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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Totally agree Jnr. HE above all should be the spokesperson . Im annoyed we threw our chances away this year...but I move on Im bemused/disheartened we're stupid enough to entertain mail outs for Finals...but Ive moved on and this is actually where I find myself. Im actually pretty pizzed off with this bloke to tell the truth. Not happy Jan.
  2. do you mean ...the deal fell over or he fell over afterwards ??
  3. I dont know if that WILL be it...but it might be or something like it. Have always thought its be blokes and picks etc.
  4. Wow..you know I wasn't going to get excited, because, well, you know how these things go but by crikey that's it !! Where's the lid opener???
  5. We're a pretty balanced club: We make our selves the laughing stock on and off the field..Well done Dees !!
  6. Much of this is actually the first quarter invariably. We've been jumped any number of times. If you have a squiz at my revised outcomes above ( uses only LAST 3 qtrs of games ) you can see how that would have vastly affected/changed for the better our outcomes. It also makes something of a mockery on the reliance by some..even in the game, on this notion all is going well ...we're winning more quarters. Thats far too simplistic almost to the point of irrelevance. Many a time a team wins just the ONE quarter..sometimes they only lead for 5 mins...It's whos at the finish line first. The statisticians have made an industry and a livelihood out of selling snake-oil All you really need to do is play football to your ability for over than 100 min journey. Do that properly and all the minutae will look after itsself for those that can be bothered. Im reminded of F1 and the teams who's cars and drivers are quite competitive...but they just cant get off the line quick enough..Race over really.
  7. Checkers Chuckie Flash and Daisy are conspicuous by their absence also
  8. Well, thanks chunk.. Rest of club sill silent. Wont be hard to spread the respect around then.
  9. Yes Somewhere..i think Post 2017..i dunno...so many threads, i explore our starts.Sad reading. We were...in the venacular....fukkin useless. Who inputted ? Who's responsible. Obviously the players...and then ? In F1 it's ALL about the start. Most competition is ALL about the start. Nothing new here, except to us. We're slower than snails on valium come that firstvwhistle. We embrace catch up footy with a ... You win some you lose some attitude. Marvee
  10. I've gone back to my 'failsafe' stance with Melb. Anything spoken or written is bullshlt.
  11. You have to wonder. We've neve been ... THAT ...far from it....yet been miles from it. Why ?...even why now ? There for the offering...no thanks !!
  12. PsD Im sure they turn up... They're there. Do they turn up ? ?? well. Sometimes they 'turn it up' Sometimes they're there but only seem just so. They're human, they have 'moments' Many of our moments haven't been all too meritorious
  13. So many areas we can still improve
  14. Danelska do you really think the money is not considered ??
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