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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. i'm told a fair number of cats Dogs and ferrets count themselves among StKilda's numbers
  2. No , don't be stupid man...he's Hood. He'll be ensconced in some camouflaged manner ....binocular in hand ......?....awaiting a ripe moment to unleash his Hood'dem . All is well though as I believe the Palace have engaged "Tracy Security " for the event
  3. Weed was pinch hitting relieving in ruck...if like for like then more probably Pedders ?
  4. I'm sure it's self explanatory. But are you perchance an expert ?
  5. I think the razing of that salubrious gentlemen's retreat upon Fitzroy St has rattled some far deeper than originally anticipated.
  6. Refer back to earlier post. Thats just Aussie figures. Worldwide Master Chef is the highest rating cooking show.... Sorry..Master Chef AUSTRALIA is the highest rating cooking show. I probably need to say English speaking but given its translated in more than 20 languages maybe the point is moot. Tis entirely possible China watches something else This show is a freak. Yep , not everyone's cup of tea or braised beef reduced jus.....but it does have its little following. Im glad it was US. Would have been livid had another team cracked that gig. I know one of the chefs often used now as mentor and challeng. He's bloody good. This show put him on the world map. To 100's of millions worldwide...we are the MELBOURNE footy club. Someone take a bow.
  7. You've got me You'll have to spell this one out Ethan. Am terribly sorry it's gone through to the keeper mate
  8. Yep... The cynic in me had this in mind for a whiles It's the..... ummmm...AFL way ???
  9. Yep...a draw Knew it
  10. I wonder if both will go down. Maybe a one all draw lol
  11. Dees120 will defeat sCum 72 Go Dees
  12. We know we're the Melbourne Footy Club but we've been trying over time to be identified as THE MELBOURNE Football Club When people think Melbourne...and the idea of Football comes up it should be US that is THAT identity. There IS only one club called MELBOURNE. Here we have a show with an audience of squillions doing just that. Ladies and Gentlemen The Melbourne Football Club. The oldest continuing Football Club... anywhere. Thanks MC
  13. https://goo.gl/images/3xo2Fn
  14. No... Even the selectors don't realise they're selecting...so secret is the method ?
  15. I would be fair to say the biggest issue with tribunal/penalties etc...is always 'consistency' It just there never is.
  16. Hell just rubber stamp Jackson's selection i suspect. It's common in industry to hunt down and select the heir apparent BEFORE announcing you're stepping down. Very surprised if someone not already chosen. Probably a case of waiting til they're available.
  17. Cant believe some have got themselves all knickery about this. MasterChef Australia....for the culinary challenged or simply unwashed is about the most watched English language cooking show .. .in the WORLD !! Let that sit for a moment.... I repeat...WORLD. Its audience is measured in 100's of MILLIONS worldwide. It showcases Melbourne the City...as the beacon and gastrononical capital of Australia. And so on this show that is very Melbourne.... they have as their ELITE Team of Athletes...the MELBOURNE Football Club. You can't buy this type of exposure. Is worth its weight in Saffron. Would make sponsors very happy. Go Dees
  18. Its a bloody tv show. People need lives
  19. The line is at 33 37 is kinda falling over it....but id take it. We've struggled often against this vermin. Sunday will be no different imho
  20. Gil must hate Paddy I'm warming to him......Dfield
  21. Gil flips a coin...to see who flips a coin....
  22. No pleasing some.. Yes..much better it was Collingwood... Carlton... Norda Melbun.. Foootiskrayyy .....or Oh we're from.. Those fools on the hill ??! Get a grip.. what harm ? Well done MFC
  23. There's a chasm of difference between calling something...and prefering it. Dont shoot the messenger...eh what ?
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