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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Can take up to 48 hours into week for weekend membership additions to register on the site
  2. Yes ..quite possibly ? However he did lead the league in intercepts and also fisting ball away if required.
  3. I still don't get where some are currently coming from. ( Albeit that might be as much me as them )...however Lever is an interception phenomenon. It's ultimately irrelevant who he's supposed to be on as his asset is derived from playing OFF them and using a very astute sense of ball reading to advantage. Im not seeing alot of the atm. Im not seeing him deliver/place this game. Arguably its by directive from coaching and if so il astounded we would neuter such a talent. I dont see 'patience' as relevant either. He needs to be played to advantage. Surely that why we got him !! You dont buy a Porsche to deliver pizzas !!
  4. It's only Dwayne...the most ineffectual commentator of the modern era
  5. Well Gollleeeeeee Asked and answered....and pretty good precis imho.
  6. We almost need another emoji in the "like' selection The ' thinking man ' This would denote you might give the post worthy consideration.may neither agree nor disagree...but made you think further on the matter ?
  7. Oscar is too nice...He needs to niggle Brown beyond despair. Brown actually doesnt have a lot of tricks...just does the few well. He knows how to suck in the Maggots too
  8. There are the vultures ...and there's the underwhelmed. I'm a latter. Not seeing the value to date. He's experienced and capable. He ought to be leading the way and impacting. He's not...and I'm underwhelmed.
  9. This is the sort of thing that explains the getting of Lewis. Better thinking >>>better results
  10. The talent is there. Talent alone does not equal outcome.
  11. You don't think perhaps self-interest doesn't exist at the AFL ? ??
  12. And yet the club forked out the currency as if he were one (sps ) Goodwin talks a lot if krap at times. Why gey player X... costing $2vNth ..only to negate his best by playing him as Y ? Lever CAN play footy...why is he even at Melbourne ?
  13. Almost reached a pass mark... nearly Still not impressed. Where has all his nouse gone ??
  14. Sorry. Not particularly convinced. Seems some generic ideas worked. More some ingenuity of some players. Im not really enamored by the Goody Game. It might indeed be there..it might
  15. and..... nothing will change . Such is our lot. UNLESS we say enough is enough. Just need to ask for fair assessment.
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