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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Nice over reaction. Suits your stance. Real ironic? Surely you actually mean 'really ironic'. You seem to infer an unreal ironic. Now that's ironic. I get it you're among those that dismiss the notion as wildly heretic. I have no attachment to any player. I'll barrack for them in red and blue, otherwise they're irrelevant. I'm only interested in a good competitive team. That team needs balance , depth , ethics and the right attitude. It must work together as a team and implore the team ideal. I happen to think ( so it's just my opinion I grant ) that we function better without being hogan- centric. He hasn't shown imho the true grit required when face with superior competition. Others on the park do. I'm happy for the club to sort that out as I am for them to entertain offers. I don't really care whether he stays or goes. If he adds to the equation, fine. For mine the values placed upon him are exaggerated. That said I'm more than happy if other teams see greater value in him and offer accordingly.
  2. Really...don't like free discussion eh sponge. Go somewhere else
  3. And I said " he'll be" which infers a distant date. If you want to get pedantic
  4. I can't...but a wonderful sentiment. Like yourself...thanks to the players...who'll be leaving.
  5. thankgod we're not after Cripps !!
  6. we hardly had the bloody ball !!! fair go......lol Dont think it did them any harm....just saying
  7. Thankyou...its valuable context. I dont think anyone really thinks the lad isnt talented. It's a very one sided extrapolation to say he'll be as good as Kennedy. That said it would not surprise me if WCE made a play for him
  8. team X just mawls you ...humiliates you....mocks you... and people want to barrack for them ?? odd
  9. maybe you might want to study those same statistics closer
  10. maybe this is the new problem...playing in front of small crowds !!! ?
  11. a very similar phenomenon as the latter quarters v Swans. Nobody...absolutely No One wanted to have a kick at goals if they could avoid it. Thats mental weakness. You're out there...own it...It's your job to take the opportunities when they present. Most bizarre really...borders on squibbing imho
  12. Wasn't there some rumours/talk before game that Omac mightn't get up for the game ? Maybe just whispers...maybe not ?
  13. Some suggest I'm negative. Actually I'm pretty positive ..... that it's 54 and counting. Only ONE team will truly achieve anything this year. It ain't us. As others opine..some hard/harsh decisions ahead.
  14. The sky isnt falling....but by golly the ground opened up and swallowed a few
  15. that is the most confounding aspect. The levels of expectation, the pressure of even getting into the finals..the pressure of sudden death...Managed all that..quite well I thought. The opportunity to get an invite to the BIG Dance..... went to water. All between the ears...get it fixed Melbourne...or we'll always be cinderellas....and no Balls !!
  16. Is it really nonsense though to highlight that 'impressive' stat ?
  17. How's the bit about a team that COULD NOT SCORE A GOAL IN A WHOLE HALF OF FOOTBALL sound ? Just wondering. Sounds marvee to me ( not ) That's a record you can wear with pride yeah ?
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