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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Sorry. Not particularly convinced. Seems some generic ideas worked. More some ingenuity of some players. Im not really enamored by the Goody Game. It might indeed be there..it might
  2. and..... nothing will change . Such is our lot. UNLESS we say enough is enough. Just need to ask for fair assessment.
  3. Yeah... that's them...? Just saying ☹️
  4. Please...no giving the Nuff Nuffs ideas... Scott already a sly slimy whinger
  5. I am....the Maggots couldn't get up....try as they did
  6. Phew A pox on you North Words fail to describe the contempt for Nicholls . Scum
  7. Will we do a 'Scott' and mention the puzzling decisions ?? ?
  8. Funny what you can agree upon ?
  9. Im happy enough if it's blunt
  10. Hole in ground Most Ferrets do
  11. Interesting. I dont not like Daw (if that makes sense ) That said he's never quite hit the strides i foresaw for him all those years ago. Interesting that Nth now want to develop him more as a defender. Im not sure what kind he's really suited to. Today may illuminate. Think he might have a horrid day at school though. Tarrant a much craftier player. Go Dees
  12. ?Something very Demonland about this thread ?
  13. Relax...we got this Dees by 37 All good
  14. Why ought we not getmoney for jam. So many other clubs have hadnew facilities effectively paid for by the AFL ,why not us ? Oh...Rabbits only provide non edible brown creations
  15. I thought we were getting the moula from Gil to do the new digs ?
  16. Football...or more accurately, various nuff nuffs at AFL have allowed the Trojan Horse into the mix. Horse racing has really only ever existed for the bet. Football has and can exist without betting. Ihave no real problem with betting , each to their own but go have it incessantly ramed down your throat is obnoxious. Im sure there must be more to the MFC decision ( i hope ) and look forward to hearing what it is.
  17. Thought we already had Go Dees
  18. So all these machines are going to the tip ?
  19. Hes never really played the gorilla minder. He's an intercept player...like pig...like rivers....like bizzell etc
  20. I disagree. I thought the idea was to double down on the type of player Pig is. Have twice that potency of interception/ rebound. That and insurance should either be injured. Im not sure why the FD are dlcking around and having Lever not play the style ( you know...the one we all thought he was to play...the why of why he came...or so we assumed )but it's not quite working. We can see this ... surely the powers that be can as well ? Whichever...Lever isn't impacting at the level he ought.
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