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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Apparently we don't discuss Elephants at Melbourne. Goodwin has a few problems to sort out. The first is he doesn't acknowledge the first one being there is a problem with Elephants. Im starting to seriously wonder if hes the right bloke.
  2. Thing is 7th and 8th WILL be filled by teams that have 12 wins. It will be % I was of similar thinking....you would need 13 wins. We needed 13 in all probability . We might sneak in on 12. Both will only be making up the numbers. So much discussion about making /not making finals when the truth of the matter was our first finals like test was today...and we lost. I seriously doubt we have sufficient of the right stuff to go much further this year. Goodwin failed dismally today imho. He had one job. Prepare a team to play to win. I saw no such thing in Red and Blue today. The required intensity only showed itself around the 12 min mark of the final qtr. A switch flicked on, we lifted, we played good footy and then Collingwood flicked it back off. Not good enough, not yet. Cant play in the wind, cant lift to the occasion. Major shortcomings. I think the publicity announcing our arrival has been a little premature. Today, so Melbourne. The weekend waiting on others , so Melbourne. We're doing a lot right, still doing a. lot wrong. Today was an epic fail all round.
  3. Yes Nasher we did fall apart under pressure. There's much that can be surmised by that I'm suspecting.
  4. I dont care that they know how poor their effort was today ( and other days ) . I dont care about anything Goodwin has to offer up at pressers or such. His only job is to get the Dees happening. I dont care. What i think doesn't matter squat, other than to me. As a follower of this club i am interested as to what these lads and such care to do about these abjectly poor efforts. Again i dont care that they're dejected. If they are it's as a result of their own doing. I'll happily get on with whatever my plans are tomorrow and next week etc etc. Im not going to feel that gut wrenching emptiness that comes from failure. I'll leave that to the club, the coaches, the players. If at anytime they wish success all they need to do is change. I can't do it, they have to. Today was almost comical at times. Tmac and Cox Should probably share a beer and a giggle. Over to you Melbourne.
  5. Getting there and being ready ...can be two very different things. Also the lack of tackling...or anything sticking is self description. We hardly tackled and little stuck. It was embarrassingly attrocious.
  6. Sat between two brothers in law ( Collingwood family ) in the Members. ( Very quiet today eh !! lol ) Even they were aghast at our putrid start to the game. At qtr time i turned to one and said. You thrashed us that qtr. I said watch. We'll win the next 3 qtrs and you'll still will. They thought me a tad defeatest. After the game they were inquiring about lotto numbers !! We're....so....so... predictable.
  7. Would have gone better with the Lasses out there today.
  8. Well...as I sit on the train home... wasn't that just a day of shlt. I saw today as a dress rehearsal for the finals proper. Simply, we're not ready yet If we sneak in we'll be monstered if we play like that again. Kudos to Collingwood....yes they knew how to play the game. We didn't. Time for serious wine medication soon. Not your finest day MFC
  9. Collingwood need to stop for us to win. Some very poor footy from us. Not liking this
  10. ah yes the 1% -ers Thats 1% Brains !!
  11. I liked, as I too was there...transistor radio with earplug. I swear we spent as much time looking at those 'letters' on the scoreboard as watching the game. 1987. Who can ever forget...and lament...so...So...SOOOOOOOOOOOOO close !! I don't want to entertain losing. If we lose id rather just bow out and regroup for next year. I want to be fair dinkum in the finals irrespective of how far we go. We'll know all about today, and our season, in the first 10 mins well, about to head out Go Dees
  12. Thats an interesting aspect. He needs to bring the effort/effect of that suns second half, but from the outset. We have shown we CAN be mercenary and we need to be today ( good practice ) Just put these filthy interlopers to the sword early...and then bury the bastards !!!!
  13. Bont...gotta be one of the most over rated bunheads going around. Dogs getting a lesson from the old birds.
  14. RM...maybe we just aren't telegraphing everything !! Pretty tight ship the Dees these days
  15. Golly...youre right.. I sit/stand corrected... lol scrub what I said...lol Giants might struggle though this weekend... @ Geelong... Blicavs and Tomahawk back in... and the Cats own Umpires !! but as you say..only the 2 points .. hmmm
  16. in all seriousness. Adelaide are a game clear..and much percentage as well. They , the crows could withstand losing to the Weaglles with the leagues highest score and record margin and STILL most likely stay above GWS IGNORE>>>WRONG >>>WRONG>>>>IGNORE
  17. How does Adelaide NOT finish on top. This week is practically a dead rubber to them. No wonder theyre dlicking around.
  18. we're probably more wizened than the broader facebook world
  19. and really its just an idle distraction to the Main Show...this USED to be the main show !!
  20. has a nice ring to it. will be an interesting game in many ways
  21. Still.... if we can account for Sydney...in Sydney...then we can beat any of the rest...anywhere !! just saying Just got to clean up the filth tomorrow first
  22. @Demonland too early for the trade/draft board ? just a thought
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