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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. No...please question the 'steering committee " ....i do. That was a schmozzle...from selection to execution. A train wreck forseen.
  2. Once upon a time ...in a different place long long ago there was a team called Melbourne.....they were brave and took on all comers and always held the Chalice upon high.......... that was then...this is now discuss
  3. going early eh Andy ?? lol or just escaping the meleee ??
  4. Because we are Not the day many were expecting...esp those in jumpers i suspect
  5. Lets be fair... he's not alone in that circus
  6. Ah Gary.....could you find us a decent coach....cheers.
  7. Is Dom...is good.. Been ok today...hes abit lonely
  8. Whod da thunk Babies and such would be more entertaining !! This is rubbish !!!
  9. Who was it who asked how the maggots would bring it to the Saints ? Unbelievable
  10. We will never win a flag with Jones commanding the middle. Let the howls commence. Hes a trooper...but bog average in disposal.Kills us week after week
  11. Well...Saints have come to play...no surprise. Can they maintain the pressure for 4/4 ? If so...we haveca problem. Theyre blanketting Tmac. We're struggling to get at sticks...Gus aside. Need a much better qtr to get back ahead.
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