in games ( especially) where your 'game' isnt winning and where the opponent are showing more guile the logical adjunct is to make sure your defenders keep an eye. We should have played one more back behind the ball.
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