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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. I'm not sure what to take away from that game last night. Is our game against the Cats more achievable ?? or the game against the Crows more daunting ?? Talk about swings and roundabouts .
  2. Im not sure JKH has the ceiling to be anywhere near a replacement for Nifty
  3. An observation of JKH at AFL level during previous stints. Yes he was often involved in play...often laying tackles. Sounds great...good defensive play for a forward ? Reality...he was often out of position and second to the ball. Why ? Seemed like he wasn't quick enough to be first to the ball. Hint...guy with ball is doing better. He we have an example of an illusion...is Harris is putting in. In a fashion...but he's not being effective .....as a fwd...only in defence....or "pressure moves" No pressure on the scoreboard though. And....the stats are bogus.
  4. Some are a tad whistle happy...others think they see things. Some just ought not be officiating...not up to it. Reduce umps on field...less is more ( efficient )
  5. One thing in Kennedy's favour...he might be running faster than many others.. in the final QTR
  6. Are you capable of informed posting. Yet to see it. Hope the comedy career takes off. ( Get a better writer )
  7. He's not slow as such...just not quick. This is the difference between effective at VFL...and not so much at AFL. It's a valid criteria for being relevant or not at elite level. He does some nice stuff...at this level ..some needs to be more ' a lot' ... otherwise someone else should.
  8. Don't get me wrong...it's absurd. Geelong supporters would ,of course end up with better than half allocated..as that's how it rolls down there. But the AFL condone this effectively.. Cats have clout
  9. It's my considered thinking if we were to only have won 12...and somehow had enough % ...then...I personally doubt we'd be in the eight. If were... we'd be turfed quickly. I think it's a min of 13.. including two decent scalps otherwise they'll only best us again. 14 wins.. we have a shot. Just my thoughts
  10. Maybe that's the crux of our failure...we need to think 2 weeks at a go.....no ?
  11. We don't do well on expansive wings... Odd really ?
  12. Imho the problem with JKH is the ability to translate good VFL form into AFL .
  13. I know the humour of this...yet it's a salient point. Were it not for Max's other outstanding abilities... Max shouldn't miss the sitters. No one should.
  14. H&A is different to finals. There's been a push for whoever's the higher finisher to have 'earnt' a home final.
  15. I don't quite understand the blatant disregard for history. The AFL is quite open to home finals for elimination finals. Geelong isn't without clout in these things...we hardly have any.
  16. Be surprised if went anywhere.. Be MORE surprised if Uncle Jimmy's travelling circus doesn't open the cheque book. North are an embarrassment of rejection. They'll be keen.
  17. You're quite condescending of late eh Nasher. Do you bother to read a lot of comments ? I wonder. Quite simply the lad has a long way to go. Immensely talented...but hardly consistent...nor continuous of effort/effect. What you deign to call logic is nothing of the kind. Also what you want to brush as hate..is also nothing of the kind. It's called opinion. It's not hate. Try looking the word up for its meaning. Some folk rate him as an ability...just not his application. There's an opinion that he's just a bit ahead of his actual accomplishment. He wouldn't be the first. I'd love the bloke to play as many, here and the general footy following ( public and media ) think he might. Hes made his own bed.
  18. Geelong would argue hard..and not without cause for a home final.. should we play them..and if they are above us. Would not surprise me in the slightest if Gil accommodated them
  19. God forbid anyone utter less than a glowing fawning opinion ?
  20. Very overrated imho
  21. Surely the AFL.... ?? I'll stop there
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