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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. I can see a degree of validity in this. There's no certainty we'll sort out our foibles at all. We hope so.
  2. Im not so much fussed about Viney , in a fashion. Maybe he was in the gym starting his Preseason but you would have thought as Ted ,I and many think he'd be there. Again I'm more dismayed the othe bloke wasn't. I have no doubt some are mumbling...the old codger's rambling again but its how you carry yourself in these moments that will define you. We still have serious cultural problems ar Melbourne i regretably deduce.
  3. How does that explain the boss's absence ?
  4. Whilst i fully accept there can be this view I dont particularly concur. Makes neit me right nor you wrong . We are opinionating. The basis of mine is obviously different to yours most notably about , i suppose, where you drawca line. Somewhere back in time, deeply immersed in another emotion, i considered 9th to be about the mark. As things evolved and as you note we sat in the 8 for most of the year I think it reasonable to suggest the bar should move from 9th...to at worst 8th but 5th/6th was not an unreasonable aspiration. This is despite all that was perceived to be going against us we were playing some really good and watchable footy. There were moments of 'fade' but overall we seemed vastly improved. That is until it mattered. Well, yes it always mattered but when push came to shove we'd fold like a pack of cards. Someone has to take responsibility for that. Indeed there's one whose job it is too actually do that. Currently missing in action. Im not despondent that we fluffed a gettable chance, yet again. Im not ' end of world'.... that's Kims' territory. Im just distinctly plssed off we seem to be dysfunctional again and the bloke in charge has effectively thrown a club stalwart under the bus. Are the big enough letters for PlSSWEAK !!
  5. I know what i should expect. I know what id like to expect to happen. And yet I don't expect anything. It's MELBOURNE. I'm not being negative, pessimistic, mfcss or "season's stuffed hangover" when i just think if they didn't understand causecand effect this year why will they next ? None of this lot seem to get it. We're all hype and fluff and the clubs motto ought to be "et faciam dies unus" .. Will do it one day...i.e...The Gunnas !! I seriously don't expect anything from us anymore, again, anytime soon. 14-15 wins would be nice. A shiny Jag in the drive would be nice too. I just don't expect it. I'll just watch. NO expectations. I'm tired of being Charlie Brown.
  6. Its bad enough we are the league's new official CHOKERS but that its possible to use the cheating lot as a comparison of what CAN be done is vomit inducing. Im still not happy nor convinced that Chunk alone should have done that Presser. What other club would not have had the man in charge aka ' the Coach' do it...or at be there as well ? Im becoming quite disappointed and peturbed by his abilities. For a bloke with only one year left youd think he'd have more gumption if not bottle !!
  7. Didnt need all. Just the masters of the Helm. Standing united, facing those who indeed might ask a deserved question or two. Too much to ask ? I wouldn't have thought so. I understood the MFC to be a Club, a team. Apparently its a solo act when the Reality bus is coming around the corner. I for one am not impressed. The worst thing you can do in footy is squib....well.........
  8. You know what. Stuff that. They all had a whole season to conteplate this. They all had a whole season to do something about it. Did they ?? Arguably not. So whilst you are a messenger of sorts Older D i dont buy it. Theyre acting like victims....really !! The club, its principals, it workers its FD , its players etc could all be salivating hard won finals had they done one simple thing; brought their A grade commitment and effort all year. That might not have manifested as an A game but it would have given them their best chance. Theyre hurting now...well [censored] me. Try being a paying supporter for 50 odd years !! Boohoo MELBOURNE....grow some or move on .
  9. Had we made it you'd have been off to Sydney...an equally waste of time as you suggest. A lot of butchering on Sat. It was hard to watch.
  10. I know its a Melb thing, brothers , but is it about sets or best fit/available ?
  11. my god..this Bartlett waffles fmd...is he clueless
  12. Jordan should go have a beer with him
  13. interesting as roughly a score of 18/33 consider that....hmmm...interesting
  14. Did Roos leave too early ? as in the club...Its been mention Simon could use mentoring...(who couldnt ) PR as a backroom whisperer would have been gold .
  15. I didnt see this before and I heartily concur. Pizzweak at MFC/Goodwin !! I suggested before it's hardly just one area of fault. It's the players on the day as to the play but in many respects they , as we are told over and over again , are ROLE players. They are given instructions and adjudicated accordingly. So what if those instruction are plainly faulty, or incompatible to the days events? This is EXACTLY what I think is the occurrence in many instances. Im not mad we didnt make it. I think actually they ended up exactly where I thought they might...9th. Its only as the year progressed that indicators suggested we ought to proceed to finals and we obviously didnt I think a great deal of this blame is the FD. We've had players obviously return to battle before they ought to. Is this solely necessity ? We always told they would errr on side of caution yet we could all see any number of players playing below their par and restricted . Thats the FD. Then we have game plans and structures and finer teachings. The backline works like Jake the peg and the midfield often resembles a buslane. Do we actually have a plan for the forward line ? im not too sure. Roos was adept at cultural issues. He is a man of holistic teachings and no doubt help implement change. He also chose Goodwin.. Goodwin is no fool but he's no coaching god at present and far from it. He who refuses to learn from the past etc etc.. and we we're often doomed on days going in with directions to build a "THIS' when is was obvious a "THAT" kinda day. Whilst Simon seems capable of change you have to ask why the players didnt automatically follow the instructions as Simon Says !! He seems to be imposing a one size fits all regimen to the group which whiole on the surface should work it obviosuly wasnt his mentors way who understood 'individuals" only too well. Ironically Roos was rubbish as a day coach and Simon seems a keen student. But he isnt there yet and this shows and in this regard along with the rest of the FD dept they should combine with the players and say . yes we were very poor at times and its the CLUB and as the person who stands where the buck stops I agree 200% with Ernest that the Coach should have stood shoulder to shoulder with his Captain. Irrespective of whether Jack was playing on the weekend or not..He ought to have been there too. Culturally theres still much to get right at the MFC...here we see examples of things done wrong.
  16. well...from the cheap seats...I dont think thats quite altogether right. It's a collective thing. There are issues in how the team plays per the game plan i.e adherence or otherwise. Then there's the plan itself and relevance to a situation. RPFC mentioned this especially in context of Manuka. We plainly got it wrong and that came from above. The players became cannon fodder by following directions. Then there's the players' effort collectively and individually. Barney addresses this also in a post Too right there's blame but there's many to blame for mine. We arent where we ought to be but its not but for a few simple items. Thee's a lot to do .
  17. Id agree with this. Also think Goody has some way to go ..but hes a noob ( sorta ) Still it was HIS job to have a team fit to play ( mentally ) Sat....anyone see one turn up ?. He's the boy in charge and there seems quite a few occasions when lessons were NOT learnt and the same idiocy repeated. I think we need some new blood in here for sure Barney !!
  18. The Cheese platters idea is pretty funny I reckon. I'm kinda hoping there is some out there...possibly with a carafe of Red to wash it down...might go for a walk down the shops in a minute
  19. and not that anyone will find it palatable but Essendon just went from LAST with 3 wins to 7th and finals. Yes..I know..THAT club...but their lightning resurrection and rise...is a ....FACT Anything MFC comes up with is will be all but laughable in that context. Best they say nothing imho.
  20. Imho. Should be Oliver as a cert. Either or both of Pig and Nifty. Jeffy. Sorry not his best year by far. Possibly had cause but AA is about what you DID.
  21. I am fully aware of their " thankyou campaign" . Some folk might have called it a BIG SELL... Is that just too cynical ? Quite frankly thats just a commercial opportunity. Its how organisations work. Dont get me wrong...i call neither foul nor wrong. I did note who you thanked. Actually i took more and an interested note of who you didn't. Mine's probably a far more mercenary view than yours. Mine's born out of decades of durge dressed up as effort. Those that you note are for mine doing no more than honouring their opportunities. They are btw handsomely rewarded for the privilege. I don't decry them that, if they are true to the deal. But is a job. It's their job and choice. Well done to those that did put in. It doesn't warrant imho a thankyou.
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