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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Or the die has been firmly set already. Either is possible and indeed plausible. We'll know Monday lunchtime I reckon.
  2. more like the Beaver BBO...yes they by far are more akin to Beaver !!
  3. Believe nothing til 2 weeks after it's happened Mon....and even then There;s just an incy wincy shade of foxing involved in tradeweek(s) When the music stops who knows where the remaining chairs are and who's on them !! side bar: Trade week rolling along....we hear NOTHING about Melbourne until ....OTHER clubs let cats out of bags.......How tight is that Melbourne mob !!! I immediately think of "The Sting "
  4. yes but we frown of football talk in there Jack...stop trying to sabotage it !!
  5. Birds of a feather....chinese whispers... probably started by Hawthorn themselves to up the ante. Stay strong Dees...deal with this as YOU want to......not them....go you good club.
  6. keep in mind...Brisbane is the new basketcase... also Maybe Fagan has some insights and want a 'cleaner deck : to start with.. who knows
  7. less and less....what used to be concrete is now just a signpost in the sand
  8. possibly the most bizarre yet compellingly intriguing trade period for a long time. Only a week in and more left field hits than I can recall. Week 2 promises a humdinger of a circus. Roll on....
  9. somewhat ironic perhaps, should Lewis play out a few seasons with us he'd be our next 300 gamer. Footy , a funny game
  10. hawthorn..the new Collingwood...but with some legitimacy
  11. call me late for dinner but I'm not fussed ifhe comes not. Good either way. What I DO take out of this is a multiple. Premiership player actually wanted to come and made active efforts to do so....and the steak knives is NO ONE smirked at the idea. That's a win. Yes shouldn't need to even make comment but I do
  12. Not a whisper, but a question, well two. Has the Prestia deal to Toiges been done ? If not why the hold up...now ? bonus question. Would we still want him if a steal could be done ?
  13. Got to love trade week (s) ; the feverish dealings, the intrigue, the anticipation, the surprise. It's a cornucopia of football shenanigans all rolled into one big nap. So, we done anything yet ?
  14. such dealings arent unique to football. Similar silliness can happen in the normal world of business. People often make decisive comments with their feet ( walking )
  15. if there would ever be a reason to despise that worm even more !!
  16. Strangely in a fashion Saty I understand the idea that you possibly suppose that they DIDN'T ask is based upon. Its that hush hush footy thing. Its that thing where everyone KNOWS but seldom does anyone SAY !! This of itself compounds their guilt as in all reality they KNEW something ( if not everything ) that was going on wasn't kosher. They chose the veil of 'shoooshdom" , that where no one speaks lest they find themselves impaled upon the club gates in the morn. The youngsters will be products of the new induction system. They are drilled, and drilled in the process of what ASADA and the AFL consider to be verbotten. The older ones, well, you;d think they'd be wiser and indeed a few WERE !! Think about that, some WERE !! They thought they were above reproach, they were Essendon and the thing they genuinely believed in in imho is that the club had the wool over everyone's eyes; after all it was about whatever it takes ...no ? Essendon were/are held in such high regard ( still ) by their mates at AFL house that they were not only cautioned, given heads up, afforded a biased hearing and ridiculous punitive measures for their transgression but now afforded a golden way out of the mire into the glow of season 2017 Saty, i mean this with no malice but simple clarity. If you think there was no guilt afforded the players ( as the rest is a whole set of tomes upon themselves, as well as WYL 's tv series ) then you are as gullible as they come wake up lad, smell the roses They are rotten to the core
  17. Well I reckon Ive wasted untold number of hours considering this whole debacle. Used up far too many pixels. Im no longer any more appalled nor angry about the whole farcical incident .Im really rather just sad. Sad that what ought to be a very simple exercise in accountabilities is as with so much nothing more than a game of political ping pong to suit the organisers. Im even over trying to reason with folk who just cant see , the trees, the forest of hear the f'n chaninaw !! Some people are just fcukwits and unfortunately a lot of them run things !!
  18. So to summarize, if we don't understand, we don't understand. So to summarize, if we don't understand, we don't understand. that's right. Actually an inalienable constraint. Well done!!
  19. yeah ....nah I fully understand the gambit but cant see Dedoro accepting that
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