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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. But there is a cap !! Always will be for forseeable future, so that negates the big spending at all costs.. any team will still have to have a list ...and pay for it . Who say we adopt all the restictions or clauses of the NBA ? is that entrenched in stone somewhere ? NO I would imagine like anything you look around at all best practices currently on offer ( and any suggestions made by those concerns to improve it ) and take on board the best elements and concoct your own Free Agency agenda. No its not the be all and end all...and it would be for all. But it needs to be explored as a viable avenue of player tranfers.
  2. It was very tabloid by nature wasnt it !! ah well.. ""......we'll be putting a lot more resources into our development and coaching structure than we have in the past. This is not really my area to talk about but we’ll have probably a couple of development coaches, an innovations coach so we’ll be putting a lot more into our playing group to help them improve. """ gladdens the heart to hear this.... Build the foundations and then the rest will follow.. good stufff this. No cosmetic, quick fix rebuilding. its a whole redesign of the philosophy. this is good
  3. not knowing who's actually going to nominate ( makes it a tad hard ) ...but if a genuine decent defender lobs up... i wouldnt care if they are 25, 26, or egads....ancient and 27...if they can offer 3 good solid years at FB then Id snag them
  4. Please, Im not endeavoring to be mischeivious in this thread ,just genuinely inerested. I really like this bloke when he plays. He's no nonsense, knows where to 1) get the ball 2) what to do with it. He delivers into the forward line with such explosion and then there's the dreaded OP. It just worries me that even if we can get him somewhat fit , will we be able to get him match fit and if so how long will it last. And all that is purely form a standpoint of what we ( as a club ) get out of him but at what expense ? I really hate to think it would have much longer term ramifications to hs general health. Id love to see Beamer rip it up for us. Between say Him, a switched on Brocky and Jonesy.. we have one formidable clearance machine. I just have this sick gut feeling we wont see Beamer again and if a hard decision needs to be made , one that values him as a person as well as any potential contributions then it s better sooner rather than later so if theres any real knowledge of where he's at.. am sure we'd all appreciate it cheers
  5. thanks for posting that guys...an interesting read. .CAC being quite the diplomat...lol as to the whole TJ thing... this bit all but summed it up for me """That's what I think his challenge is – to take all the talent that he's got and we've seen from time to time - actually bundle it up together and become a star. And leave the game when people say "that Travis Johnstone he was a really good player." """" onya CAC onya guys
  6. nobody know how he's travelling ?
  7. this is indeed the irony...its not actually that many are saying he's bad.. Just undeperforms to his ability. He has indeed played some stellar games.. but seldom teh whole season. He is/was respected in the club for his high ability and its this that he was paid hansomely for. So how would you feel to be shelling out for a Beemer..only to get a falcon most of the time.. ?/ A little underwhelmed perhaps ?? Nothing wrong with Falcons btw ( i have one..lol ) but its not what we're expecting is it ?
  8. well then ....we better just get his dressing gown and slippers.. prop him up on the bench .. get him a hot milo and a copy of the record !!
  9. food for thought Its reasonably well spread around now that amongst the scenarios and "problems" that Bails had to deal with during the interview appointment process revolved around a certain player TJ .. One can only assume he answered this dillmma to the approval of the committee. The rest as they say is history. People this is not a rash impromptu decision; its been brewing for a while. ... and now its finished.. we move forward !!
  10. The Doggies are taking anyone and anything not tied down at present; wouldnt surprise me to see the Hamburgular line up in the pocket next year !! Big Red as a development coach... I do rather like that though... he does know and understand footy very well .
  11. Anyone who cant quite get their head around free agency is really living in another century. Why shouldnt a professional be able at some stage ( after fulfilling certain requiements ) be a master of their own destiny ? Would you want to be told for the rest of your life where and where not you can work ? of course NOT !! and why should they !! Just about every other major code has learn to deal with it but good ol' AFL drags the chain!! how surpising. As example you could have it that a player needs to have fulfilled their initial contract after drafting ( so effectively their second contract fulfilled ) and they are their own. It could be time based as well. Say 5 years or 100 games might fulfil this. etc etc.. There would be rules govening allowances for inuries etc. This is not necessarily THE answer...just an example . Im all for free agency for those that have earnt it...seems only fair !!
  12. For mine...here in lies much of the equation when evaluating players. We do so ( well many do ..I dont ) against the measure of the club itself instead on ajudicating againt 'league best " etc. Guys we'v ehad some pretty oridnary years with some extraordianrilly averagee performance within them. At times you couldnt really rise you head to speak well of any of them. I am quite happy to say there were definitely occasions when Trapper almost seemd like a lone wolf. There is no doubt he tried ( at times ) But often when the ol adage .."when the going gets tough etc. " Trav would let this get to him and he'd start turning in stinkers. I certainly dont want anyone to think he was alone in this though. Is it by coincidence that so many of us seem to to think hes been rather lazy at times. Trav's been good ( sometimes ) but he doesnt offer the same going forward and right now thats where his value will be judged. Apparently the rule at Demonland is now...its no so much what you might have done...its what youre going to do thats of value. Bails obviously doesnt think its what we want. I suppose time will tell.
  13. Can anyone kindly bring up to speed on how this lad is travelling? Contract ... Injury /Fitness? Cheers
  14. I could see a role for Pj as second up ruck. Like to see him rested on field up near sharp end rather that taken off all the time as is way of current rotations
  15. I agree he's far from perfect.. . Defence is a team effort also. people have to know what coridors to block and what hot spots to guard...its not a one man show. I do however totally agree his knee is his achilles heel.. ( nothing like a moxed metaphor is there..lol )
  16. Im ver inclined to agree. Watching some of his Sandy games he is vastly more verstaile than seeming alowed to work in his time in red and blue. I dont think either Neale or Riley used him to good effect. I at least like the idea of trialling him at CHF. ( at least he leads the right way!! )
  17. a similar thought just re-occured to me also .. Be brave.. stand firm.. ridicule incoming !! :D
  18. A long time ago I suggested trialling him at FB.. ( of course suitable laughter and scorn eminated ..lol ) but if he isnt the gun forward any more ..Id at least like to see him work tested in this or similar role in the preseason. We arent as short of forwards as we are big backs !! this is cue for hysterical laughter !!
  19. I have no problems at all with Trapper going north. Its a pragmatic decision . As ML offers, his kicking wasnt quite so mecurial over time as the myth alluded, stil he could kick to a spot off the goal square ( Wheats has a almost permanent job now Id suggest ) A lot of people live for the "myths" and no the realites. Those being truly observant of what was really being done here will applaud the NEW MFC way!! Its about forming a team that gels and is competitve and in doing so wins more than loses. Its not about an all "feely good " fairyland of a mates club !! Hopefully its also a bit of a wake up call for some others currently on the fence !!
  20. Johnson is more of a all round ruck / folower type who can be very handy in the front 50 m.. He's not a true ruck. we really have like 3 and 1/2
  21. we dont have a fullback period !!! we dont even at present have a likely looking candidate. 2nd and 3rd ups's yep, have a few. A good , quality , miserly fullback.. No where near it. I was half hoping we might be trying to snare a half hopeful in the trade....nada !!. we worry so much about kicking goals but we let them slip past with monotous regularity. either Bailey is playing for time and looking to get someone to work into the spot over time ot he has some miracle sure up his sleeve. Of all the spots on the field this one worries me the most about our line up.
  22. ahh but they arent exactly apples and apples !! you know what to epect from Bolton !!
  23. I think this is the crux of the matter, MFC will sit back and see what we're offered. Should no more trades transpire then we've stil ldone rather well. But is a 'bargain" pops our way, well we're in a very good position to play ball on our terms Yes.. might be an interesting day The PSD still has me intrigued .
  24. Ok..i'll say it for us all.. cant wait to see exactly what this potential is that we've all obviously overlooked ( sorry.. 95% of us all) This I must confess is the only aspect of this week that confounds me. Happy to take even two serves of humble pie if he can get this guy to be useful on a football field !! He must have somethig particular in mind as he's been rather purposeful in the short whiles he's been at the helm. I await the realisation of the vision !!
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