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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. how many games has Daisy played so far ? ?? Good luck to them...Daisy and her clan..
  2. Easy to pot ol Blighty...but I reckon he's got a valid point. The MVP would just about be the donkey vote of the Sport. Right up there with media awards also
  3. The club must have a plan. They won't go to him with a rubbish offer...our track record of recent times suggests otherwise. I'm bloody curious.
  4. Soooooo....if we're sniffing around...then what are the dominoes ? Watson....the list is afoot !!
  5. Playing two rucks ??? Is this a new thing ? Back to the future
  6. not sure Demons listen to him....bit of history there I believe
  7. we really need a Hmmmmm emoji Hmmmmm....interesting, bye bye Filopovic ???
  8. @binman...its not that anyone offered ridiculous Coin WILL move...but that they might where before it wasnt an option. Life....money....stuff happens
  9. Totally agree Moonie .It's the job of list managers to be vigilant. They work ( hopefully ) year round , compiling scouting reports, keeping an ear to the wall of the world of movement etc. It's the job of list managers to live among scenarios and what-ifs. We're fortunate to have a good crew in that department now. Id be aghast if they were not working the abacus and ouija board of possibilities. In Taylor and Co I trust
  10. Hopefully the future is full of little Bernies and Bernadettes !!
  11. youd think theyd get him a nice dark navy blue with red piping eh !!
  12. A vast improvement for the Dees. Still ..most qtrs isn't a guarantee to success ( ultimate ) Interesting.. Richmond ..same
  13. out of curiosity...where was Richmond last year ( qtrs won )
  14. That seems reasonable. I dont think anyone is suggesting ad hoc pawning of the lad. Of course it all falls under 'what if " that said point one :1. If another club WILL offers big money to Jesse: point 2 is the default. Again I cant see the club initiating anything....why would it...it can only unsettle things and cost a lot of money...BUT.... things CAN change, and then one thing acts as a catalyst. But essentially NC...youre just describing the generic basis of trade week....Sometimes things happen ...or not. Yes its speculation . Wild ?? I dont see it as terribly far fetched .
  15. exactly...as mentioned above The suitor often needs to outbid the resident club.... thats how players get interested. It might also be said it is sometimes when clubs get interested. Im sure right at the moment things are relatively normal...and then the circus comes to town.
  16. We seem to play better with only 2 big KPF in the arc....it declutters
  17. What am I refusing to concede ? He may not go home. He might. Until it's over it ain't over. We /you/ anyone can't debate the merits or even likelihood of an offer(s) until they surface. They aren't going to surface until we finish with finals ( with flag ) There are a number of different realities in footy. The h/a season. Finals.. Trade/draft circus... preseason . Each has it's own climate and peculiarities. Those most left of field environment I would suggest is trade week. If Jesse stays ..all well and good but exactly where and how he plays is a , imho, a vexed question. If he goes... again all well and good...what do we get. Who here would seriously bet their house he stays ? Brave
  18. Bernie Bernie Bernie... What a bugger to not go out in style. Thanks for your efforts , contributions and leadership. A Demon champion.
  19. Johnno suggests no so much doesn't....just not to right spots. Than in itself might cause him to be ignored as mentioned by another.
  20. Funny how many don't see this...we stop bombing relentlessly...and efficiency to goal increases. It brings into question the whole fwd structure and how we play. This in turn raises the notion of who plays where. Hogan may be very good but he may not be the best solution. Doesn't surprise me some can't decipher the difference.
  21. Strangely I think Garlett would revel in the climate of a final.
  22. my there are some pompous among us. close all threads then What comical arrogance Careful wearing those Emperor's clothes there ....
  23. Don't think so. It's scanned tickets I believe
  24. The seeds are there because they are there. You can glibly deny it til the cows come home. A thread on anyone isn't warranted. Nice deflection. I don't attempt to paint all with one brush as you would.
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