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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. And yet we haven't beaten any ONE team currently above us. The law of average might suggest we might have accounted for one or any of the games those teams have lost...but no. There's a very simple reason we haven't Occam says hello
  2. Andy....you and I both for us to play finals...let alone in any meaningful manner we need a lot of things to go right...and in a very particular pattern. Again we fibd ourselves ( imho ) reliant upon outcomes of other teams to pave our way. We've abdicated our position of self determination by losing games we ought not.....or losing some by too much. into the laps of gods go us...again. Gods have never favoured Demons
  3. Taking a positive view ... it's an opportunity to rejig that areavof the park. Possibly make less restrictively formal in setout...introduce a copse or two...really green it up. Currently the swathes of carpark lawn are mundane and underutilised.
  4. Its not about competing...its about Winning. The real question is....can we beat the best ? So far.....no
  5. Hard to write a team sheet til we see who's available. Im not assuming ANYTHING. from here on in. Strangely enough id rather play the Aints at that marvelous place. Strange days
  6. Im curious .. perhaps surprised ...how many gloss over the game against Freo in Darwin. This looms . We have had stuff all success there. Freo do well. Dockers travelling sort of OK...bit under the Radar. This might be where we stumble.. and stumble badly.
  7. No...we need the best 'efforts' on the park. Its abit like the dif between a team of champions.. and a champion team. Better a B grader trying /playing flat out....than a supposed A giving 25% return on a game and going missing. Drop him... make a statement. Make it LOUD
  8. If only Trac were more Flower and less Dorian Gray.... we'd have a bottler. All fizz at present.
  9. Another thought....put car parking under the new oval. Why use valuable leasable/ usable building space ?
  10. As part of the beautification and making the new oval meld into its hosting environs plant lots of trees of suitable types to encircle the grassed surface...giving the new ground a permanent image of being guarded and watched simultaneously. How many trees got knocked for Tennis ? Its not like theyd need to take out that many. The new ' Forrest' will compensate
  11. We share aami Its notlike we can use it whenever the lads want. This has at time needed players to find their own facilities to do out of session work. NOT under the watch of our med/fitness guts. Amateur hour really. Time to leave motel8 for the Hilton
  12. A very fav film btw Im sure folk will find the place without too much difficulty... It'll be right next to some other ground of note ?
  13. I mentioned in another thread.. we were goalless in last qtr.. That's not really finishing it off too well...is it ?
  14. This to me is indicative of our culture...the idea that playing finals is an achievement. It's not really....it's an opportunity...an avenue to an Achievement. Playing a GF is an Achievement...winning it an even bigger/ better one. Playing finals is a means to an end only. No one cares who comes 2nd 3rd etc.
  15. To any and all who are comforting themselves with the idea we would a beaten them had it not be for XY or Z decision....or another other subjective hypothetical... may I just offer a reminder of our sterling scoreboard pressure of that last and very important quarter.. My lord ....I offer into evidence...point 1...and point 2 and not a single goal Gone from attacking the record number of winning qtrs .... to not even snagging a sausage !!! Not a good time of the year to start getting the wobbles.
  16. Clarko would presevere with him in the Magoos....wouldnt have started him in the 1sts till was actually developed..is..had a tank...had the right mindset. Reputation means zilch with Alistair....you earn your spot. Christian currently holding a golden ticket
  17. Might needmore than a week OD
  18. He might have all the right ingredients...but he's working to a very ordinary recipe. He seems to have neither the tank nor a grasp of the everyday work ethic required to put in 4/4 of 100% effort. If he doesn't discover these he might as well be traded. He indeed could be anything...but if you were to ask the broader footballing community who would rank among the most disappointing in 2018...i think CP would be right up there. Needs to lift.
  19. And yet strangely reminds me of someone ?
  20. Imho the MFC will and should care less about pandering to the whim of a few hundred occasional spectators. Thats not how you go about a business case for the establishment of a world class facility thats 99% about use by and of a club, its admin, players and coaches. Its about what provides the best outcome for the club in the manner IT will use it.
  21. This year we added Flat track bullies to our cred...hey thats how we roll... There have been for mine 3 games thus far that were finals like in so far as it was just a pressure cooker. Thats 3 for zip !! Unless we learn this next step up we ain't going anywhere...and even if we go there.. we're still going nowhere. A brand wont get you anywhere...a culture might. That and tactics with the right players...in the right place
  22. Yeah... Hmmmm And what happens when expectations aren't met ? Seems one rule for some... golden tickets for others.
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